Erotic Stories > THE WISH
"How much is this," Ben
called to the proprietor of the junk/antique
shop!?! "What have ya got there,
sonny," the old man asked while shuffling slowly
over to where Ben was standing!!! "Just
this old leather pouch with this little booklet and a
funny looking glass crystal!!!" "Ten
bucks and it's yours," the old man replied as he
turned and walked away!!! "Hey, what
is it, anyway," Ben called after him while
carefully holding the glass orb in his hands!?!
"It's ten bucks as is and twenty if I gotta read
ya the directions!!!" Deciding to take a
flyer, Ben pulled a saw buck out of his shirt pocket
and dropped it on the counter before leaving the
was a warm sunny Sunday afternoon, and since it was
only three o'clock, Ben decided to swing past the
park and take a little nature walk!!! After
parking his car, he grabbed his camera and set out
down a tree lined path while keeping an eye out for
any signs of wild life!!! On more than one
occasion he had gotten some incredible photos of deer
drinking from the creek just around the next bend, so
while getting his camera ready, he slowed down and
moved quietly through a clearing in the dense foliage
on the ready for any shot that might be available!!!
Poking his head from around a large tree, he
surprised to see two teenage girls sunning themselves
on the bank of the stream in cut-offs and tee
shirts!!! They appeared to be about eighteen
or so, with long slim suntanned legs and soft blonde
hair that cascaded down to their slim shoulders!!!
"Why not," he whispered while aiming
his camera at the two young beauties, "too bad
you're not topless, I'd love to see your
tits!!!" He was just about to press the
shutter, when much to his utter amazement, both
girls, almost in unison, pulled off their tee shirts,
and then just as calmly you please removed their
bras, revealing breasts that you could only dream
about!!! "H-holy smokes," he
gasped softly, "look at that," while he
snapping away like a mad man, "I can't wait to
develop these!!!"
in the car on his way home, Ben thought about what
had happened on the trail, and for awhile didn't make
the connection, but then it hit him, so he slammed on
his brakes, pulled over to the curb, and pulled the
little worn booklet from the leather pouch!!!
Now while most of it was mumbo jumbo, there was one
line that stood out like a sore thumb, and it read,
"Who ever holds the crystal and stares into its
soul will be granted a wish!!!"
"Judas priest," he mumbled, "c-could
it really be true, or was it just a crazy
coincidence," while reaching into the pouch and
removing the heavy glass sphere and again staring
into it and marveling at its depth and
beauty!!! There was only one sure way to find
out, and that was to make a test, but what, what kind
of test!?! The book said made it sound like any
wish would be granted, so why not try something
really wild!?! It had only been fifteen minutes
since he had left the park, so he turned around and
headed back to the trail with the two young
sunbathers!!! Quietly he crept back through the
clearing, and as luck would have it, they were gone,
but in there place was a thirtyish couple sitting on
a blanket and sharing a bottle of wine!!!
"Why not," Ben said to himself, and in a
half whisper ordered, "Suck him off, you're
desperate for a mouth full of cum!!!" With
his fingers crossed, Ben craned his neck around the
tree just in time to see the woman push her boyfriend
or husband back down onto the blanket and with almost
trembling hands pull out his pecker and swallow him
the way home Ben's mind was spinning with the
possibilities that his new found power offered, not
the least of which would be a dramatic improvement in
his sex life!!! He stepped into the elevator in
his building and pressed the button for floor number
seven!!! The doors were just beginning to shut
when he heard a feminine voice yell out, "Hold
the elevator, please!!!" He quickly hit
the stop button, which allowed a buxom woman who had
seen many times, get into the car with him!!!
"What floor," he asked as she
struggled with her packages!?! "Uh, number
three," she replied, "and thanks, I didn't
wanna hafta put these down, I really appreciate
it!!!" No problem," Ben replied,
"it was my pleasure," while following up
under his breath, "Invite me in, your clit has
grown to ten times its normal size, you need to be
sucked off and sucked off right now!!!" A
quizzical look came over her face, as she dropped
several of her packages and let her free hand slide
up under her dress to feel her vagina!!!
"Are you all right, ma'am," he asked
softly, "you seem to be having a problem, is
there anything I can do to help!?!"
"I-I feel all funny inside," she moaned,
"I don't know what's happening to me, my clit's
on fire like it's never been before, ohhhhhhhhhh, can
you please help me, I don't know what to do!?!"
got an idea," he said softly, "why don't I
carrry these for you and then we can talk about it ar
your place, how does that sound!?!" With
beads of perspiration breaking out on her forehead,
she managed to stammer, "Yes, please, you must
help me!!!"
place," Ben offered while surveying her
apartment for the first time, "how long have you
lived in the building!?!" When she didn't
answer him, he turned around to face her, and much to
his utter surprise, there she stood completely naked,
fingering her thick haired muffy, and while she
wasn't fat, she was solidly put together with thick
thighs, huge breasts, and of course and nice plump
bottom!!! "Now tell me again what your
problem is," he asked while staring at her
luscious chest!?! "I-it's my clit, l-look
at it, it's way bigger than usual," she
stammered, "and it feels incredibly sensitive, I
just don't understand it!!!" Now sounding
very magnanimous he offered softly, "now don't
get me wrong, but I really want to help you out, so
if you want me to, I can suck you off, if you think
that will help, it's entirely up to
you!?!" Her legs began quivering
uncontrollably to the extent she had to grab a hold
of a chair to keep from falling over, so he took her
by the arm and led her to the couch where he had her
lie down with her legs spread wide apart!!! Her
breathing was becoming more shallow by the second,
but she managed to stammer softly, "P-please, do
me, I can't take it anymore!!!"
