Erotic Stories > My First Day of Spring Break
By Juicy
Hi, this spring break instead of heading off to Acapulco and
partying up large with my friends, (but perhaps I'm lucky if you've
read the news) I was to visit my older sister
Emily in our old family home in Oak Avenue Metuchen and probably
meet some 'eligible bachelors' which was the last thing I wanted,
but I suspected something like this. Anyhow I arrived two hours
early and there was no one home, so I left my bag went next door to
visit Alice & Tom who used to mind me, Emily and Roger, my younger
brother after school as my parents both worked and it was probably
work that killed my dad eight years ago when I was ten, his heart
failed and then two years later mum died in a car smash.
Emily who is ten years older than me had almost finished school and
was hastily married to Raymond who was a rising star in a legal firm
and they took over the family home and I was packed off to live with
my grandparents and co-ed school in Philly and Roger went to live
with mums sister in Rochester. I soon got over the grief and
separation and I found school a lot of fun, and that boys could be
more fun.. or should I say sex?
I am telling my spring break story, but I feel like telling a bit
more of my life, giving you more than I get from most boys.
Anyhow I used to find myself listening intently but very naively to
girlfriends talking about having sex and I was almost fifteen before
I did it. It was disappointing, Joey fumbled and cum after three
strokes, but I read in cosmo that this is common, so I persevered
with him for a few weeks. He was nice, made me laugh and he was
quite good looking but really needed lessons and I was not qualified
to teach him, at least not yet.
It was three months later that I met Alec, the older brother of
Jenny, one of my class mates. Alec was ten years older than me had
left school and was a mechanic. I was at their house one
Saturday afternoon, Jenny's parents were doing the grocery shopping
and Jenny and Angela were on playstation. Alec seeing me alone asked
if I was interested in cars, so I said a little and followed him to
the garage. Conversation about cars soon turned to the shape of my
ass and we were soon flirting and next thing I knew I had my panties
off and was face down over the hood of his car and had my first
orgasm as he took me from behind. We finished hastily as his parents
car pulled up and we just got away with it and over the next few
weeks I managed to sneak off and we had very enjoyable sex.
Alex and I did not last long and after I turned sixteen I had more
freedom to got out and I sought out older boys from other schools or
who were working and I was getting laid almost once a week, or
sometimes twice of a weekend. The parties I went to became more
adult, or there was more alcohol and one evening Angela, myself and
two other girls were hanging out and drinking with a group of
slightly older boys who wanted to play strip poker. We girls soon
agreed to play and it was not long before most of us were naked and
of course we were talking about sex and the question arose; could a
girl tell the difference between different penises when they were
inside us?
What a question, but we four girls inspected all six penises and
thought we could tell, so we girls made sure the boys would use a
fresh condom each time and were blindfolded and lay face down over
the table and we had to identify the boy by his penis. So the boys
went around us and I got the first two correct and the next two
wrong and two boys had cum. It was so funny as we girls had our
heads together and laughed as we told each other what was happening.
I thought the boys were done and was about to get up when someone
else started fondling my butt, inserted and started fucking me. Oh,
someone's got their energy back I hollered and me to sounds from the
other girls. I wanted to look to see who it was as it didn't feel
like any of the boys.. but I cum good and he cum to.
After that the boys looked a bit odd and we found out a few days
later that four older boys had crashed our party. The pleasure I got
kind of dispelled moral concepts and I was starting to get a
reputation of being a slut, but what did that make the boys? They
were equally as bad, yet they were never called sluts!!!
Anyhow sex was generally good and now here I am visiting with Alice
& Tom. They of course made a fuss, wanted my news and filled me in
on some neighborhood gossip. After an hour Alice went out for her
massage and I followed Tom into the garden he was proud of. I tell
you he has a green thumb, his garden was prolific with masses of
vegetables, they were almost self sufficient and gave heaps away. As
we walked around I watched Tom, how he moved and he seemed the same
kind man who looked after me years ago.
Back inside he bought out photo albums and put them down on the
dining room table and we sat for a few minutes looking through the
pages. He had heaps of photos of us kids playing in his yard, he
asked if I'd like another drink and offered one of his fruit
smoothies. I said "yes please, though these days I like then with a
shot of gin or vodka". He joked that it was to early in the
day, but as I was now more gown up that would be ok and his eyes
appreciatively swept over my body and I felt the goddess awake
within me. I slipped off my bra and panties and put then in my
handbag and resumed looking through the photos.
