Erotic Stories > Research
"How many applications do you
think we have now," Dr. Horton asked his
research assistant, Doris Brewer!?! "About fifty
I'd guess," she replied while scanning the list,
"and we have a nice cross section of ages, all
the way from nineteen up to sixty three!!!"
"Good," he said, "what's the breakdown
on married and single!?!" "About
70-30," she replied, "with most of them
being single!!!" "Hmmm, I wish we had more
married women participating in the survey," he
opined, "but I guess a lot of husbands wouldn't
want their wives involved in something like this, so
we'll just have to make do with what we have,
right!?!" "That's right," Doris
answered, "and if you're ready, our first
candidate is waiting in the outer office, should I
show her in!?!" "By all means," he
replied enthusiastically, "but first give me her
file so that I can review it!!!
"Hello, I'm
Dr. Greg Horton, I'm very happy to meet you, and you
must be Miss Dvorak, please have a seat!!!" The
young woman nervously took a chair opposite Dr.
Horton's imposing desk and sat quietly with her arms
folded on her lap while waiting for the doctor to
continue!!! After offering her a soft drink, Dr.
Horton leaned back in his chair and began, "Just
so we understand each other, Miss Dvorak, here at the
Horton Labs we do advance research on human sexual
response, so if you were under some other impression
I wanted to make our position crystal clear!!!"
In a somewhat quiet voice the young woman replied,
"I understand, and that's why I'm here!"
"Good then," the doctor replied, "I
just want to verify some basic information on your
form, such as your age, you're twenty three and
unmarried!?!" "Yes," she replied
softly! "Are you currently living with
someone," he asked?!? "No," she
replied, "but I do have a steady
boyfriend!" "I see," he said while
noting that fact on her sheet, "and do you have
regular sexual relations with your friend!?!"
With her face turning a bright shade of crimson she
replied, "Uh, a couple of times a week!"
"Intercourse and oral sex," he asked!?!
"Both," she answered!!! "Giving and
receiving," he questioned?!? "Both,"
she replied again! "And lastly," he asked
easily, "sexually what is the most arousing for
you, by that I mean turns you on to the max!?!"
After a moments hesitation she replied, "I guess
I'd have to say doing sixty nine!!!"
"Well that
should about do it," Dr. Horton said while
giving her chart one last glance, "now I'm sure
that Doris has explained to you what we're going to
be doing, but I just want to go over it one more time
to make sure we're all on the same page," while
Anne Dvorak shook her head in the affirmative and
waited for the doctor to continue! "So, what
we're measuring is the female arousal rate from
outside stimuli," he explained, "without
any actual touching, just mental stimulation so to
speak, so attached to your body will be a series of
electrodes and probes designed to measure a host of
reactions as your senses are flooded with pictures,
sounds, and videos of sexually arousing situations,
do you understand!?!" "I-I think so,"
she replied softly, "these sensors, will they
hurt!?!" "Not at all," he replied
smiling, "most are held in place with a soluble
paste that comes off easily with warm water, while
the probe is simply a pencil size device that is
inserted into your vagina which I can assure you will
cause you no discomfort what so ever!!!"
"And by the way," he went on, "if you
are picturing yourself on a harsh examining table,
well don't, you will be reclining comfortably in a
large easy chair, we're trying to measure sexual
response not suppress it, so if there are no more
questions are you ready to begin!?!" With a
little shiver of fear racing through her, Anne Dvorak
nodded her head and replied with bravado, "Okay
doc, let's rock and roll!!!"
Doris led Anne
Dvorak into the laboratory where the experiments
would take place and then ordered, "Okay, Anne,
please remove all of you clothing and then sit down
in this reclining chair!!!" While the young
woman began taking off her things, she watched Doris
out of the corner of her eye getting the her
equipment prepared!!! "That looks pretty
complicated," Anne opined while trying to keep
things light, "I can't get shocked from any of
that can I!?!" "Of course not," Doris
replied, "all of the electrical connections are
low voltage, you know, flashlight type power, it's
all perfectly safe!!!" "Well, good,"
she shot back jokingly, "I don't wanna donate my
body to science, at least not yet!!!"
"We'll try and remember that," Doris said
while chuckling, "okay now, into the chair so I
can get you hooked up!!!<P>
Twenty minutes later Dr. Horton entered the room
saying, "Is everything ready, Doris!?!"
"Everything but the vaginal probe, and I have
that lubed up and ready to go," she replied
while carefully inserting it into Anne Dvorak,
"there, that does it, all ready to go!!!"
The doctor sat down in a chair next to the recliner
and explained, "I just want you to know exactly
what each connection is for, Anne, these two are
obvious, they're connected to you nipples and will
record in sensitivity in your breasts, while this
belt on your right arm will measure any change in
your blood pressure!!!" Anne nodded that she
understood, while the doctor continued on, "Now
this one on your temple will record brain waves while
the vaginal probe will measure lubrication as well as
any change in the size of your internal organs due to
any change in blood flow, while that camera overhead
and attached to the ceiling will record any changes
in your external physical characteristics such as
vaginal lip puffiness as well as any change in your
skin color!!!" After giving her a reassuring pat
on the arm Dr. Horton offered, "So, if you don't
have any other questions, let's get started!!!"