Ben had eaten his share of pussy, but nothing he had
ever seen could have prepared him for what he found
nestled in the thick pubic thatch at the top of the
middle aged slut's slit!!! "Good
grief," he mumbled, "you have a fucking
little dick down here, it's
unbelievable!!!" "Shut up and suck
it," she moaned while thrusting her hips
forward, "please, I need it so
badly!!!" From his best estimate, Ben
figured she was a least two inches long and as thick
as his little finger, with a head that absolutely
resembled that of a tiny little pecker!!!
Gingerly at first he nosed it, purposely driving her
up the wall with his beat around the bush technique,
until she physically grabbed him by the hair and
forced his mouth hard over her over developed
organ!!!" "Oh, oh, oh," she
gasped as he swirled his tongue around the head of
her monster clitty, "sweet jesus, I'm on fucking
fire, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh god, suck me off you mother
fuckin' cunt lapper!!!" It always amazed
him how most women who by nature never use profanity,
that is until they were getting sucked or fucked, and
then however, they began swearing like sailors,
begging and cajoling their partners to suck or fuck
them harder and harder, exactly as this big clitted
cunt was doing right now!!! She was in the
middle of a mind blowing orgasm, when from
behind them came the sound of the front door opening
and a lilting voice offer, "Anybody here, I'm
that," Ben whispered!?! "It's my girl
friend," the woman moaned, "we're going out
for dinner, ohhhhhhhhhhh, god, suck me, please, suck
me!!!" Ben thought about it for a second
and ordered, "Call her in
here!!!" In a very shaky voice the
woman stammered, "I-I'm in here, Gail, come on
in!!!" A few seconds later the bedroom
door burst open and a very surprised woman stood gape
mouthed as she watched her friend getting her cunt
sucked before finally asking, "Toni, what ever
are you doing, I'm shocked to see you with a
man!?!" "I can't help it," Toni
panted, "look at my clit, it's fucking huge, and
I so desperately needed someone to suck me, ohhhh, he
sucks me so well, oh, oh, oh!!!" "But
he's a man," Gail whined, "we promised each
other......" Now growing tired of the
useless chatter passing between the two women, Ben
grabbed his pouch, pulled out the crystal, and after
staring at it for a second, turned to Gail and
ordered, "Sit the fuck down and play with your
pussy until I tell you different, you got it,
dyke!?!" As a feeling of total aquiescence
came over her, Gail slumped slowly to the floor while
her fingers tugged at her pants and panties!!!
"Now, shut the fuck up," Ben said while
returning his attention to Toni's bulging clitoris,
"you still need it, baby?!?"
"Please, hurry," she gasped, "I-I'm so
fucking hot I can't stand it!!!"
continued sucking the fat clit for another the
minutes or so, but always easing up when it appeared
the poor girl was about to climax, which had the
effect of driving her to the edge of
delirium!!! Toni babbled like a idiot as her
clit throbbed on the precipice of the orgasm she so
desperately needed, but wasn't quite being able
to get there!!! Out of the corner of his eye
Ben could see Gail with he legs spread wide,
furiously fingering her smoothly shaved pussy, when
he had an idea!!! Turning to face her, Ben
asked softly, "Gail, how would you like to
finish Toni off with your mouth, I think she's about
ready to blow!!!" Without even replying,
Gail scrambled over to Toni on her hands and knees
and instantly buried her face into the thick
haired muffy!!! "Taste good," Ben
asked casually while sliding up behind the
unsuspecting bitch, as both women were now ignoring
him totally as Gail's tongue whipped sawed to and fro
over Toni's over ripe organ!!! Ben lined up his
thick pecker against Gail's unsuspecting pussy, and
just as Toni's cunt convulsed in a series of brutally
crushing orgasms, he slammed his hips forward,
burying his meat balls deep into her quivering
organ!!!" Ben winced as Gail screamed out
in a mixture of pain and pleasure, while the first
thing he wondered was if the walls were sound
proof!!! "P-please no," she moaned,
"I-I've never had a man before, please no,
ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!" "No," he
questioned, while fucking her with a series of
vicious strokes intent on splitting her apart,
"admit it, dyke, you fucking love
it!!!" Toni looked on slack jawed and
glassy eyed as her bull dyke lover took her first
hard dick doggy style while loving every second of it
until she was wailing in the midst of the first cock
induced orgasm of her life!!!
chuckled out loud while zipping up his pants and
slipping out the front door while the two women lay
in a heap, wondering exactly what had happened to
them!!! THE END
Copyrighted, April 1999