Erotic Stories

"All right class," Miss Eddy
admonished her all girl's senior high home economics
class, "the bell rang over a minute ago, please
take your seats so we can get started!!!" After
everyone was in her seat and quiet, Miss Eddy began,
"Now this is an important chapter we're
beginning today, so I want to make sure that you all
pay very close attention to what we discuss and do,
because this is information you'll be using for the
rest of your adult lives, is that clear!?!" With
twenty heads nodding in agreement, Miss Eddy opened
her text and began the class!!!
"Please open
your books to chapter eleven, it's the one titled
"Personal Feminine Hygiene", does everyone
have it!?!" "Now, why is this so
important," Miss Eddy ask, "can anyone tell
me!?!" When no one raised their hand, Miss Eddy
pointed to a dark haired girl in the front row and
asked, "Donna, do you have any idea!?!"
"Uh, because it would be unhealthy not to keep
your self clean down there!!!" "Of course
that's true," Miss Eddy replied, "but
that's not the answer I'm looking for, and by the
way, I don't have a "down there", I have a
vagina just like all of you have, so let's please use
proper the terminology!!!" "Anyone else
have an idea," she opined!?! Just when she was
about to give up on anyone coming up with the correct
answer, Becky raised her hand and offered, "Is
it to keep a man happy, Miss Eddy!?!" With a
wide smile covering her face Miss Eddy replied,
"Very good, Becky, and how did you arrive at
that conclusion!?!" "From my mom,
ma'am," the girl replied quickly, "she
always says to make sure that my vagina is always
ready in case a man would happen to see or touch
it!!!" Nodding her head in agreement, Miss Eddy
went on, "Of course your mother is correct, I'm
pleased that she is taking an interest in your
vaginal development, is anyone else's mother doing
the same thing!?!" Over half of the girls raised
their hands prompting Miss Eddy to comment, "I'm
really not surprised that so many of your mother's
are tending to your personal needs, as I've had most
of them in my home ec class over the years, so tell
me, what exactly are they telling you!?!"
Vicki raised her
hand and replied, "Well my mom makes sure that I
douche at least twice a day and keep my pubic hair
neatly trimmed!!!" "Anyone else," Miss
Eddy asked, "that was very good, Vicki!?!"
Becky again raised her hand and added, "Well
this isn't exactly about hygiene, but mom makes sure
that I masturbate once a day and have at least one
hard orgasm because she says that when the time comes
to be with a man my vagina will already be attuned to
what it needs!!!" "Now that is one of the
best things that a mother could do for her
daughter," Miss Eddy said while nodding her
head, "keeping your pussy in tune is like
keeping a car's engine tuned, if you don't maintain
it, it won't operate correctly!!!" "Can
someone think of something else," she asked,
"I'm sure that some of you have more ideas to
share with the class!?!" From the back row, a
hand slowly went up and Miss Eddy asked, "Yes,
Darla, what do you have for us!?!" "Well,
uh," Darla stammered, "my mom shaves my
vaginal lips twice a week to keep my labia smooth and
ready for oral stimulation!!!" "Very good,
Darla," Miss Eddy beamed, "next to daily
masturbation I feel that keeping your lips smooth is
the next most important thing a girl can do!!!"
Darla raised he hand one more time and added, "I
think I should also add that my mom orally brings me
to orgasm after each shaving session, she says that
it will keep my clitoris primed and ready to
go!!!" "That's another good point,
class," Miss Eddy opined, "having your
mother or father bring to orgasm orally is even
better that masturbation, as it definitely heightens
your sexual awareness, and if I may Darla, would you
be so kind as to come to the front of the class and
hop up on the edge of my desk, I think a
demonstration is much in order!!!"
Darla shyly slid
down her white cotton panties before hopping up on
the edge of the desk with her skirt hiked up above
her waist and her legs spread wide apart!!!
"Now, class, this is a perfect example of what a
young girl's vagina should look like," Miss Eddy
said while gently caressing Darla's labia, "just
look at the smoothness of her lips and of course the
plumpness of her labia, it's just beautiful!!!"
