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Erotic Stories > The Sex Queen

Oseye they told me me, you are the prettiest girl in our village and surely you will go to the temple to serve our gods and your parents will be very proud of you. Some of the older children had been telling me this since I could remember, but I simply regarded this as one of the things that we children would say to each other as having little truth or meaning.

As I was growing up, everybody was nice to me, my parents and all the villagers were kind to me and my family and even in the year when in the year I was 10 when we had a bad harvest and many people looked unusually thin and sometimes I even felt a little hungry there was always somebody who would give me a morsel of food. This was the year, I was also given my first dress, which was mostly to be worn on special occasions, as with most children I was content to go about naked most of the time although when about the village I would wear a short wraparound skirt.

The following year, and I was 9 and one day while a was playing in the river with my friends, my brother Bez came running and told me I had to go home right now because there were some priests at our house wanted to see me. We all looked at each other in surprise, although in some ways it was no surprise, as people have often said to me you are so pretty that you will be taken to the temple to serve the gods. I ran home as fast as I could with a mix of fear that my life could change and excitement that I could travel away the temple and serve the great Amun where I could meet many famous people.

I arrived home sweating covered in dust, but as I entered our village my mother and several other village woman grabbed me before I got to our house, washed off the dust and prettied my hair, then still naked we pushed through the throng of villagers, it seemed like the whole village was there. It's on the ground outside my house was my father, two village elders and two priests. My mother pushed forwards and my father said to the priests this is my daughter Oseye. I knelt down and bowed before them but I felt as though I was being ignored but then the older priest asked to stand up and turn around. I obeyed meaning beaming a great smile toward all the onlookers. The old man asked a step closer, and he stood up inspecting me as any farmer would expect an animal he was thinking about buying he looked at my teeth smelt my breath. He seemed satisfied with everything about my head then he squeezed and lifted my breasts commenting that they are very well formed and uniform in size. I want to giggle at the spectacle this must have seemed all the onlookers but I managed a straight face.

Then, he said "please get inside" my mother took my hand and lead me into our house and the old priest followed. Once inside, he repeated the inspection of my breasts poking and prodding then he asked me to bend over and examined my arse in great detail at first with his fingers and then by smelling. This was beginning to feel something of an ordeal but then his hands went down squeezing my legs and then he asked me to stand up and around. He asked me if I was still a virgin and they look sideways at mum it's now I was slightly embarrassed and said "almost ". Mum gave me her best reassuring look and by now, I was not surprised when he asked me to lay on the floor with my legs apart and proceeded to examine my genitals. obedient I lay back and opened my legs then opened my labia apart and sat there looking for a minute then he inserted a finger feeling slowly, they leaned down and sniffed before using this tongue to lick and probe. He seemed overly fascinated and he reminded me of the old men in the next village who invited me to their beds, but I never went of course. By now, I was very familiar with sex I've seen my parents doing it, my neighbors doing it, the animals doing it and I had tried it a few times with some of the boys in the and it was kind of nice, but not all that interesting.

But this old man's tongue was doing something far more interesting and I reached up and held my mother's hand and while I was doing my best to lie still my body seemed to have its own plan of action. Not knowing how to react. I was really pleased when he stopped. Then he asked me a series of questions about the gods, they were not difficult questions as every child of my age knew those by heart and then he went back outside and spoke to my father. Mother and I listened as he said "your daughter is a very suitable applicant. However, there are several other girls we must consider, keep her fit and healthy and away from the men".

With that they recited a prayer said their farewells and left. Life in the village soon returned to normal and I resumed my normal activities but of course, my friends all asked me what happened inside and at first I didn't want to say. But then as they kept asking, I told them which caused a great deal of laughter, but then came the how and why and what did it feel like? Well I could not explain. Sargira said "show us" and so I said "okay", if you want to be the volunteer. She was dead keen and laid-back opening her legs. I did to her, what I remembered the old priest doing to me and everyone gathered round watching closely as I parted her labia pressing with my fingertip all around and then sliding my finger inside her, which made her gasp and everybody laughed and I slid my finger in and out many times until she writhed and squeezed her legs together squashing my hand. It must now it's time to put and she opened her legs again and I put my tongue to her genitals probing with the point sliding up and down and I was surprised at how wet she was as her vagina seemed to be leaking. Interestingly I enjoyed the taste and exploring the loveliness of that soft wet area.

