Erotic Stories
> Mamma Does Daddy
was that noise," Brenda whispered to Morgan after poking her best
friend in the ribs to wake her up!?! "W-what time is it," Morgan
asked sleepily, "I don't hear anything, go back to sleep!!!" "Wake
up, girl," Brenda implored once again, "I'm not sure but it sounded
like someone might be in trouble!!!" Morgan rolled over onto her
side, and after wiping the sleep out of her eyes commented, "Are you
sure you weren't dreaming, remember last summer when you thought
there was a man with a gun hiding in your garage!?!" "Okay, okay,"
Brenda replied urgently, "so I was wrong once, that doesn't mean I
didn't hear what I heard tonight does it!?!" All right already,"
Morgan replied now fully awake, "so what kind of trouble did it
sound like this person was having!?!" "Well, I duuno for sure,"
Brenda replied quickly, "but it sounded bad!!!"
Morgan looked at the clock and exclaimed, "Good grief, Bren, it's
three thirty in the morning and you can't even tell me what you
think you heard, so let's try and get some sleep, okay!?!" Brenda
was just about to speak, when clear as a bell a woman's voice softly
said, "Please, stop, I can't take it anymore!!!" "See what I mean."
Brenda said excitedly, "it sounds like some woman's in trouble, I
just knew I heard something!!!" "Shut up, Bren," Morgan ordered
sternly, "I'm pretty sure that's my mother talking!!!"
"Your mother," Brenda replied in hoarse whisper, "are you nuts, why
would she be in any danger!?!" "I don't know," Morgan replied, "but
who in the heck else could it be, the only ones in the house are
you, me, mom, and my dad, nobody else!?!" "You're right," Brenda
whispered in reply, "do you think we should check it out, I mean
what if she is in trouble or something!?!" "For once I think that
you're right," Morgan replied while hopping out of bed an donning
her bath robe, "are you coming with me or not!?!" "And stay here by
myself," Brenda replied with a shiver, "are you nuts, I'm right with
ya, hon!!!" "Okay then, now be quiet and stay behind me," Morgan
replied while opening the door to the long hallway that connected
all of the bedrooms, "let's go!!!" Slowly the two eighteen year olds
made their way down the corridor to Morgan's folk's bedroom, and the
closer they got the louder the noise became, until when they were
directly outside the door they able to hear each and every word
being spoken inside!!!
"What are they saying," Brenda hissed, "I can't hear a thing!?!"
"Well if you shut up you just might," Morgan whispered back, as they
both put their ears to the door and heard Beth Vincent begging her
husband to stop spanking her!!! "Do you promise to be a good little
girl," Gordon Vincent asked his wife while striking her bottom with
two more hard swats, "you don't sound very convincing to me, young
lady!?!" Making what sounded like real tears, Beth sobbed, "Please,
daddy, I promise to be good, just don't hit me anymore!!!" "Good
grief," Brenda whispered excitedly, "your dad's beating the hell you
your mother, what are we gonna do about it!?!" "I-I'm not sure,"
Morgan replied while her mind was spinning, "it didn't sound like
dad was really mad at her, did it!?!" "You wanna take that chance,"
Brenda asked hoarsely, "what if he's tryin' to kill her or
something!?!" "Now you're the one who's acting crazy," Morgan
retorted, "you've know my dad since you were a baby and have you
ever known him to hit anyone!?!"
