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had been almost six months since Maggie's last fuck and she was
about to start climbing the walls if she didn't get some cock in a
hurry!!! "Will you sit your ass down, girl," Jada said while looking
up over the top of her book, "you're driving me nuts with all your
pacing!!!" "Jesus christ I can't stand it for another minute,"
Maggie replied to her cell mate, "if I don't get some pecker quick
I'm gonna loose my mind!!!" "You and me both, honey," Jada shot back
with a crooked grin, "but unless you've got a magic lamp with a
genie I guess you're just gonna have to be satisfied with my
tongue!!!" Maggie made a face at the sweet twenty six year old black
girl, and then with a shrug of her shoulders she plopped down on her
cot and replied with resignation, "You're right, but I'm gonna try
to figure out some way to get some dick, you just mark my words," as
she took Jada into her arms and kissed her full on the lips, "you
just mark my words!!!"
The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, and still
there was no opportunity for Maggie to find a suitable male to
service her sexually, but then as it so often happens, when you're
least expecting it, lightning strikes!!! "Anderson, get over here,"
the burly guard called to Maggie, "the captain wants to see you in
her office, pronto, so let's move it!!!" "What does she want,"
Maggie asked nervously as they made their way through the cell block
to the captain's office!?! "How the fuck should I know," the ugly
bull dyke retorted, "she don't tell me nothing, now shut your mouth
and walk, got it!?!" Maggie merely nodded her head, and with the
feeling of impending doom coming in over the horizon, she walked the
rest of the way in silence!!! "Wait here and I'll see if she's
busy," Officer Booth ordered gruffly!!! "Okay, the captain will see
you now," Booth said evenly while showing Maggie into Captain Flo
Evans private office, "I'll be right out side if you need me,
captain, just holler if the bitch gets out of line!!!" Captain Evans
waited until Officer Booth had gone and closed the door behind her,
leaving the two of them alone before offering, "She's not exactly
the most tactful person I've ever ran into!!!" Still not sure of why
she was there, Maggie sat tight, not commenting either way at the
captain's last remark!!! "Okay, let's get down to business," Flo
Evans said evenly, "How'd you like to make some money, Anderson, and
I mean a lot of money!?!"
"Who wouldn't," Maggie replied quickly, "but ya see all the thousand
dollar a week jobs are all taken!!!" "Don't crack wise with me,
bitch," Flo Evans replied harshly, "I can make your life a living
hell so if I were you I'd shut my fucking mouth and listen to what I
have to say!!!" "All right," Maggie answered contritely, "I'm all
ears, go
ahead!!!" "First of all," Flo Evans replied, "I want you to watch
this," while she shoved a VCR tape into a video recorder and hit the
play button, "I think that you'll find it interesting to say the
least!!!" It took a few moments for the picture to come on the
screen, but when it did Maggie's jaw almost his the floor, because
there on the
television was her in the shower with several other inmates sucking
each others tits and pussies!!! In a state of total shock, Maggie
stared at the images dancing in front of her before stammering,
"When, how...............???" "The when's obvious," Flo answered,
"the how is a hidden camera in the heat vent at the far end of the
shower room, but that's not the important thing, the thing is what
am I going to do with the tape!!!"
Maggie's brain was spinning while she tried to figure out exactly
what was going on, but her thoughts were interrupted when Flo Evans
continued on, "Now I could use this tape for my personal use, or I
could sell it, which would you prefer!?!" "Sell it to who," Maggie
asked slowly!?! "I"ve got some contacts in the porno business who
tell me that we can get thousands for a tape like this one," Flo
replied, "they specialize in amateur stuff mostly, but this female
prison stuff could really be a gold mind!!!" "Maggie sat there for a
few moments collecting her thought before asking, "And how much
would the "actresses" get!?!" "Two hundred a piece per video," Flo
Evan answered quickly, "we can do the stuff in the shower and around
the rest of the prison if we like!!!" "Why not just make the videos
and sell them without telling us," Maggie asked!?! "Because if
anyone ever found out, I want your signature on a piece of paper
saying that you were a willing participant," Flo replied, "and I
won't lie to you, I'm gonna make a whole lot more than you do on the
deal if everything works out, so it's better for all concerned if I
put my cards on the table!!!" Maggie thought it over for a minute or
two, and then offered, "Okay, ya got a deal, but there are two
conditions, number one, you don't make us do anyone we don't wanna
do, and number two, I wanna get a good hard fuck by a real man and
for Jada too!!!" A broad smile broke out over Captain Evans' face
and she replied, "You got yourself a deal, and you are about to
become a fucking movie star, in more ways than one!!!"
Later that night in their cell, Maggie slid into bed with Jada and
whispered, "You're not gonna believe what I have to tell ya, girl,
but before we get to that I'm so fucking hot I can't help myself, so
if youwould...................." Jada knew enough about her friend
that what she really needed was a good cunt lapping, so after
kissing her softly on the mouth, Jada slid down the between her
lover's legs and began gently tonguing her over heated slit!!! "Oh
god, baby," Maggie sighed soflty, "you know just how to do my clit,
mmmmm, suck it, baby, make Maggie cum a ton!!!" The lithe ebony
enchantress urgently probed Maggie's pussy with her insistent tongue
until she finally came to rest on her cell mate's over sized clit,
where upon she flicked over it's tiny head until Maggie was
shuddering with a brutal orgasm that left her gasping for breath!!!"