Sagira screamed with laughter and wriggled, so I had to stop but then everyone wanted to try. Shani did it to me and I did it back to her, it was really lovely and nice and my vagina got really wet and I got this really lovely floating feeling my whole body. The other two girls with us had similar responses but then we became more aware of the boy's with their balances phalluses erect and we fondled them in our hands, joking that this was the power of Amun. Sagira and Shani at fondling Bez's shaft as Nebibi and I watched. Nebibi became impatient and he poked my face with his phallus, so I took it in my mouth and sucked like I was sucking the honey off my fingers. Then said "it's good honor me as you will learn to honor Amun when you join the temple".

A continued sliding his phallus in and out of my mouth and he became more excited to the point where he held my with his hands and pushed his phallus deep into my throat until his whole body trembled violently, and I swallowed his seed. "Well done, I am sure Amun will be very happy with new service." he said and walked away.

I Turned to the others and saw that Bes had also released his seed which was running down over Shani's breasts . And they were all laughing then within several weeks, almost all the children of our age about the village were doing this until our parents found out and we all got a telling off that this was a sacred act should not be taken so lightly. After that we had to do this in secret.

Weeks passed into months and by and large my thoughts of going to the temple and even our sexy games fell by the wayside as there was so much work to do. But also during this time. My parents ensured that that we went to our small local temple regularly to pray and make offerings. In this time I also found I had less time to go and play with friends, instead I was spending more time helping mother cooking and weaving. Then the annual flood came and went leaving the fields fertile once more, and I helped with planting the new crop.

Now age 10 and beginning to talk of marriage in another 2 - 3 years as everyone commented how well developed my body was for one still so young; when one day After the planting, my girlfriends and I went to the river to swim we talking about boys and sex when my mother appeared with a handsome young man I had not met. She called us from the river instructing us to sit near and we watched as he she dropped her garment and began a dialogue about sex.

"Now pay attention girls". She said and continued. "Many of the workings of our bodies are great mysteries and to explore them we need the blessing of the Gods else all may end in unhappiness. Good sex when done with the Gods blessing is a wondrous magical experience and if you are sufficiently blessed your may even meet and commune with your god who will bestow the greatest happiness". She parted her legs displaying her genitals, I had never looked as closely as she described her hidden landscape and the effects of touching different parts. Then she asked the young man to stand and she held his phallus describing the different parts and ways of touching. Then to my greatest surprise she demonstrated the principal ways for a woman to take a man and then instructed him to demonstrate the ways for a man to take and enter a woman. They got to the position where he entered her from behind and mother began groaning and the man's thrusting intense and they both cried out to Amun. We girls were spellbound and enthralled rubbing our own genitals, but I was puzzled that she did not kiss or take the phallus in her mouth as I had with Nebibi a year before.

Mother and I had several more conversations about sex where she told me what had been passed on to by her mother. I learned about sex, pregnancy, childbirth and child raising. Ways to avoid becoming pregnant and herbal medicines to ease women's pains. This education was interesting and now I was bleeding every month some of the herbs helped.

The first harvest came and was complete when one day I returned home to find the old priest and his retinue stopped at our house. I was grabbed and told I was going to the temple. I was shocked and elated but had little time to collect a few personal items. There were other girls in the party and I was bundled off without even saying goodbye to my family.

The journey to from my village near the lake Karnak took 60 days and after the fist day, my whole body ached and the sun began to burn my body. Thankfully we rested and I was able to make a shade umbrella. Some nights we stopped in villages where the people gave us food, other nights we slept our under the stars and did not eat. When I was taken there were 3 other girls and me but as we progressed we collected more girls. There were fair skinned girls and a darker Nubian named Baste who was as well developed as me with large breasts and a sweet face with very full lips and a good sense of humor became my friend on the march.

Every day we woke at dawn, bathed and the priests would say prayers, sometimes we would see them early in the dawn and sometimes at night blessing the river with their seed and calling on the gods and now there were some 20 priests who kept a little separate from us girls who were under the supervision of three nuns often glanced or even stared and there was much laughter from their camp.