Sitting passively
behind a large panel of switches and dials, Doris
waited for the doctor to give her the signal to begin
the experiment while he gave Anne one last bit of
encouragement!!! "Okay, Doris," he finally
signaled, "start the slide show, please!!!"
Reclining comfortably in the large adjustable chair
with her legs spread wide apart and her arms resting
at her side, Anne stared as images began appearing on
a twenty seven inch television screen sitting on a
tall stand at the foot of her chair!!! "What I
want you to do is concentrate on every image that
comes onto the screen," the doctor said softly,
as a picture of a group of college age men in tight
gem shorts playing basketball on a hot summer
afternoon followed in rapid succession by images of
men performing all sorts of sporting activities in
bathing suits and athletic clothing!!! Picture after
picture popped onto the large screen with any change
in Anne's physiology being dutifully recorded by the
monitors along the far wall!!! As they moved along,
Dr. Horton made notes on a yellow legal pad, but all
the time keeping a close eye on Anne Dvorak's
response to the stimuli bombarding her mind!!!
While the images
of men performing normal athletic activities were
interesting to her, the monitors indicated that
Anne's response was normal and non sexual in nature,
but gradually the images grew more provocative as the
men were posing totally naked in front of her!!! Dr.
Horton looked over to Doris who nodded to indicate
the pictures of naked men had definitely caused the
young woman's heart rate to climb by nearly ten beats
per minute, but it was when images of young men with
large erections came onto the screen that there was a
change in her breathing as it became more shallow and
intermittent!!! For the next five minutes or so, Anne
was shown a variety of men in all shapes and sizes,
but with one identical feature, that being that they
all were in a state of total erection!!! While is was
evident that the images of erections was having an
arousing effect on her, it wasn't until the next
series of photos that Anne Dvorak moved to the next
stage excitement!!!
While all of the
images up until now had only contained pictures of
men, the ones following were much more graphic in
nature, as Anne Dvorak soon found out!!! She made an
audible gasp as the first photo of a young man with a
murderous erection appeared, only this time there was
an attractive young woman on her knees fellating
him!!! "Oh my," she gasped while image
after image showed very attractive woman on their
knees sucking these monster erections, "oh, that
looks so nice," she whispered under her
breath!!!" While Anne was staring at each image
that popped up on the screen, Dr. Horton slid
silently to the foot of the recliner where he could
get an unobstructed view of her vagina, and what he
observed wasn't surprising at all, as she was
dripping with Bartholin's fluid and her lips were
flushed and open, obviously being in a state of
extreme sexual arousal!!! Giving Doris a thumbs up,
the images of oral sex quickly changed to those same
young women instead being on their knees sucking to
them being on their backs being impaled by some of
the most massive erections she had ever seen!!! As
the doctor made notes, Anne Dvorak gasped louder this
time and moaned out loud, "Jesus, I'm on fire,
j-just look at her, she's getting the fucking of her
life, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........." And just to
verify what she was looking at, Dr. Horton made a
note of the image that was having such a profound
effect on her, that being a young man of twenty or so
with a huge thick erection having intercourse with a
tiny blonde woman whose vagina looked like it was
being torn to shreds by the monster invading it!!!
Normally by now,
Anne would have already moved her hand to her
clitoris and frigged her self to an orgasm, but with
her hands limp at her side the fury in her vagina
just seemed to build and build with no relief in
sight!!! Again Dr. Horton checked her vagina, and
again he noted the distended lips and profusion of
juice that was pouring from her puffy labia!!! As he
returned to his place by her side, he again signaled
Doris who with a flip of a switch changed the still
images to change to a brutally obscene porno movie
accompanied by sound that showed a young brunette
riding a huge penis and swearing like a drunken
sailor!!! "Oh my god," Anne groaned,
"she's fucking riding his stump, oh god she's
gonna cum, just look at her, how lucky can a girl
get!!!" The movie ran for ten minutes or so with
different scenes and different actors, but with the
same general theme, that being young women getting
fucked by big cocks with both the men and the women
having huge crushing orgasms!!! Anne was now begging
for relief, but much to her dismay, the screen went
black for several seconds, only to be filled with a
video of a young man and woman doing a very good job
at some hardcore sixty nine!!!
fuck," Anne Dvorak screamed, "p-please help
me, let me cum, I can't stand it another second,
please, help meeeeeeeeeee," as the image and
sound of the two porno stars cumming in each other's
mouths burned into her mind, Anne's vagina convulsed
violently as an involuntary orgasm turned her entire
body into one gigantic erogenous zone!!! Covered in
sweat and shaking like a leaf in a gale, Anne
Dvorak's pussy twitched in a post orgasmic glow that
continued on unabated for a good ten minutes after
her thunderous climax!!! Dr. Horton made several
final entries on his pad before announcing,
"That was a good session, Anne, thank you for
your participation!!!" Now barely able to speak
she whispered, "All I can say, doc is, wow!!!
The End
Erotic bedtime stories
from Stephanie Sarg
Copyrighted, April 1999
