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 I began this marketing survey job six weeks previously and it was beginning to get boring. I would make appointments and then go to the peoples houses and do interviews which generally took a half to three quarters of an hour. I make appointments in the evening and do interviews the next day starting around 10.00 am sometimes working evenings. The previous evening I had rang round in this area and had only arranged two appointments, One for 9.30 and one at 10.30.

This morning was looking quiet, only two appointments, I thought as I lay in bed, procrastinating about getting up, that I would take myself for a treat, somewhere nice for lunch. I called my friend Sally, a junior lawyer, arranging to meet. Sally was immaculate in her dress, it concerned me to dress as good as her. I got up went and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a tangle and I brushed it back off my face. The cool of the morning brought me out in goose bumps and my nipples really stood out. I rubbed them with my fingers, mmmm nice. God I feel horney today, it was a while since I'd had good sex.

I took a shower and after drying myself dabbed some of the lovely musk perfume that Sally gave me for my birthday, some behind my ears, wrists, and some on my inner thighs. The fragrance was divine. I rubbed my hands all over my self... What shall I wear today I thought.... massaging my breasts.. There was no time to dally any longer, I knew that the next move would be to masturbate and there was no time. What to wear, mostly I went very casual, but since I was going to lunch.... and horney...... Still naked, I go to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I need coffee, an irrestisable habit. Outside John, the neighbour was putting out the rubbish. As unattractive as I found him to speak to, his body was ok. He must have felt my attention and looked up. He sees me standing naked and waves, i cover my breasts with one arm. I smile back, slowly stepping out of his view.. make coffee and return to my room to dress.

The day would be warm and I chose a soft satin blouse and a short skirt that clung just a little. With my bare tanned legs I didn't really need stockings. I put on a nice pair of shoes which matched the skirt and top and a little more make up than ususal. I walked around the house collecting up the things I would need for the day, my breasts felt that they were moving around to much without a bra, but the softness of the fabric felt so nice.. I felt a litle reckless, but what the heck I was going to play too.

I drove to my first appointment in Coogee, The lady was chatty and pleased to have some conversation although hubby was in the next room with the papers and racing forms. What a life I thought as I left. Perhaps I am better without a man...

I drive the next few blocks. I was right on time. A woman came out from the house as I lock my car.. I had spoken with a man last night and thought that perhaps his wife was going out. I ring the bell. It chimes somewhere inside. The door opens, "Hello Adonnis", I think as I take a breath and introduce myself. "Hi I'm Gale from data research" extending my hand. "I spoke to you last night."

He takes it, a soft warm grip.... "Hi, I’m Steve", he said, " Please come in". I step past him into the hall, and my senses are arrested by a range of subtle fragrances and the house wraps itself around me with a warm sensuality. It is another world..... incense, icons, candles... He leads me to a living area and offers me a drink. I ask for coffee and help myself to a seat on the couch as he walks into the kitchen area seperated by a counter, he puts the kettle on to heat.. He is wearing casual trousers a short sleeved shirt and bare feet. A girl comes into the room, and he introduces us. Her name is Yvonne, one of his staff. As he makes coffee, she tells me how the house is used for natural healing and that Steve is the principal. Her eyes glow, smiling as she speaks on him. I watch Steve moving, he has a graceful movement... My eyes come back to Yvonne, who seems not to notice my attention on Steve... her breasts catch my eyes and I must have stared.. visible, braless moving about freely under the fabric of her transparent top.

Steve brings the coffee and sits beside me on the couch.

She saw me looking and said, "they have been a little tender the past few days with my period", she rolls them around under her hands, I tried to suppress the feeling inside me, that I would love to have mine massaged like that. I sip my coffee. Her breasts are a little smaller than mine and her nipples are becoming erect, god so were mine. "That happened to me in my teens", I said and almost unconsciously brush a hand over my breasts, I could feel the nipples hard and pressing out through my top, a shudder goes through my body. Steve sits quietly looking on.

Yvonne became absorbed in her breasts. I ask, "Is there a technique or are you just playing". I ask

"Mostly technique" she said, "some play, I love nice sensual feelings".

"There is to little emphasis on pleasure in the world and to much importance attached to political correctness", Steve intervenes, and to me he asks "can we proceed with your business"?

I felt relieved to get back to the safe and familiar and we start going through my programme. I was was asking questions and writing down his answers. We were almost through when my need to pee became to strong. He told me where the bathroom was and I went and had my pee. I’m not sure whether I was feeling reckless or desperate. Here was a prime hunk of man and my cunt felt like it had an itch that I couldn't scratch. I undid another button on my blouse to give what I thought was an invitation and went back out.

His body looked strong, tanned and alive. I could see the curve of his penis against the fabric of his trousers.