But for us girls, we were tired, unable to play and we all missed our families and friends. The idea of going to the temple had been a nice idea, but now the reality and loneliness was setting in and we became a little sullen especially if there was no good meal. But our entourage grew as we approached the temple and on the last day we girls were woken early, bathed, had our head shaved and our bodies oiled and we were paraded naked to the temple leaving behind or meager possessions that we were told would be given to us later. Hundreds of people came out to greet us throwing flowers under our feet and I felt proud and honored. As we entered the temple gate the fanfare stopped and we were ushered to a compound and allowed to rest.

In the evening slaves bought food and we explored our compound. On the doors guards prevented us going out and aside from a nun coming in to say our training would begin tomorrow we were left alone and slept together under linen sheets that we then had to wash the next morning.

The weeks that followed were just hard work as we were instructed by slaves how to wash temple linens and then some of the lower priests clothing. All this time were were not given clothing or our possessions. Many were more homesick than me and cried at night, but we comforted each other as best we could and settled into a routine of work and learning prayers by rote.

After three weeks the nuns came every morning as we bathed instructing us in bathing methods and anointing our bodies with oils. This was very enjoyable as we too turns rubbing oil onto each others bodies and afterwards we would all glisten in the morning sun and the guards and some priests often gazed down on us from the walls. The work grew less over the next month and we were taught more about body adornment and making ourselves fit and proper vessels to serve the great lord.

All this time we were kept separate and only saw slaves, (eunuchs and women some about our own age and the nuns who instructed us daily). We attracted sly glances from the guards and occasionally priests. One guard, a big strong looking Nubian man became a temporary obsession for Baste who would gaze up at his strong back as she rubbed her body and often he turned to gaze on her and often glanced at me. One morning we had some free time after our lesson, we were shiny with oil and we Baste and I caught his gaze, we giggled and hugged each other then simulated having m/f sex and he smiled, but this was cut short as a command rang out and he turned away to be replaced and we never saw him again for many months.

We enjoyed two meals most days and were comfortable though often bored that we could not go to the river or play as we had in our villages, as well as offering devotions to the gods we improved our reading skills, learns about herbs and medicines. But principally we were being trained as consorts to the great Amun-Ra, Amun-Ra he is described as "Lord of truth, father of the gods, maker of men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life.

Amun who comes at the voice of the poor in distress, who gives breath to him who is wretched. You are Amun, the Lord of the silent, who comes at the voice of the poor, when I call to you in my distress You come and rescue me...Though the servant was disposed to do evil, the Lord is disposed to forgive. The Lord of Thebes spends not a whole day in anger, His wrath passes in a moment, none remains. His breath comes back to us in mercy. May your ka be kind, may you forgive, It shall not happen again".

"When thou crossest the sky, all faces behold thee, but when thou departest, thou are hidden from their faces.. When thou settest in the western mountain, then they sleep in the manner of death. The fashioner of that which the soil produces,...a mother of profit to gods and men; a patient craftsmen, greatly wearying himself as their maker valiant herdsman, driving his cattle, their refuge and the making of their living. The sole Lord, who reaches the end of the lands every day, as one who sees them that tread thereon. Every land chatters at his rising every day, in order to praise him".

I had most of the songs and prayers memorized before most of the other girls and was praised by the nuns who considered I was ready for initiation. A few days later after our evening meal, my head was re-shaved and I was lead by a priest and two nuns to a dark room lit by candles where as instructed I fell into prayer for many hours before I finally slept. The room was still dark when I was woken by an elder nun and her servants. After bathing I was closely examined in much the same way as the old priest back in my village except that as she examined my genitals she bought me to a point of such excitement I almost fainted in delight. She seemed pleased and over the next few days she repeated this exercise and I looked forward to it, but then she began to instruct me to accept the pleasure without displaying any external sign of emotion.

