Erotic Stories > The Voyeur
Marie Jenkins closed her eyes while
rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out
of her tired neck and shoulders, it had been a long
day, and now here it was almost ten thirty at night
and she still had a pile of reports to go over before
tomorrow's big meeting!!! Deciding to take a five
minute break, she stood up and stretched, and for
some reason, she cupped her full chest through her
blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples!!!
All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have
gravitated to her pussy, which by now was literally
dripping and throbbing in anticipation of a much
needed orgasm!!! "Not now," she moaned,
"I've got a lot of work to finish up," but
in her heart she knew that only way that she'd ever
get done was if she could get some relief for her now
erect clit!!! Forgetting momentarily that while she
was alone in her office and on the twenty eighth
floor, the blinds on her windows were wide open,
offering any amateur voyeur who happened to be
peeking a perfect view of everything she was doing!!!
As she continued to caressing her breasts, her
breathing became much more labored until finally she
jerked up her dress and began furiously fingering her
wet cunt until her whole body shuddered as it was
consumed by a crushing climax!!! She collapsed back
into her chair gasping for breath as the cool air
wafted over her very satisfied pussy, while an hour
later after finishing up her paper work she snapped
of the lights to her office and headed off for home
to a hot bath and a warm bed!!!
Somewhat bleary
eyed, Marie entered her office at exactly eight sharp
to go over some notes she had made in preparation for
this morning's meeting!!! "These fifteen hour
days are gonna kill," she mumbled to herself
while taking a sip of hot black coffee and making
sure that she had all of the data she needed on the
upcoming merger!!! Checking her watch one last time,
she remembered that it she was expecting an important
e-mail from the west coast office, so she quickly
punched in her password, and with a touch of a button
her screen came alive with a half dozen or so
messages, including the one she had been waiting
for!!! After downloading and printing it, she checked
the remaining mail to see if there was anything
important! It was the last one, however, that piqued
her interest, because it had such funny title!!!
"Must be some SPAM," she said softly as she
double clicked on "Saw You!!!"!!! As the
screen filled with the message, Marie's heart popped
to her throat as she read, "Thank you so much
for the show, it was much more than enoyable!!! My
office is directly across from yours and I couldn't
help but notice your display of overt self
gratification!!! Watch me tonight at eight, it's my
turn!!!" Signed, The Voyeur!!! Marie's heart was
beating a mile a minute as she gazed out the window
at the windows on the building just across the alley
while wondering who had been spying on her, and even
more disturbing, how did that someone find out who
she was and what her e-mail address was!?! Standing
up on shaking legs, Marie slowly closed her blinds
and headed off to her morning meeting!!!
All day Marie
tried keeping her mind on her work, but the unnerving
e-mail message kept slipping back into her mind, and
while she certainly wasn't going to stick around to
watch some pervert masturbating in front of her, that
was out of the question, she began forming an idea in
her head that just might allow her to find out who
was watching her!!! As the eight o'clock hour neared,
Marie opened her blinds, turned of the lights to her
office, and sat down in her chair and waited!!!
Maybe, just maybe this so called voyeur would show
himself to her!!! As the minutes ticked off and the
time approached eight thirty, and figuring that who
ever is was wasn't going to show, Marie put on her
coat and got ready to go home! She was just about
ready to leave, when out of the blue her phone rang,
causing her to momentarily freeze in the open
doorway!!! "Who could that be at this
hour," she mumbled to herself while reaching for
the receiver, "Hello, who is this!?!"
"I'm disappointed in you Marie," a deep
male voice said softly, "I had hoped that we
could help each other out!!!" "I-I'm sure
that I don't know what you mean," she replied
nervously, "and by the way, how did you find out
who I am!?!" After ignoring her question he went
on, "The other evening you looked so erotic, so
beautiful, I had to pull myself out and do it with
you right then and there!!!" "Y-you're a
pervert," she stammered, "how dare you
watch me in my own office!?!" "Oh,
Marie," he said softly, "I've never seen
anyone quite like you, I could feel your heat all the
way over here!!!" It was at that moment her gaze
snapped over to the dark window in the other building
and she replied, "If you're so tough, show me
what you look like, or are you afraid of me!!!"
"Hardly," he replied with a chuckle,
"I just want you to promise me that you'll stay
until I'm finished, or what's the point!!!"
