Erotic Stories > Trouser Snake
Our sociology class was on a tour of the outer colonies and we were on planet Zoogamon which is about 150
light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Pegasus. The objective of the trip was to study cultural differences
and observe the results of the mixed breeding between the different humanoid species in the region.
We had been to the home of the reptile lords and Zoogamon was part for their administrative territory. Zoogamon was a huge
planet about 6 times the size of Earth. As an almost full
blood human who could trace my ancestry to an old earth tribe, my blood was mixed with just a little reptile which occurred
eleven generations ago, but all mating since then had been human and I was curious about reptilians.
The first day there was just a
reconnaissance. We toured the industrial zone and were
amazed at the output of star cruisers by the mixed labour force which consisted of mostly
reptilian and humanoid cross breeds.
The appearance of many were indistinguishable from humans except they were very strong and tireless.
The first night was uneventful and after watching the sunset and the rise of the three moons we had a private room each
at the Ramada Inn which was perched on a hill overlooking the ocean. Here in
harvest city, humans had been cross bred using dna from
amphibious reptiles. This suited the
reptile lords as these people were able to harvest the marshlands and ocean floor without the need for artificial breathing
apparatus and they could spend all day in the ocean. Our project was to study these people to
as part of our thesis on interspecies mating and crossbreeding.
Day two dawned and after a meal we were taken to watch the harvest, well the gathering of sea plants
and the ocean was the principal food source and I was to stay with a harvest
After seeing the harvest we returned to the city and the class was divided into groups.
In my group there was me, (Buffy) and Suzaan a very beautiful dark skinned girl
from Earth. Mactic, a very fat male from Thagora, and Eunara, a plain looking academic from Gaspo in Andromeda.
We were then introduced to a Amriti, a tall woman with shiny bronze coloured skin who wore only a short skirt slit at the sides to the
belt around her hips and her large breasts hung free but were in good shape
considering she had finished breeding. She was to be our host and after a brief introduction
we four students followed her down toward the
area where the harvest was processed.
After a twenty minute stroll, Amriti stopped beside a door in a wall, opened it and we followed through into a garden filled
with all manner of fragrant flowers and on to a low dwelling open on one side. The garden gave way to a cooking area and to the right
was a large pool which connected to the ocean. The house was simple, behind the cooking area there was a lounge of sorts
and a sleeping bench along the back. There were no separate rooms and tonight fellow students
and I would be sleeping
alongside our hosts.
Eunara started talking to Amriti and was soon drawn into what looked like work, so Suzaan, Mactic
and I disrobed and swam naked in the pool. And at nearly 300 meters long,
it provided good exercise and was refreshing after days onboard star cruisers, and being girl I found it interesting to
observe Mactic, he was taller than me and he had a very short fat penis and huge testicles which seemed like they
were trying to float away from as he swam. I also felt a bit sorry for him as his sub species was a
favorite food of the
reptile masters and it seemed odd that he should be here at all.
Suzaan had just turned 14, she had long lithe limbs, long dark hair and she was half a head taller than me,
her breasts were larger than mine and her probable destiny was to return to a breeding colony near to where she was born on earth.
As for me, I am 13 years old and consider myself average, at 1670cm, just getting curves and now a c cup in the old way of
measuring breast size. My skin tone was more olive and as with many girls like me I would
probably become a hostess in one of the
many space ports where our blond hair and diplomatic personalities was very sought after.
With luck I may even get to join the diplomatic core.
Where the pool entered the ocean, we stopped to rest on the grassy shore and I rested my head on Suzaan's shoulder. She put an arm
around me
and fondled my breast - and we watched and laughed as my nipple became erect. It felt good and my whole body seemed to awaken. "That's so nice"
I commented, "I think my life will be good and they say hostesses get a lot of pleasure". I turned slightly and started
kissing and sucking Suzaan's breast and felt her nipple grow in my mouth.
Mactic caught up and watched us for a moment before Suzaan invited him to her other breast.
He dived in suckling her nipple
and I reached between her legs and rubbed her clitoris they way I most enjoyed
having to done to me
and within a minute an orgasm caused her body to spasm.
Then it was my turn, I lay back on the bank and they sucked at my breasts and as
pleasurable as that is, a more pleasurable
feeling is growing between my legs. I guided Suzaan's finger into my vagina, she
knew what to do - so nice rubbing my clitoris.. I soon shudder
as a wave of pleasure sweeps through my body. Suzaan and I turn our attention to Mactic.
is excited but not sure what to do and his penis is erect, it looked
inconceivable that I could ever have sex with him. His penis was not long, only
about 15cm, but it was as thick as my wrist and I could not imagine how it would
ever fit inside my vagina.