In another ceremony I was given a new name of Amos, the wife of Amun. In this I was bathed and anointed by nuns and red lip paste applied, then I was taken to a richly decorated room lit by many candles where I knelt before the many priests and I repeated the vows of chastity and adoration of the great god Amun-Ra swearing obedience to the god and priests who interpreted gods will. This done, I was lifted by four strong priests and laid on a stone table where prayers were recited over while a goat was slaughtered and the blood poured over me.

Back in another dark room and tired I slept till being woken and taken to a nice small room with a bath and water ran in through a hole in the wall and filled a bath in which I was able to bathe, it was very refreshing to remove the dried blood and two other neophytes anointed me with oil and I help anoint them in turn. It was fun and I felt myself becoming very aroused, but then I was led to to a room where and old priest stood naked, his back turned as he gazed out the window. I would have loved to see the view, but we were joined by an old nun, who said tenderly, now its time for you to learn how to offer prayer and serve Amun-Ra the giver of life.

The old nun who's name I learned was Amunete the elder and that she was the eldest daughter of the late Pharaoh. She had me sit on a low stool with my legs wide while she knelt behind me and her hands at first played over, exploring my body and commenting how the great god should find me pleasing and her fingers then explored my genitals while the old priest watched. The old nun said as her hands worked, "Consider dear child you are about to be married to the greatest of the gods and as his wife, you must adore him, serve him and always be appealing to his desire". As she worked on my body, the now familiar feeling flooded through me and I did my best to restrain my external emotion, but the haggard old priest seemed to soften and even appear handsome, I thought I was going slightly mad as the scene distorted and then amused as the old man's phallus became erect. At that point I was told I had done well and was led away.

I was taken to join some other nuns and we spent the remainder of the day reciting prayers and after an evening meal I was pleased to sleep but had some very erotic dreams. I woke happy and the ten nuns and I bathed and anointed each others bodies taking particular enjoyment of anointing our genitals and talking softly as the walls have ears about our feelings and making provocative gestures.

After a meal and an afternoon reciting prayers another elder nun took me to a room filled with many carved phalluses and statues of men. Here she instructed me in how to touch the phallus to awaken it, to empower it and prevent it giving up its seed and how to release its seed. There was much to learn and at first it all seemed to complicated as each act was associated with different ceremonies and seasons. But the old nun reassured me that we are always reminded of the required etiquette.

This lesson was repeated for several days and I was familiar and getting bored and my prayer was for a young handsome man to relieve the fire inside of me. The fire must have been strong as I began bleeding. The nuns soon noticed and after a brief examination, the blood flowed for 3 days where I was kept confined with two other nuns also bleeding.

Lessons in music and dance followed and I learned the harp and lute. Dances were of adoration where the objective was to make awaken the gods desire for his wife, this was often watched by the priests who often had phallic erections and I felt confident. But then the old priest (kher heb) died and we had to learn a funeral dance, this was more sombre and formal and I was given my first wig.

This was the first time I had been outside the temple since arriving months before, after the prayers in the temple and offerings for a good life that high ranking members of the Pharaohs court attended I was one of dozens of neophyte girls who followed behind the sarcophagus led by wailer's as the procession wound it way out of the city to his tomb outside the valley.

The funeral had been something of an adventure and life in the temple rather boring. But now I had been there some time and had more freedom and some nights young monks joined us and we neophytes would dance to arouse their phalluses and practice the techniques of arousal, continence and release of the seed and at times I wished the seed to fall inside me to give new life, but this was not to be so, at least not now.

It was a month before Pharaoh appointed another high priest of our temple although Pharaoh himself was the highest of all priests and the living God. I danced with the other girls including Baste at the ordination of the new kher heb that was presided over by the great Pharaoh in person. It was a great occasion filled with splendor that I shall always remember. Soon after this came my next initiation. I was taken after the ritual bath and preparation into the inner sanctum and came face to face to with the great statue of Amun the hidden one depicted as a man with a plumed head dress in the form of Min with an erect phallus, symbolizing him as the progenitor of life. I was stunned by the beauty and the size of the phallus, almost out of proportion to the size of the statue itself. I remembered the lessons and in accordance with the prayers was told later that I have done a good is raising the Gods desire and caring not to waste his seed.

