
One World Action - For a Just and Equal World. One World Action's policy change programme contributes to deepening policy discussions at the UK and European Union levels by informing policy-makers of the views and experiences of our partners from Africa, Asia and Central America.
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Peacefire - Peacefire was created in August 1996 to represent the interests of people under 18 in the debate over freedom of speech on the Internet.
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Amnesty International - Amnesty International (AI) works to improve human rights through the actions of ordinary people around the world. We have a record of real achievement. Prisoners of conscience are released. Death sentences are commuted. Torturers are brought to justice. Governments are persuaded to change their laws and practices.
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ANCOP-GK New Zealand - A vision in progress:
No more slums. No more violence. No more poverty. All through sustainable, replicable, and doable programs.
Putting our VISION and MISSION together - ANCOP believes that there is HOPE IN PARTNERSHIP
Our Goal: GK777
Rebuilding the Philippines
Building 700,000 homes in 70,000 GK Communities in 7 years.
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Associated Black Charities (USA) - Founded in 1985 to represent and respond to issues of special significance to Maryland's African American communities, and to foster coordinated leadership on issues concerning these communities.
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Care.org - CARE takes great pride in our financial efficiency and accountability. We work to maximize the value of every dollar we receive. More than 90 percent of our expended resources - goes to support our poverty-fighting projects around the world. Less than 10 percent of expended resources go toward administrative and fund-raising costs.
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Doctors Without Borders - MSF delivers emergency aid to victims of armed conflict, epidemics, and natural and man-made disasters, and to others who lack health care due to social or geographical isolation.
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Gawad Kalinga (GK) - Gawad Kalinga (GK), translated in English means �to give care,� and it is an alternative solution to the blatant problem of poverty not just in the Philippines but the world. Its approach is integrated, holistic and sustainable � a concrete action plan to rebuild this nation by harnessing the best of the Filipino � our faith and our patriotism.
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Green Peace - Greenpeace exisits to protect our environment. Know the Earth has finite resources, it is not a rubbish dump. Support the future of humanity by supporting Greenpeace
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International Orthodox Christian Charities, Inc. - In response to a need expressed by members of our Orthodox Christian community, The IOCC was established in March 1992 as the official international humanitarian organization of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas
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Mission Possible - A Georgia based organization founded in Since 1993 to spread the word that aspartame is a toxic poison unfit for human consumption... a slow neurotoxin that is especially bad for diabetics. Much of the information on this site may be downloaded and disseminated in the public interest.
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NowSpace - Nowspace is a meditation technique that leads us to our true desire and creates an experience of peace, contentment and happiness in our life.
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PERC - Property and Environment Research Cener - PERC - Property and Environment Research Center is the USA's oldest and largest institute dedicated to original research that brings market principles to resolving environmental problems. Located in Bozeman, Montana, PERC pioneered the approach known as free market environmentalism.
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Red Cross - The International Committee of the Red Cross is an independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance.
It directs and coordinates the international relief activities conducted by the Movement in situations of conflict.
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Taking it Global - TakingITGlobal (TIG) is an international organization, led by youth, empowered by technology. TIG brings together young people in more than 200 countries within international networks to collaborate on concrete projects addressing global problems and creating positive change.
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The Association of Medical Research Charities - Founded in 1972 and was re-established as a formal organisation in 1987. The objects of the Association are to further medical research in the United Kingdom generally, and in particular, the advancement of the effectiveness of those charities of which a principal activity is medical research.
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The Bright Path - The Bright Path is available to all who desire true freedom, Enlightenment; to all who yearn for that "something more". Humanity has been asleep for eons, denying their True Nature, and living in separation and ignorance instead of living filled with Praise, immersed in Gratitude and overflowing with Love. This is not a pipe dream, this is your birthright.
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United Nations - The United Nations was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN: membership totals 191 countries.
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World Vision - World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.
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