Putting the thought aside, I fondle his balls, they are each the size of a tennis
ball but more oval and feel very smooth in his scrotum. Suzaan is stroking his
penis up and down and I watch as the foreskin covers his knob, then reveals it
again. Then my hands join Suzaan's and we can actually fit 3 hands, and in
coordination we pull up and down and soon he is writhing and moans and his
sperm squirts everywhere. Suzaan and I lick it up, the warm salty taste is nice
and there is so much but in moments we have it all licked up. (We are taught not
to waste any and some species are kept in restaurants so they can have fresh
sperm on their menus.)
Feeling lightheaded we lay back in the grass to watch the sunset. Suzaan said to
Mactic, "I cannot imagine how your penis would ever fit into a woman".
replied, "It fits in women of my kind, and my fathers is twice the size of mine
and I have seen him fertilize many of our women and they enjoyed it".
There was no reply to that remark and we focused on the fading light and the
colours of the sunset. "I suggest we go back to the house" I said, and without words we
slip back into the water and very leisurely swim back. As we get half way, we
are overtaken by a canoe. I assumed this was Amitri's husband and son returning
from their days work.
We had been briefed on our host family. They were a couple
with two teenage siblings who lived a simple life as harvest workers. When the
parents were no longer able to work, they would be recycled and the children
would take over the parents work. The daughter would be mated to produce two
children though the son had not been tested for breeding potential.
Their lives were frugal and they had few possessions but their home was spacious
and comfortable, the wooden and tile floors were covered with a variety of thick woven rugs,
there was a local area network communicator, a relic from the twenty first
century. While we had been gone Eunara had helped Amitri prepare food.
We dried
off after our swim and put on the local costume which both men and women wore,
just a simple split skirt and belt..
Over the meal which consisted of a flat bread made from millet which we dipped
into bowls of land and sea vegetables with some fish meal mixed in, the
parents listened to the days news reports which was in the local dialect which I
did not understand. During the meal we
exchanged pleasantries with the parents, but the son was more talkative. He went
on and on about harvesting and I asked, "where is your sister"? He
explained she was better looking and sociable than many local girls and had just been
transferred to work in the games lounge where we were to be entertained this
After the meal I sat in the garden and caught up on the news which interested
me. I forgot to explain, like most students, I have a personal bug, like a small
fly this robot follows me everywhere and records everything I do, so any time I
can review my days activities, communicate to family and friends on Earth and if
I was ever in any danger it could intervene or summon assistance. So I had a
chat to my sister and showed her Mactic's huge penis and we laughed at the replay
of his ejaculation.
Geo, Amitri's son called to say we were going out, so I joined everyone at the
gate and we walked for a few minutes to the games lounge, actually a huge
cavern, everywhere there were tables of men and women absorbed in a variety of
board games, in another area, boys were wrestling with many girls cheering them
on and waiters carried around trays of refreshments.
Amitri asked her son to show us around and she and her husband went to a games
table. So we went to watch the wrestling. This was the most popular youth event.
The bouts only lasted until someone was thrown and new pair stepped in and later
the winners would compete again and at the end of the night there would be a
champion. The boys were thin but strong, Geo had a bout and lost. he suggested
that Mactic has a turn.
Mactic stepped forward and as he was more the twice the
girth than any local boy, a hush came over the onlookers. A boy a head taller than Mactic stepped
out after some goading from his friends. They faced off and the local boy moved
in. He was quick but could not move Mactic who's solid stature looked like it
would win the bout, but then he was slow and could not do anything with his
agile opponent other than try to grip him in a bear like hug. But the local boy managed
to trip him and he went over, legs and balls in the air. There was a gasp, none
of the locals had ever seen a Thagoran before and the difference of his genitals was
something of a shock to them.
He was quickly surrounded by the girls, some tried to help him up, others just
wanted to touch his genitals, it was so funny and everyone laughed. The girls
soon led him away and the bouts resumed. Geo introduced us to his sister Amara,
she was better looking than most of the local girls, here body was well formed
and adorned with body paint. A red snake curled over her shoulder, around her
well formed breasts and it's head rested on her thigh. On Her back a dragon
breathing fire emerged from her anus and was flying up her back.
We chatted about the fight and the girls reaction to Mactic. I knew the men
here had unusually long and thin penises, but I had yet to see them. My
ignorance was soon swept away as a local man approached preceded by his erect
penis which was fully 40cm long, but only 1cm thick at the tip and tapering to
almost 2cm thick at the base. He held out is arm and I noticed that Amara had a
bug which scanned the man's palm. Amara dropped to her knees and the full length
of the mans penis disappeared into her mouth. I had practiced blow jobs with my
own species, but this was out of this world, but if I was to be successful in my
career, I would have to accomplish this to.