This duty I performed for 5 days at first on the great statue and then on the elder priests, then at night alone in our dormitory, most novices quietly performed our own personal rites and before sleeping. Then we were preparing for the Feast of Opet, it took a week of preparation, rising early to pay homage to the great god though many priests requested that their seed be collected and offered to the river before we spent our days making decorations and costumes.

The festival rite commenced with offerings and sacrifices of sheep and goats and gay dancing that I participated in. The second day was much the same except more animals died before the gods and I was tired from just one day of dancing, but we were given sweet water that gave us energy and in the late afternoon we rested and ate fresh meats and wine. I was very happy and the temple was crowded with visitors and priests for outlying districts.

People slept in almost all courtyards and compounds and the extra guards could not keep the normal strict discipline as much wine was drunk. On the 4th day the procession took place and I was near the front leading the great god as his likeness moved from the great temple to the smaller temple of Mut. It was so exciting dancing over the floral carpet wearing my new skirt, that I had spent days making.

In front of us sweepers brushed the already spotless roadway followed by flower throwers and a retinue of priests chanting prayers, then us dancers over 100. Behind us were more priests, bulls and rams, then the towering effigy of Amun-Ra on his way to join his wife. The road was lined with soldiers keeping the crowds back but I was immersed in the euphoria.

Once inside the Mut temple we removed our garments and began a welcome dance for our husband the great god, to make him feel welcome and wanted stimulating his desire. I noticed we stimulated may phallic erections amongst the priests, guards and onlookers.

The night was late when Anum Ra was bedded with his wife and we rested and I dropped of to deep sleep to be woken before dawn, bathed, anointed and given sweet water that made me feel light headed. I joined another 20 or so girls and we performed the rites on as many priests who were all cloaked but revealed their phallus's. Several elder nuns supervised as at first we danced ten used our hands to raise the creative power and I soon had a good erection in my hands that I strongly desired to take into me. Our command had been to awaken and make strong, it had not taken long, but then we were instructed to present ourselves on the couches nearby and the priests and present our ka-t's (vaginas).

Amun was now with entwined with his wife Mut, and as the statues faced each other entwined, so to the priests consummated the relationship emptying their seed into us. I was scared of becoming pregnant but immensely enjoyed the activity which over the nest few days formality gave way to abandoned all night orgies where the priests were milked of all their seed and I am sure many guards and slaves also joined the fray.
We also got out to see the city, the people gave us food and we flirted with a great many men and one handsome young man caught my eye and I slipped away to be with him. He was a good lover, young, strong and refreshingly different to the priests of which many were old.

The return journey to the great temple was an anticlimax, everyone was tired and I worried I may be pregnant. The songs were sad and melancholic as Amun and Mut separated for another year. In the crowd, my heart was lifted by the sight of people from my village and I caught their attention praying they would visit me. Indeed they did, once the festivities were almost done, I had earned many favors and my village friends were accepted with honor and I dined alone with them catching up on all the news and in return giving messages for my family. They also gave me a gift of herbs tat I was grateful for as my period was overdue, but a herbal tea that I later shared with Baste who I was now spending more time with and comparing notes on our exploits.

Our periods were a few days late and did not attract any undue attention, but many girls were pregnant, some married a priest, but many went home and it was not long before new girls were seen being bought into the temple and I found myself in the role of dance teacher at the old age of 11. Everyone commented how well is used and moved my body, so I became an example the other girls tried to emulate. The dances in today's view ranged from entertaining folksy sensual belly dances to very erotic sensuous moves to entice the onlookers to become aroused.

A whole year passed quickly in much the same routine. During the Feast of Opet parade and much of the dancing, I was the lead dancer. My mother made the journey and I have found a supply of herbal tea that made the period come even if my period was late. Now aged 14 I am taller but still the men turn their heads when I walk by. If I was still in my village, I would surely be married and with child, but here there was the magic of the city where I was now allowed out and had my personal slave and a guard.

One day my guard happened to be the guard Baste favored. To converse with him I sent my slave on an errand and sat in the shade so I could speak without being seen. We spoke of Baste and he still had a strong desire for her which I later conveyed to her. Some weeks later I was able to arrange their secluded meeting. Other things were happening for me as well. My skills were music and dance for which by now I am well known and I often play and dance for temple visitors for which the temple takes a percentage of my fee, so I now have money and influence over some of the older nuns. But I am nice to them and have few needs.

