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M's Story A Reminiscence

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 I had recently taken up running on the near by hills after spending decadent winter laying about half depressed recovering from an unhappy relationship. Summer would soon be here and I wanted to play. I felt that I needed to loose five pounds though most of my friends seemed to be envious of my figure. I would get up early, and over a month built up to a solid 2 hours jog and in flat places, do some sprints. Balanced with a twice weekly yoga class. My body was coming alive and the early mornings were something I began to really enjoy. Even the challenges of my work seemed easier.

The area was popular and I would see perhaps six to ten other runners each day. They seemed to serious competitive sorts that seemed to be always going twice as fast as me, and mostly all men. I came to recognise some who were regular, with their sweat soaked tee-shirts. I enjoyed watching them pass me. Their leg muscles pumping with power, there sometimes seemed to be something erotic in that, it never turned me on sexually, just made me smile. There was no conversation other than a grunt and occasionally a cheerful good morning.

I would always run with a tee-shirt with a good sports bra as I often felt self conscious with the bounce of my breasts. I considered a reduction as I felt that they were to big in relation to my body. Usually I would wear cotton lycra shorts, I had a nice butt, and found it really comfortable the way my shorts conformed to my shape. My legs were nicely tanned with some help from the sun-bed. My hair was shoulder length and tied back.

Well one morning, I passed this guy, like over took him. It was a first, I was improving my performance, he smiled at me as I passed glancing at him and I felt this warm glow all over. It was unfamiliarly familiar if you know what I mean, I was not sure if it was the thrill of getting in front, or some chemical attraction.. so I put on a bit more speed to create some space between us to leave him and that sensation behind.

But it stayed that feeling, I found myself thinking of him a few times that day and wondered if he would be there again. The next morning he wasn’t and I felt disappointed and thought that this is stupid and tried to put it from my mind by running harder.

It was a week later before he was there again. I had let go of that feeling. He was tying his shoes at the start of my route. Hearing me approach he looked up with that same smile and a soft "good morning". I replied the same in my coolest voice, I felt like a jelly. I never saw him again that day but I found myself thinking of him often. I knew that this was definately chemical attraction... By the next morning I was hoping to see him again. I started my run, he was not there, my heart dropped a little. As I got to the top of my run he was stretching in the sun which had just risen. I slowed looking, he was clean shaved with wavy blonde hair a little lighter than mine, definitely good looking, I could see myself with him. His tee shirt had a smile design on it, corny I thought. At that point he looked straight at me, "Would you rather run or make love?" he asked... I struggled to find the breath to respond, and that smile! as though he had not a care in the world.

I replied that I was not sure, but that the making love was not always on offer... but the running was becomming more enjoyable.. He said that I would be welcome to run with him the next day. The Yes fell out before I had time to think.. and not wanting to betray myself, I said that I would see him by the car park at six am and set off. Well what was I getting into here? I considered many possibilites during the day and that night I was slow getting to sleep.

The next morning I dressed in my room, usually I just threw on clothes in the kitchen. I had an orange juice. My body felt limp, it was like when this guy Kenny kissed me a the school ball in front of every one, embarrasing and thrilling at the same time.. . I liked him but that scared me and I had nothing to do with him after that.

I slipped off the tee-shirt that I slept in and was about to put my bra on when I had this wild idea. I left it off just putting on a halter top. It was cold and made my nipples stick out through the fabric. Some force seemed to hold me, I went back to my bed room and got put on an old pair of cotton lycra shorts that were really to small, but were very soft comfy I felt around the line of my leg, they didn’t quite cover my cheeks and with no knickers they molded totally to the shape of my body like a second skin, looking in the mirror, the shape of my fanny seemed exaggerated. I thought that I could not go out like this, but this force held me and I had a nervous pee before dashing out to the car.

He was jogging into the car park as I pulled up and he sat on the rail while I parked. I stepped out of the car and my skin was all goosebumps and my nipples were still erect in the morning chill. We said our good mornings and set off. We chatted for a couple of minutes after we set off with me half a step behind due to my self consciousness although I’m sure he had noticed and was polite enough not to stare. The first part of the path was almost flat and wide. His warmth was captivating and I was soon totally at ease, I couldn’t believe it. The path soon narrowed and climbed, he went in front and as much as I could, I watched the action of his body. He was wearing shorts and singlet so that his arms were bare. Legs long and learn with fine muscles. I wondered what sex would be like with him or even if it was an option.... I felt a flush of energy and my shorts took on a damp sensation. I was also conscious of my top, I looked down at my chest, my nipples were erect and the top had slipped down, a centimeter more and they would be out. He was slowing up and I almost collided as he turned and asked which way I would prefer to go.