I wanted to look respectable for big sisters approval and as the day
was cool so I wore a skirt to mid thigh and had a sweater over my
shirt that showed a hint of cleavage (that I am amply blessed with
thanks to some
herbal help).
Tom returned with drinks, I leaned forward so he could see down my
shirt as he put the drinks down and he said, "My my, you really have
grown up". His eyes drawn to my cleavage. "I'd forgotten about these
photos" I said amused at his reaction, but even more surprised at my
own as I felt my nipples erect.
I asked him what old folks do for fun and he said that they had lots
of fun and I undid another button on my top as he looked back to the
photo album and turned the pages telling me about the occasions the
photos were taken. I was a little mesmerized by his recollection and
wit and found myself wondering if he could still get an erection,
after all he must be over seventy by now, and here I was, over fifty
years younger and flirting with him. Amid the photos and the stories
I took in his thinning grey hair, bushy eyebrows and the grey hair
showing below his neck line. He was about my height 5' 8" and solid
rather than fat, but probably carried a few excess pounds.
As I leaned forward I brushed his arm with my breast and he said
that I should put them away or I may be in trouble to which I said
sometimes I like trouble and added as long as its nice trouble. He
looked me in the eye, reached his hand in and fondled and kinda
weighed my breasts and said I was better equipped than my mother.
Quizzing him on that he said that he knew my mother quite well and
had seen her naked on more than one occasion. I slipped my shirt off
and enjoyed his soft touch, closing my eyes he could have been Brad
or Leonardo.. Then he said since he had begun the examination, he
had to examine the rest of me.. I giggled at the thought and stood
up dropping my skirt to the floor and asked if he expected the
scrawny girl in the photos to turn out like this.
So he runs his hands all over me and gives me a lecture on safe sex
then asks me to bend over, so I lay forward on the table and he
starts feeling me up. I was more amused and had lost my initial
arousal, but that soon com back when he slipped his finger in my
pussy. He commented that the visual inspection was excellent and now
it was time for a test drive and he put his cock in. Well it was
exquisitely nice but small, I was waiting for more and it never
came, but what he had drew my attention. he was making combinations
of short stabbing thrusts and then long slower ones and I melted
into sheer heaven and had a massive orgasm.
I stood up and turned to him removing his shirt and putting my arms
around and snuggling against his hairy chest and I could feel his
penis pressing into my leg. Now he says the forward gear works well,
now lets try the reverse. He lays me back on the table and swings my
legs over his shoulders and enters again, for the lack of size, he
makes up for with style, with change, he pushes in and draws
circles, then pulls out to slide over my clit, then back inside he
angles up and connects with my g spot and in the space of five
minutes I have three more orgasms before I call a break.
Totally satisfied I sip my drink, then turn to him and kiss him
before he has time to speak, I don't want a lecture now. The I go
down on him and find I can take his whole cock into my mouth, all
four inches of it and I had refused a couple of boys with small
cocks recently. Then he says he is old and needs a rest, so its my
turn to drive, so he lays on the floor and I take the hint and squat
over him and immediately begin to enjoy the interaction. After a
while he had still not cum, and my legs were starting to ache, so he
rolls me under him and he is soon puffing away and thoroughly
enjoying himself. Seeing I was done for now, he says there is only
one thing left to do and that's inspect the trunk. Obligingly I get
to my hands and knees and I thought thank god he's small as he
started fucking my ass. It took him ten strokes to get fully in and
I soon found it enjoyable and after five minutes he finally cum. it
was a bit messy so we had a quick shower and he asked to take my
photo, so I posed and he took heaps of photos.
Alice arrived home while I was still naked and she never blinked,
just said how wonderful I looked and I was so blessed to have such a
gorgeous body. She turned me around and a closer look, and said, yes
wonderful, but I can see that Tom has taken you for a test drive.
She winked at me and stared at Tom, who just smiled and said I was a
wonderful ride. I was shocked, but Alice said that they were had an
open relationship and they made love almost everyday, but she and
Tom had many lovers and in fact most people in the street swung one
way or another.
There was a knock at the door and I heard Emily's voice. Alice went
to intercept her while I quickly pulled on my shirt and skirt just
in time to look neat before she came in.
Emily soon whisked me over to the family home, thought it didn't
feel much like it to me. Everything had changed as the house had
been given a major makeover. She chastised me for not wearing a bra
and said I had to be careful of that dirty old man. I let it all
slide, unpacked, showered and we sat down over a heated pre-cooked
meal. Click here for part 2