"God," she panted, "one of these days you're gona kill when you do
that!!!" "Yeah," Jada whipered with a giggle while kissing her way
up over Maggie's belly and breasts to her again kiss her warm mouth,
"but what a nice way to go!!!" As usual, after she had gotten Maggie
off with her mouth, Jada reached under the mattress and produced a
long dildo she had fashioned in the wood shop, but as she handed it
to Maggie, her cell mate replied, "Put it away, baby, we're gonna
have company!!!"
Maggie cradled Jada in her arm while feeding her one of her big
nipples, but the young black girl pulled away and asked, "What did
you mean by were going to have visitors!?!" "Oh, just that a nice
big handsome black stud is due to arrive any minute now and give
both of us the fucking of our lives, that's all!!!" "Bull," Jada
replied incredulously, "we're in prison, honey, stuff like that just
doesn't happen, now I took care of you, so
you do me," while handing her back the slick pussy juice covered
dildo!!! Maggie was just about to explain the situation when a soft
male voice wafted through the cell, "Okay ladies, come and get it,
Freddy's ready to go!!! "But how," Jada hissed as the two of them
scrambled over to the cell door, "I'll explain later," Maggie shot
back, "for now just enjoy it, okay!?!" There was a slight click of
the latch in the iron door, and seconds later one of the biggest man
either of them had ever seen slipped silently into
the dark cell, and said softly, "Who's first!?!"
"You go first," Maggie whisperd hoarsely to her friend, "I'll just
watch and get myself even more worked up, okay!?!" With the only
light coming from the soft glow of the hallway, Freddy's dark skin
blended in with his surroundings, but as he silently removed his
clothing, both women stood there with their mouths hanging open at
the incredible muscular build the black giant possessed!!! "I ain't
got all night, girls," he said gently while scooping Jada up in his
arms like she was baby and lifted her up high in the air until her
pussy was directly in front of his mouth where he quickly devoured
her as she hung helplessly before him!!!" "Oh my, Mags," Jada
gasped, "h-he's eating me alive, oh, oh, oh, he's sucking my fucking
clit!!!" Maggie was so stunned at the raw display of power that
Freddy was displaying, for the first minute or so she merely slumped
against the wall and stared at her best friend getting the sucking
of her life, but as her senses slowly returned, she gasped herself
when her gaze fell upon the incredible cock that stood proudly at
attention sticking out from Freddy's groin!!!
With her hand shaking like a leaf, Maggie gingerly reached out and
caressed the tennis ball size head head as tiny moans softly escaped
her trembling lips!!! Jada was still just hanging there while Freddy
tongued her to several hard orgasms, but the poor girl wasn't in the
least bit prepared for what happened to her next, as the giant black
man slowly lowered the rag doll like figure onto his massive member,
impaling the unsuspecting woman with his monster pecker!!! Maggie
recoiled at the sight of the slightly built woman being ravaged by
such a organ, and it crossed her mind that it might be too much even
for her, but as her fingers made their way into her steaming snatch,
and the image of Freddy's cock driving inside of her, her pussy
lurched as a powerful orgasm swept through her, leaving her shaken
and trembling even before she knew what was to come!!!
As for Jada, her little cunt strained to allow the massive invader
entry, and even though she was being stretched beyond her limits,
the young black woman's pussy convulsed over and over again as
blinding orgasm after orgasm ripped through her like a hurricane
until she was literally hanging on his cock like a side of beef a
hook, drained and devastated!!! After surveying the carnage he had
just wrought, Freddy gently lifted Jada off of his hard dick and lay
her softly onto the bed, before turning around to face a now
cowering Maggie and said softly, "So you're the one who wants to get
fucked by a big cock, huh, well now you're gonna get your chance
bitch, so tell me, how do ya want it!?!" After looking over a the
lifeless form of her softly groaning cell mate, Maggie tried
speaking, but with her mouth dry from all the excitement, nothing
would come out, and fortunately or unfortunately, Freddy made the
decision for her as he grabbed her by the hair and leaned her over a
small dresser, taking her from the rear!!! "No, no," she begged in a
weak voice, "p-please no, I'm not ready, please noooooooooooooooo,
god is that fucking huge, oh god you're fucking me with your big
mother fucking pecker!!!" The pain was at first searing, but almost
instantly Maggie's pussy spasmed hard as the first
of many orgasms twisted her pussy into knots, but the if she thought
that was the end of it she was sorely mistaken as Freddy reared back
and began fucking her with a ferocity that threatened to tear her
pussy to ribbons!!!
If there is one thing that Freddy loved, it was scaring a woman to
death with the size of his cock, and then after making sure that
they were good and terrified, taking them with such brutality and
viciousness that the fucking he was giving would be indelibly
pressed in their memory forever, and while Maggie had talked a good
game, here she was bent over with her legs spread wide apart
submitting to Freddy's incredible erection!!! "So, bitch," he spat
while pounding away at her pussy, how do you like it now, getting
enough, or do you want some more!?!" Maggie was close to passing
out, but with her last ounce of strength she moaned, "Come on stud
man, show this bitch what you've got," and as if by magic, his
pecker stiffened sending a load of cum blasting into her helpless
pussy, sending her over the edge in one last mind bending orgasm as
unconsciousness thankfully overtook her!!!
An hour or maybe two later, Maggie woke up in a groggy haze with the
dull ache in her loins reminding her of the night before!!! She went
over to the sink and splashed some water onto her face before
climbing into be with Jada and cuddling up close to her!!! "Are you
awake, baby," Maggie whispered softly into her ear!?! "Oh god, my
pussy is sore," Jada whispered back, "how did you find him!?!"
"Don't you worry about it, baby,"
she replied while nibbling the black girl's bare shoulder and
peering up at the red light glowing from the infrared video camera
hanging from the ceiling, "you just made two hundred dollars!!!"
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