Erotic Stories

".....we'll be cruising at an
altitude of 33,000 feet with and air speed of 480
knots, the weather is clear and we should reach
Houston right on time, and thank you for flying World
Air!!!" After Emma Burton had stared out the
window at the fading lights of Seattle's skyline, she
ordered a Bloody Mary from the hostess and buried her
nose in the new novel she had purchased at the
airport news stand, and while she was just about
getting into the plot when she was interrupted by her
young seat mate, a college age boy sitting just to
her right!!! "First flight," he asked!?!
"Uh, no," she replied, "my
grandchildren live with my son and his wife in
Houston so I fly down a couple of times a year, I
usually take the night flight because it's a little
cheaper, what about you!?!" "Oh, I go to
school in Seattle," he offered cheerfully,
"but I'm a native Texan returning home to be in
my buddy's wedding!!!" She was about to go back
to her reading, when the young man stuck out his hand
and introduced himself, "Well since we're going
to be traveling together, my name's Parker, Parker
Price!!!" Emma took his hand, and with a firm
grip replied, "It's nice to make your
acquaintance, Parker, I'm Emma Burton!!!"
Their drinks soon
arrived, and while making small talk, Parker
discovered that Emma Burton was a sixty year old
widow whose husband had dies three years ago!!!
"So, enough about me," Emma said after
taking a sip on her drink, "Tell me, do you have
a girl friend!?!" "I did have one," he
replied, "but we broke up two months ago, so I
guess you could say I'm kinda in between!!!"
After taking another sip, she patted his leg replied,
"Well I wouldn't worry about it too much, you're
a very handsome young man who shouldn't have any
trouble finding another girl!!!" He chuckled a
little before replying, "Thanks for the
compliment, but I think for the time being I'm just
gonna play the field!!!" They spent the better
part of the next hour chatting about everything under
the sun, until Parker finally offered, "I'm
sorry, but I'm really tired, so if you don't mind I
think I'll take a little nap!!!"
In less than a
minute Parker fell into a deep restful sleep while
Emma turned on her overhead light and returned to
reading her book as her hand fell casually into
Parker's lap!!! Almost immediately his penis
stiffened until his full erection pushed insistently
against the front of his jeans as Emma continued both
reading and caressing at the same time!!! It had been
so long since she had felt the hardness of an excited
male in her hand, that her panty clad vagina became
flushed and damp in anticipation of some direct
stimulation!!! Reaching under her seat, Emma pulled
out a blanket and covered both her lap and Parker's
before sliding her hand back to his straining
crotch!!! It was incredible really, here she was
feeling up a total stranger while he slept with him
being none the wiser, but what she really wanted was
to unzip his fly and extract his big pecker and suck
him off!!! It was now or never, so with a gentle
shaking of his arm to rouse him awake she whispered,
"Take out your out your penis, I want to suck
you off!!!" "W-what did you say," he
replied groggily, "I didn't hear you!?!"
Again she shook him by the arm and in a low but
urgent voice repeated, "Take out your penis, I
want to suck you!!!" By now his eyes were wide
open and he could feel her hand kneading his hardness
through his clothing, and in almost a shocked voice
in whispered, "Are you crazy, you're old enough
to be my grandmother, and besides, we're on an
airplane full of people, someone might see
us!!!" "Don't worry," she whispered
hoarsely, "all the lights are out and most
everyone is asleep, and besides, I'll slip under the
blanket so no one can see me!!!"
When he didn't
reply, Emma pressed on, "You're hard as a rock,
you need to ejaculate and I need for you to do it in
my mouth, please, let's help each other out, I
promise that you won't be disappointed!!!"
"I-I don't know," he stammered, "I
didn't realize people your age................"
".........that people my age like sex," as
she finished his sentence for him, "well let me
tell you, we like it just as much as you young kids
and maybe more, so hurry up and get that cock out,
mama's hungry!!!" After a moment's hesitation,
Parker extracted his hardon from its denim prison,
allowing the old cock hound access to his most
private parts!!! "My god," she sighed while
gently jerking him under the blanket, "it's so
warm and alive in my hand, and so thick too, I'm
really gonna enjoy this!!!" Emma glanced around
the dark cabin to see if any other passengers were
paying any attention to them, and when she was sure
they were not, she lifted the blanket and devoured
the straining organ in her hot mouth!!! "Oh my
god," he moaned softly, "that's incredible,
it even feels better than when Debbie does
it!!!" Emma chuckled to herself at the young
man's admission, but anxious to receive her sperm
shooter, she concentrated on licking and sucking his
big pecker to climax!!! Parker's breathing became
shallow and inconsistent as his orgasm neared, and
just when he was ready to blow his nut, a hostess
tapped him on the shoulder and asked in an acid
voice, "And just what do you think you two are
After nearly
jerking Emma's mouth from his erection, Parker
stammered, "Well uh, you see it's like this, she
was just uh, I mean she was just..........."