The last few questions dragged and as we went through them I leaned closer to him and let my leg rest against his for a moment and sat back in the seat as I finished and asked him about his work and what happened in this house.

He said "I assist poeple into the fullness of thier lives". He turns to face me sitting crosslegs. "have you ever meditated?" he said. "No, that's something foreign to me" I reply.

Would you like a brief introduction?’ he asked.

I would have climbed a mountain to be close to him at this moment.... "Yes, why not, my life could use some inspiration right now".

"Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes" he said.

I leaned back into the couch

and be aware of your breath, how is it flowing? dont answer, just feel". My breath was fast, Allow your self to relax a little and take a few deep breaths".

The urgency of my desire became bareable as I focussed on my breath.

"Now feel your skin all over, where is it tight and where is it more comfortable"?

I could feel my skirt was tight across my thighs

I quietly eased my self to sit cross legs and pulled my blouse out from the skirt which by now scarcely covered my bum, the blouse only covered my crotch.

I settled and feeling my composure return. He asked, "Are you ready to go on"? I opened my eyes. He was looking into mine, smiling. He said, "your energy is wanting to break free and I have the feeling that you may like this," his hand reached to my crotch, his hand was warm as it held my cunt, I closed my eyes.. "yes".

He said that he would like to share another dimension of sexuality with me. I would have been happy with a quickie, bur I was getting interested as I saw his penis begin to rise. He removed the sarong and leaned, undoing my buttons. I held my breath as he slid the garment over my shoulders, I drew my arms out of the sleeves and pulled my skirt up over my head, "what now"?

"Sit closer" he said and moved so that his thighs were resting over mine. "Touch yourself here". He put his hands on his heart. I followed suit. He said, "follow my lead and repeat after me, "I honour my body, my heart and my life", I repeated softly. He moved his hands to his belly, "I honour the power of my life and passion".

I followed.

He moved his hands to his erection, " I honour the power of my sexuality". That was a struggle for me but I managed.

He moved his hands to my chest, his fingers lightly resting on my nipples, they reacted and I gasped, then placed mine on his chest, it was warm and the hair soft, I wanted to run my fingers through it. "I honour this heart" he said. I copied and let my fingers explore as his hands slid softly down to my belly and "I honour the power of this woman". I copied. Then he reached to my cunt, I took his cock in my hands as he said, "I honour the power of your sexuality". Inadvertently I said Cock instead of sexuality. He let it pass.

He took one hand and placed it on top of my head, the other pressed against my cunt, the lips parted and his hand pressed against my wetness and slid and a finger slid over my perineum, almost to my arse. I sat upright and place my hand on his head. the other firmly holding his cock.

He led me through a series of breathing and sensory exercises that gave me a feeling that my whole body was as sensitive as my clit, my breath strangely stayed calm and when he gently shifted and drew me into sit on his thighs I simply felt totally at peace. I stayed calm as his penis slipped into me. I felt so light, so free. I was having an orgasm, or rather I was the orgasm. Floating, following his instructions.

There was no time, it seemed to stand still, occasionally I would be aware of his cock inside me, pulsing, and my nipples nestled into his chest, our arms around each other, soft, supporting. Energy flowing up my spine and me expanding out into space, it was like my whole body was fluid and mixing with him in total oneness.

Slowly my senses returned to the world. I was sitting on his lap, his erection pulsing inside me, the warmth of the sun on my back, that was puzzling, it was in front of me earlier. I did not recall moving. My face, my whole body smiled as I contemplated this experience. Opening my eyes, he sat smiling, glowing really. Turning my head, Yvonne sat there, naked and wide eyed. I was to beyond somewhere and it felt very relaxed to have her watching.

She spoke, "you have enjoyed yourself", a statement rather than a question.

My senses returned, "I feel great, what time is it"?

"Around three", Yvonne relied. "You know you were both off the ground for a while, you know like levitating". I had know idea what had happened, it seemed like a dream, but I felt so good, so at ease.

He opened his eyes, smiling, "Messed up your lunch date eh"?

We sat there and the three of us hugged. I needed to move and leaned back, sliding off his cock and legs. There was nothing to say and I quietly put on my blouse and skirt, said goodbye and left.

The world was brighter, fresher, I felt so alive

Would you like to"? She came over to me offering her breasts. I reached up and felt them, it was different touching another woman's breasts. I thought that I would be wetting the back my skirt and the chair. She traced her fingers softly around mine, nice, but I was here on business.

Lovely I stammered as I took my hands back to the table. She smiled down at me and stepped back as I turned away and I sipped my coffee.

At that moment Steve came in and said to Yvonne, "Still sore"? "Not really, but I enjoy them more now, Its like I am getting to know them more deeply. Any how I must be going. Bye, lovely to meet you Gale".

I said goodbye as she walked out buttoning herself up.

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