As she worked on him, another man approached, penis erect. He was scanned and
indicated to Amara to stand. She did so, still with this other guys dick down her
throat and this new guy slid his cock into her anus. I was fascinated as it went
in and tried to calculate, it must go the full length of her large intestine,
but at lest it was thin, but di tit go around corners? Amara handled them both well and within a minute the
guy in her ass was done. He pulled out and left and another man, not a local but
penis protruding came over, watched for a minute while stroking his penis. More
of a regular size, I guess about 15-16cm long and about 3cm thick. The man in
her mouth was satisfied and It was interesting to see his penis, it looked like
a small snake, it had shrunk to about 15cm long and as thin as a pencil. He
rolled it up and used a chord attached to his belt to fasten it so when he had
finished, it hung like another Testicle.
Suzaan asked Geo if every one did this, He said "yes" and showed us his tie up. Suzaan and I
looked at if genitals and glanced at each other sharing the thought that these men were not
compatible with our bodies. By now Amara was laying on the floor and was being
fucked by the man with a more regular penis, his white ass pumping up an down.
Amara had a glazed expression as he went on and on. But then he came, he let out
a roar which turned a few heads, and collapsed on her, his energy spent. Amara
looked at us beaming, I assume she had had a good orgasm.
All around now other girls like Amara were servicing their customers. Amara led
us down the hall and into a smaller room, here there were about an 15 men and
women playing card games. To the side on some cushions, an older woman was
laying back while a young man was eating her out and a girl was massaging her
breasts and kissing her. Suzaan being bolder than me sat beside them. The
man distracted lifted his head and his tongue, long and fat, the biggest human
tongue I had seen... I would like to try that someday. But this was a school trip
and we were not allowed to participate in public events.
Amara beckoned us from a curtain covered doorway. We rose to go, but Eunara who
has observed disinterestedly all evening and had not said a word sat to watch
the card game. So Suzaan, Geo and me followed Amara down a series of corridors
and entered a room where several naked women sat and in the center of the room a
woman was being massaged by two women and two men. The two women were kissing
her and massaging mostly her breasts, they were big, at least a d and her
nipples stood up another 4cm. meantime the men were attending to her other
pleasure zones. One had his long but not so thin penis working her ass and the
other had his tongue in her pussy, she writhed in pleasure.
We squatted on our heels and my attention focused on the tongue man, he
was thick set and very powerful looking and his tongue in glimpses seemed bigger
that the man we had seen in the other room. Amara whispered, wait till you see
his penis. I was at the wrong angle and was content to wait. I sent my bug
down and it landed on her thigh recording the close up action of both men.
Suzaan and Amara were watching as though entranced and I wondered to myself what
it might feel like to have a long thin penis up my ass.
While I was thinking I noticed Geo was sitting behind me. He was to young to buy
sex, but I could feel his heated breath on my back. I reached a hand back and
touched his leg, smooth and firm. I felt him move closer and then I felt his
penis erect. Tentatively I let my fingers trace it's length and curious I lean
forward and with one hand guide his penis toward my ass. Geo gets the message
and I feel the tip of his penis moving over my perineum, slipping into my very
wet pussy. All this action was making me feel really hot and both Suzaan's and
my breasts were sitting higher and my nipples were so hard, I started rubbing
His cock in my pussy was nice but ineffective, so I reach under and
pull it out and I then felt him draw back and then it slips into my ass, it
was nice. I had started ass stretching exercises but did not do them regularly.
So now I could feel him up in my belly, strange but nice at the same time. I
relaxed and again focused on the group event. The smaller man had now pulled out
of the woman's ass and the big guy moved into position over her. Then I got to
see his cock, I guess about 20cm long and tapered from 2cm thick at the tip to
about 6cm at the base. Now
in position, he lowered it into her pussy which was wide and wet. The women sat
back and watched as he thrust in and out. It seemed to go on a long time and
then she clutched at him almost screaming and her nails raked over is
back leaving long trails. He came with a roar and a shudder and they both lay still. At the same
time I felt Geo go soft and withdraw.
Amara whispered that that should have been a successful fertilization and we
should go. The other women in the room were waiting their turn and as we filed
out, another stud came into the room, his big fat tongue hanging from the most
lecherous grin I had ever seen. We collected Eunara and Geo took the lead and.
Back in the main hall Amara waved goodbye as another man with an
erection presented himself. I paused to watch as Amara lay forward over a table
and the man proceeded to thrust in and out, a full 30cm with each stroke.
Amitri and her husband had finished their game and we left. Back at the house, Amitri made a hot
drink and Suzaan and I sat in the garden comparing notes and watching some of
the close up detail from my bug's records and then went to join everyone else on
the sleeping platform. Suzaan and I lay together fondling each other and I
dreamed of big cocks and exquisite pleasure.