Everyone craned their necks to get a better look
until Miss Eddy ordered, "Okay now, girls,
everyone move to the front of the room to get a
better look, but don't crowd in to closely, leave the
poor girl some room to breathe!!!" When everyone
was finally in place Miss Eddy asked softly,
"Now, who would like to be the one to orally
satisfy Darla's clitoris, as you can plainly see its
little head is protruding past her lips, obviously in
a state of extreme sexual arousal!?!"
The sounds of shallow breathing began to permeate the
air as the vaginas of all twenty girls began to
drench with Bartholin's fluid, a definite precursor
to orgasm!!! When no one spoke up, Miss Eddy said
softly, "Well, I guess I'll just have to take
care of her myself," as she dropped to her knees
while taking her place between the trembling girl's
thighs, "if we don't do her quickly the poor
thing will go out of her mind!!!"
While moving her
face just inches from Darla's steaming pussy, Miss
Eddy said softly, "Now pay attention class,
"this is important!!!" As twenty pairs of
eyes looked on in rapt attention, Miss Eddy's tongue
slithered out and caressed the puffy labia as if it
were fine china, while a gasp erupted from Darla's
throat when the hot tongue finally rested upon her
distended clitoris!!! "M-my god," one of
the girls stammered, "just look at how puffed up
her lips are, I-I can't help myself, I've just gotta
do my clit!!!" Upon hearing that, Miss Eddy
whispered hoarsely, "That's a good idea class,
everyone should do her own clit and have her own
orgasm!!!" The aura of hot sexuality was so
thick in the air that you could have cut it with a
knife, and the sight and sound of twenty cute
eighteen year olds with their panties down around
their knees furiously masturbating while watching
their home ec teacher eating the pussy of a class
mate was more than most of them could take, while
Darla, of course was on a one way trip to suck off
city as Miss Eddy slurped and licked her pussy like
there was no tomorrow!!!
Darla began
moaning loudly as the tension in her clit mounted
with each lick of Miss Eddy's very practiced tongue,
while several of the girls were now openly displaying
their pussies for everyone to see!!! One of the girls
wantonly stood next to Miss Eddy and gasped,
"M-Miss Eddy, w-would it be all right if I
sucked your pussy, please let me do it, you've gotta
be on fire!?!" "Miss Eddy was now so turned
on she merely nodded her head while continuing to
suck the fresh young vagina buried in her hot
mouth!!! She could feel several pairs of hands
lifting her dress and tugging down her panties, but
it was when one of the girls ran her tongue up and
down the length of her crack that she nearly came
right then and there!!! In the back ground she heard
Becky urge, "Eat her cunt, Jenny, suck her off,
make her cum like the slut she is!!!" Her head
was now reeling with desire as the cute little Jenny
took her with her mouth while she herself continued
nursing on Darla's huge lipped cunt!!! Several of the
girls were alread in the midst of extremely hard
orgasms, but it was when Becky moaned, "L-look
at them, they're all just a bunch of cunt lapping
bitches, just l-look at them, ooooooooooooooooh
myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm fucking cumming!!!" It
was at that point that both Darla and Miss Eddy's
pussies convulsed hard as mind numbing orgasms
shredded their crotches into so much confetti while
the rest of the girls frigged themselves to cums that
found many of them slipping to the floor out of pure
From the middle of
the collection of strewn bodies someone whispered,
"All I can say is wow!!!" Everyone
chuckled, but Miss Eddy, while struggling to her feet
and pulling up her panties offered, "Yes, class,
wow, that is exactly how it is supposed to be, so
let's all try to practice what we preach and take
extra special care of our vaginas, all right!?!"
And as satisfied sighs wafted through the class room
twenty very satisfied home ec students replied in
unison, "Yes we will, Miss Eddy!!!"
The End
Erotic bedtime stories
from Stephanie Sarg
Copyrighted, April 1999
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