Normally I would have gone straight on and up, and said what are the choices. He asked if I had been through the old forest. and I said that I had not been there and I would like that for a change. He led off up to the left, not much of a track, we had to dodge under several branches and came up to a wall that was as high as me. He seemed to simply float up it, where are you taking me I asked. He said that I would see and leaned down offering me his hand. I took it and it felt like he simply lifted me up and I found myself standing on a paved road facing him.... inches away, I could smell his sweat. I put my hand on his chest as though to stop myself falling on him. He looked down at me as if he knew he could do anything he wanted with me.

It seemed to be a huge effort that I stepped back, his hand had slipped behind my back and held me. Watch the wall he said, Six inches more and I would have stepped off the edge of the wall. Lets go. We went up a steady slope for a good five minutes and sweat was trickling down between my breasts and every twenty paces I had to hitch up my top. He stopped on the edge of a gully, it was all native forest. He pointed out the track explaining that it was a loop that took about twenty minutes. That will be about the right time to be back by and he offered for me to lead. It went down, it was a bit twisty and steep and then flattened out to follow the contour of the slope but still rising again. My top had slipped again, I left it and my breasts were soon totally out and bouncing wildly.

I wondered if he was looking at my butt, I could feel the line of my shorts, they had pulled right up into my crack..... I felt powerful, I could have been totally naked and contemplated running naked in public for a brief second, I did some streaking when you were two, but that's another story.

I could hear him behind me and glanced back, he was only a pace behind and I needed to rest so I stopped with my back still to him and he stopped against me pushing me slightly off balance. He grabbed my arm to support me and I spun against him. His arms circled and drew me in... I was totally powerless and my hands reached round to his shoulders and I traced down his back and pulled his hips into me as his lips found mine...

His cock was hardening and I felt it rising, pressing against my thigh. His hands had traveled to my breasts and waves of energy surged through me as my nipples were squeezed and rolled between his fingers. I bought a hand round and felt for his cock, It was caught in his shorts at altogether the wrong angle so I reached inside and helped it to stand up.

He kissed down over my chin and I arched my head back. the kisses continued down to my breasts and I shuddered when he sucked and nibbled my nipples. I had lost the grip on his cock and dropped to my knees pulling down his shorts. I took his cock in both hands. It was big, god I had heard of big cocks and thought that it was simply locker room exaggeration, I had doubts as to what it may do to me, but I liked the feel of it and started kissing it, and then using my tongue started licking and sucking.. It was long and smooth with just a slight upward curve and when I took it into my mouth my lips scarcely came down half way before it hit the back of my throat.

I pulled his shorts right down and he stepped out of them and then kissed my way up under his tee shirt lifting it as I went till he slipped it off and soon disposed of my shorts. .

His hands found my breasts again and one soon reached down around my butt and inside my shorts. I stepped my feet apart and his finger ran down my sweaty crack and up into my cunt, I was dripping wet and he rubbed my juices up my crack, I loved it as he would draw back over my anus and make small circles to slide back through the vagina to do the same to my clit.... it was wild and I thrust my vagina against his hardness.

He pushed me back against a boulder, I lay back on it and he kissed down and nibbled my clit with his teeth, it felt so goo that let out a stifled scream, god we’ were doing this in a public place. And then he came into me I thought I was going to break, but if felt good at the same time. The he began gently thrusting and rotating his pelvis, I couldn't help but let out this wild sort of growl, it was like my body was awakening to some new force. It was scary but now I wanted it more than anything. I wrapped my legs around him and he held me by the hips thrusting and I could feel his balls slapping against my perineum This was heaven, and the energy in my body was rising and I could feel that his was as well. The next moments well we both came together, his semen squirting into me felt so good and I found that I still had some vaginal muscles and did my best to extract every drop. He drew me up to kiss him and we noticed the cool air and the sound of voices coming closer. We quickly grabbed our clothes and ran away from the voices until they were out of hearing, stopped and put on out clothes. He led me a short way back to the car. I was going to be late for work, but it was worth it. Before I left we exchanged names and address details arranging to meet that night.

The End

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