"I-I'll think about it," she stammered as
an office directly across from her burst into
"Do you see
my office, Marie," he asked softly?!?
"Yes," she replied, "but I still can't
see you!!!" "In a moment," he
answered, "but I just want to tell you that I'm
already erect and fisting my pecker!!!" A slight
groan escaped her lips, and in a shaky voice she
demanded, "Well show yourself if you have the
guts, I'm waiting!!!" Several seconds later, a
tall man appeared in front of the window with his
back turned, and almost in slow motion began turning
around to face her!!! "Oh my," she gasped
as his erection came into view!!! "You like that
do you," he asked while taking it into his hand
and slowly fisting it, "now it's my turn to give
you a show!!!" Now while she wasn't the most
experienced woman in the world, she had seen her
share of peckers, if this wasn't the biggest one
she'd ever seen it was pretty darn close, and whether
she liked it or not, her pussy was slowly tightening
and twisting towards and orgasm!!! "So tell
me," he panted, it's exciting to watch, isn't
it, Marie!?!"
Marie was staring
at the mid thirties executive working his hand
smoothly up and down the length of his thick member
when he ordered her, "Marie, turn on the light
and step over to the window!!!" "I
can't," she gasped as her finger brushed over
her swollen little clit, "i-it's too
embarrassing!!!" "You can do it," he
implored, "you want to do it, look at my penis,
it got hard just for you, now come to the window and
show yourself to me, let me see and feel your
incredible fire!!!" "Oh, god," she
moaned while turning on the light and half stumbling
to the window with her hand inside of her panties,
"h-how's this!!!" "Mmmmm," he
hummed, "you look delicious, are you
aroused!?!" "Can't you tell," she
sighed while ogling his monster organ!?! "Do you
like my penis," he asked while overtly thrusting
his hips towards her!?!" "Sweet
jesus," she moaned, "look at how long and
thick it is........................" "Do
you like watching me masturbate, Marie," he
whispered into the phone, "it's almost like I'm
just exposing my cock to you on the street, just look
at it sticking out of my trousers!?!" By now
Marie had lost all of her inhibitions, and without
even thinking, she slid her panties down and hiked up
her skirt, exposing her dark muffy to her voyeuristic
admirer!!! Ohhhhhhhhh," he moaned, "you
have a very hairy pussy, it looks fucking
incredible!!!" "Do you really like
it," she asked softly?!? "Oh, god, just
look at my pecker, it's as hard as a fucking
rock," he panted before asking, "do you
know what I did last night!?!" "No,"
she gasped as her vagina convulsed unevenly,
"w-what did you do last night!?!" "I
was lying in bed thinking about watching you
masturbating," he went on, "and I couldn't
help myself, because I pulled out my cock and jerked
it of right then and there and I came all over the
place!!!" "Oh my," she groaned,
"did you cum really hard!?!" "My cum
shot up to my chest," he replied as his hand
became a blur on his erect shaft, "just like
it's ready to do now, blow a big load all over the
Never in her whole
life had she ever done anything this reckless, but at
that moment all she cared about was satisfying the
incredible craving burning deep in her cunt, and she
really didn't care how many strangers were watching
her, just as long as she got her gun!!! "Are you
close," he panted while staring at her dark
haired cunt!?! "S-so close now," she
gasped, "I-I'm almost there, just a little more
and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, I'm cumming so fucking
hard!!!" He watched in utter disbelief as the
pretty young woman leaned against her desk in the
throes of a brutal, cunt busting orgasm, which
naturally induced his eight inch pecker to spasm
hard, and ejaculate a torrent of hot cum onto the
window pane in front of him!!! Oh, fuck," he
groaned as his spunk spewed out of his big dick,
"that was fucking unreal!!!"
Marie held on to
the edge of her desk and struggled the six feet to
her waiting chair, where she plopped down hard with
her cunt still twitching like crazy, when she finally
was able to speak, she said softly, "You know my
name, but I don't know yours, why don't you introduce
yourself!?!" "He stood there with his now
spent pecker swinging gently back and forth and
replied, "I'm Rick, and I work late almost every
evening!!!" "Well," Marie sighed
softly, "I don't work late every night, but I'm
sure gonna start!!!
Copyrighted, April 1999