One desire is for the inspection tongue and to use my mouth to explore the phallus. It took time though during some nocturnal liaisons I was able to make with some senior priests I was able to regularly ask for the tongue inspections, this warmed me up for the joy of intercourse as much as my tributes to the Phallus of Amun gave rise to powerful erections. I discovered that with the priests that the more time I took to minister to not just their genitals, but the entirety of their bodies, the better they satisfied me.

On one occasion during formal obligatory to Amun and his giant phallus, I serviced several priests and one asked me to collect his seed, take it to the river and perform the blessing. I had no container so after I created the arousal I used my mouth to complete stimulation and collect his seed. Once collected and his phallus had gone flaccid, I gestured to a guard and he and several priests followed me on the 10 minute walk to the river. Once there I took the seed in my hands making the prayers and offered the seed to the river. Many were in wonder of my action and I was summoned to explain how and why I had done this and I simply said that the action had been requested of me and The great god had inspired me. I rose in status and this set a new precedent, what I did had never been done before and it became common to see temple girls hurrying to the river and making this offering.

I was able to acquire a small house in the city where I often spent my afternoons entertaining when I had little to do in the temple. Of course in the city I was well known and went about suitably dressed for my rank and almost always with a guard and my personal slaves and life was enjoyable but sex and human relationships fascinated me and What was that feeling that flooded my body carrying me to heaven sometimes when I had sex and why were some times better than others?

I had many questions and few answers other than it being the will of God. This seemed to simple and I began devoting much of my time to worshiping Usat (Isis) looking for answers. I also had a sense of urgency as I was sure my popularity as first dancer would not last long and indeed I thought some girls danced as well as me, but now 14 years old and not getting pregnant thanks to the magic herbs I used every month.

My life was easy now, some days I woke and bathed before dawn and served the great god and the priests, then slept an hour before eating and taking lessons memorizing prayers and rituals or teaching dance to other novices. Other days I stayed in my house and rose to worship Usat or experimented with ritual and sex.

My servants Ero, a very pretty demure fair skinned girl who often had invitations from boys and men (whereas due to my rank, they were to respectful to ask me) was quiet and kind and Hem the son of a Nubian father and an Egyptian mother was tall and dark and they became enthusiastic participants in my exploration. We spent many months celebrating each others bodies and I was beginning to think that there were three aspects to euphoric bliss:
1. ritual bathing and cleansing of any negative thoughts or distractions
2. proper adoration of the ka-t (vagina) and phallus before consummation
3. absolute focus of the consummation act which is prolonged as long as possible or until the blessing subsides
4. expressing gratitude to the gods.

During this year I qualified as a priestess in the great temple, gained acceptance in the temple of Uset and performed my self styled rites with a senior priest who came to visit me and he referred some important people to see me to help overcome difficulties in realizing the divinity they were having with their wives or the girls about town. Some were nice, others contemptible, but I was doing this in service and I had to remind myself sometimes that when I first arrived at the great temple I had to clean the latrines and not to judge them. I was successful with most and they were generous allowing me to buy a fine house and another two slaves.

My life was very busy, I had to attend the important ceremonies in the great temple, learn all the rites and rituals in the smaller and friendlier temple of Uset where I often had to travel, sometimes for days finding and learning herbal lore and the making of medicines. On one such journey we went 5 days into the desert where we came across a man who's wife had been taken by a lion (large African animals in north Africa and Arabia were exterminated by Rome over the next 1000 years). He was injured and had slipped from grief into depression. Some in our party jested that we should kill him to end his suffering as he seemed so pitiful, but I suggested all he needed was the blessing of the Amun to restore his vitality. So I was volunteered. I sent my servants off to setup a private shrine away from our camp site and took him there and by morning after my council and ministrations, he had moved beyond suffering. My companions were impressed sealing the rumors of my power.

My role over the next few years was to nurture and raise the power and potency of the men who came to me, but I also had to teach them to perform equal service to the ka-t and to be kind and caring toward the women in their lives.

In part two - the ceremonies.

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