"I was giving him a blow job," Emma
interjected, "that is until you interrupted
us!!!" Her tone was that of someone whose rights
had been violated, and for an instant the female
flight attendant didn't quite know what to say, so
Emma bored right on in, "And now look at
him," while pulling back the cover and exposing
Parker's still rock hard cock, "and you expect
me to leave the poor boy in this condition, what are
you anyway, some kind of sadist!?!" With a look
of total consternation the hostess stammered,
"Well I'm sorry, but I was afraid some of the
other passengers might complain......" "Do
you see anybody watching us," Emma demanded
while casually jerking Parker's straining hardon,
"cuz I sure don't!!!" "Well uh, I
guess not," the hostess replied softly,
"I-I'm sorry for the inconvenience!!!"
"That's okay," Emma replied, "how'd
you like a little taste for yourself, he's got and
incredibly yummy cock here!?!" "Ohhhhh I
couldn't," the hostess replied softly!!!
"Why not," Emma shot back, "he's got
plenty of juice for both of us, you do swallow don't
you, I don't wanna see any of his spunk going to
The hostess was
now completely flustered at the personal nature the
conversation had taken on, and in a small quiet voice
she replied, "I don't think that is any of your
business!!!" "Well it is if you plan on
sucking him off, I found him first, but I'll be happy
to share him, and by the way, when's that last time
you sucked a big pecker!?!" "Keep your
voice down," the hostess admonished, "do
you want someone to hear you!?!" "Not
really," Emma replied casually, "but if you
don't hurry, I'm just gonna hafta suck him off by
myself!!!" Parker was almost in a state of shock
as he listened to the two women discussing the merits
of sucking his penis, and it wasn't until he grabbed
the hostess by the arm and physically pulled her face
into his lap that the argument was finally settled!!!
After her face bumped into the massive piece of cock
flesh, she almost automatically opened her mouth and
sucked him in!!! "Ohhhhhh," he sighed as
her mouth engulfed him, "oh yeah, just like
that, mmmmmm, right there, that's the spot, suck me
off, oh god suck me off!!!" Emma snuggled up
next to him, and with out warning, turned his face to
hers and gave him a deep kiss, while forcing her
tongue deep inside of his mouth!!! He was beginning
to lose it, but by now he was so far gone all he
could think about was shooting a load into the mouth
of the cocksucker flight attendant!!! Emma pulled her
mouth from his and whispered, "Are you about
ready to fill her mouth, she really needs it!?!"
With his eyes glazed over, he nodded his head as his
body stiffened and his cock began to ejaculate a
gusher of hot cum deep into the throat of the hot
little cocksucker!!!
"T-that was
incredible," he sighed while the little cock
hound continued paying oral homage to his still half
hard cock, "I can't believe we just did that, I
mean with all these sleeping people around!!!"
Emma kissed him again and then offered, "Now
don't think for a minute that we're finished here,
sonny, you've still got to get mama off!!!"
"But how," he asked softly?!? "Like
this," she replied while quickly standing up and
throwing a let over his lap and mounting him,
"just like this!!!" "Y-you're fucking
crazy," he moaned as she impaled herself on his
huge erection, "we're gonna get caught for
sure!!!" "Oh shut the fuck up," she
sighed while rocking back and forth on his thick
stump, "we've got little miss cocksucker here to
keep the coast clear, so be a good Texan and give
this Seattle girl the fucking of her life, come on,
stud," she gasped, "move your fucking ass
and get mama off!!!" After regaining his train
of thought, he shot back quietly, "You're on
top, cunt, do it yourself, I'm just along for the
fucking ride!!!" And she did too, as she all at
once began bouncing up and down on him until without
warning she stiffened as if she were electrocuted,
while a murderous climax slammed into her cunt and
his own organ spasmed hard filling her with the sperm
shooter she so desperately desired!!!
Almost as soon as
they climaxed, the hostess whispered harshly,
"Okay now, that's enough, both of you back in
your seats and keep your hands to yourselves!!!"
Emma plopped back down in her seat, and while looking
out the window into the pitch dark offered, "Now
that, was a real case of in flight
The End
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