After thinking about that one for second or two, Brenda shook her
head and replied, "Okay, you got me there, but proof is proof,
honey, and it sounds pretty bad to me!!!" "Shush up," Morgan
whispered, "she's saying something else!?!" Both girls quieted right
down just in time to hear Morgan's mother say, "If you stop spanking
me I can be a very good little girl!!!" "How good," came her
father's reply!?! "I-I could suck your thing for you," she said in a
little girls' voice, "would you like me to put it in my mouth and
suck it for you, daddy!?!" Both Morgan and Brenda gasped while they
listened to Mrs. Vincent practically begging her husband to let her
suck on his pecker in return for mercy, and as their hearts were
pounding they continued listening in!!! "Okay," Gordon replied, "but
you have to suck it all the way, and I mean that you swallow every
last drop, I don't want a repeat of last week when you pulled it out
and let it shoot all over your breasts, do you understand me, little
girl!?!" "Oh yes, daddy," she happily replied, "I understand
"Oh, Beth," Gordon Vincent sighed, "you have a real talent there,
better than anyone I've ever had!!!" "Even better than Cindy Wells,"
Beth asked with a chuckle!?! "Well, I guess that I'd call that a
dead heat," Gordon replied quickly, "let's just say that you're both
in the major leagues of cocksuckers!!!" Brenda nearly collapsed when
she heard that last little exchange, and with a look of total
confusion she whispered, "D-did you hear that, your dad acts like my
mom's given him oral sex, I just can't believe it, and your mother
knows all about it too!?!" "I don't know what to say," Morgan
replied softly while patting her best friend on the arm, "but from
the sound of it, I'll bet your dad was doing my mom too, or at least
that makes the most sense!!!" "Most sense," Brenda snapped, "that
means that they'd have been wife swapping, or worse!!!" "I know, I
know," Morgan retorted, "what do you want me to do about it, go in
and ask them, or maybe we should call up your mom and ask her, that
would be fun, "by the way mom, I heard Gordon and Beth Vincent
mention that you sucked him off and I was just wondering if it were
true!?!" "All right, already," Brenda replied a little sadly, "I'm
just a little shocked that's all!!!" "You and me both," Morgan
replied as she put her ear back to the door!!!
The sounds of Beth's sucking became louder and louder until Gordon
moaned out loud and groaned as he filled his wife's hot mouth with a
load of nice gooey cum!!! "Now that was a good little girl," he said
with a sigh, "not one drop lost, and to just to show my appreciation
I'll give you anything you want, just name it!!!" "Well, daddy," she
replied giggling, "you know how tight my little pussy is, and it
could really use a good hard fucking, so could you do that for me,
daddy, could you please fuck your little girl's pussy for her!?!"
After what sounded like a little chuckle from her father, Gordon
Vincent replied, "Of course I will, dear, how would you like it!?!"
"Oh, daddy," she squealed, "I'd really like to ride your big penis,
could I daddy, could I ride it, please!?!" "You mean you want me to
lie back and just let you climb on and let my penis slide into your
little tight pussy," he asked softly!?!" "Oh yes, daddy," she
replied, "hurry up, daddy, your little girl really needs a good hard
"I think that they're playing some kind of sex game," Brenda
whispered!!! "With a look of disdain on her face, Morgan just shook
her head and replied, "No shit, Sherlock, what ever gave you that
idea!?!" "I was just stating a fact, that's all," Brenda replied,
"don't jump down my throat will ya!?!" "Okay, okay," Morgan shot
back, "shush up now, mama's talking again!!!" "Oh, Gordon," Beth
sighed in her normal voice, "you are so fucking good to me,
ohhhhhhhhhhh you're so fucking big, I just love riding your fucking
pecker!!!" "Y-you're still as tight as when I first married you,
babe," her father said while grinding his meat into his wife's cunt,
"I'm absolutely addicted to your pussy and ass, I just can't seem to
get enough of them!!!" "D-do yo like it when I pretend to be your
little girl," she gasped as her pussy convulsed several times in
preparation of its climax!?! "You know I do," he moaned loudly, "and
I love punishing my "bad" little girl's fat bottom!!!" "Oh, god,"
she gasped, "I-I'm almost there, w-what about you, are you gonna
cum!?!" "Are you nuts," he groaned, "I'm gonna cum in buckets and
fill your tight little cunt with a super load of hot jism!!!" Just
hearing her husband speaking of her pussy in such a crude fashion
was more than enough to send Beth over the cliff and onto the shoals
of orgasm reef as her pussy spasmed out of control, gripping her
husband's penis in its vise like grip until it shuddered hard, and
then released its load of fiery cum deep inside of her quaking
Once back in bed both girls were silent for a long time until Brenda
asked softly, "Do you really think that they did my parents or it
was all part of their game!?!" "I don't know, Bren," Morgan replied
thoughtfully, "but I do know one thing, I've got the two hottest
folks around, and you can take that to the bank!!!
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