Erotic Stories > A Friend In Need
"Holy smokes, Bev, "you gotta stop that,
you're driving me crazy!!!" Bev Andrews lowered
her head and while looking over the top rim of her
wire rimmed glasses asked, "And what would I be
doing that's driving you crazy, Tom, I'm just doing
my makeup and hair!?!" A little line of drool
crept out of the corner of Tom's mouth as he stared
at his wife's huge chest and her always full and
erect nipples before stammering, "Y-you know
what I mean, it's not fair for you to sit there naked
like that, you know I can't stand it!!!"
"Now look, Tommy," she replied in a
slightly exasperated voice, "last week you
complained when I wore my bra and panties, and now
it's because I'm naked, for goodness sakes I'm in my
own dressing room, will you please grow up!!!"
Dropping his head and looking down at his feet he
replied softly, "I'm sorry, baby, it's just that
you turn me on like nobody ever has or will, and just
the mere sight of you puts me over the edge!!!"
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy," she said with a sigh and a
deep breath, "what am I ever going to do with my
little Tommy, you're just a little boy, now come
here, mama will make you feel all better!!!" As
her huge breasts closed around his blue steel
erection, all he could think about was how lucky he
was to have such an incredible wife, while only
moments later his hard pecker spasmed, shooting a
load of hot spunk all over her pretty nipples!!!
Bev pulled her car into her parking space at work,
her best friend Megan was just walking up to the
front door where she waited for Bev!!! "How's it
going," Megan asked while putting her key into
the door lock, "you usually beat me here, did
you have car trouble or something!?!" "Oh,
no," Bev replied while chuckling, "it was
Tommy, I was doing my hair and minding my own
business when he just glanced at my tits and got a
big hardon, well, one thing led to another, you know
how it is!!!" Megan pushed open the door and
headed off to her office without so much as another
word, which prompted Beverly to chase after her while
saying, "I'm sorry if I offended you, Megs, I
was just being mouthy, it won't happen again!!!"
"Uh, it's not that, Bev," Megan replied
softly, "it's just that, well Jimmy and I have
been having a rough go of it lately, that's all, you
didn't offend me in the least, I'm sorry any of this
came up!!!" Bev was about to respond, when all
at once Megan slumped down in her chair and quietly
began crying like a baby!!! Bev rushed to her side
and cradled the sobbing woman in her arms while
gently patting her on the head while asking,
"Why didn't you say something before this,
honey, I would have been a good listener!?!"
Through her sniffles and tears, Megan replied,
"I didn't want to burden you with my problems,
and this morning when you joked about how hot Tom was
for you, well that just pushed me over the edge, you
see it's been so long since, you know, since we, uh,
did it!!!"
that her friend was dying to unload, Bev grabbed a
chair and pulled it close to Megan's and sat down
before asking quietly, "How long, how long has
it been for you?!?" Now more in control of
herself, Megan blew her nose in a tissue and then
replied, "Well, about six weeks now, Jim has
just lost all interest in sex, he swears he doesn't
have a girl friend, but I really wonder!!!"
"Now look," Bev pointed out softly,
"has Jim ever lied to you before, I mean about
anything not just sex!?!" "No, he
hasn't," Megan answered quickly, "as far as
I know he's always been truthful with me!!!"
"Now I know this a little different," Bev
replied, ""but I think you have to give him
the benefit of the doubt, I mean Jim's a good man,
right!?!" "Y-yes," Megan replied with
her lower lip quivering, "b-but I don't think he
loves me anymore," before breaking down again in
a torrent of tears!!!" Bev's heart just broke as
she watched her friend sobbing, and instinctively she
took her into her arms and held her like a baby!!!
Megan began to calm down, she offered softly,
"Thank you for being here when I needed you
most, i-it feels so nice to be close to someone
again!!!" "Don't worry about a thing,"
Bev replied, "everything is gonna work out just
fine, you just wait and see!!!" Megan's face
pressing against her chest, and for a second she
wasn't sure if she had been right, but she would have
sworn that Megan had just given her right breast a
gentle squeeze!!! She was just about to write it off
as she mind playing tricks on her, when again she
felt a hand on her breast, but this time even more
insistently!!! "Megs," she whispered,
"what are you doing!!!" "I can't help
myself," Megan moaned softly, "they feel so
full and firm, I just had to touch them, you don't
mind do you!?!" Knowing the fragile condition
she was in, Bev was afraid that any kind of rejection
might completely drive her friend over the edge, so
in a small voice she replied, "Of course not,
dear, I was just curious, that's all!!!"
the next few minutes Megan caressed Bev's large
breast softly in her hand, and while it was certainly
a pleasurable experience, Bev was totally unprepared
for what transpired next!!! Megan sat up, and then
just as calmly as you please, began unbuttoning the
Bev's blouse!!! "You have such beautiful
breasts," Megan said under her breath, "and
I've always wanted to do this!!!" A pang of fear
shot through her, and in a shaky voice Bev stammered,
"T-this isn't right, Megs, maybe we shouldn't be
doing this!!!" By now her blouse was off and
Megan's nimble fingers were undoing the front
connecting clasp on Bev's 38DD bra!!! "Oh,
my," Megan sighed as the two giant mounds fell
from their prison, "no wonder Tom is always in
such a dither, they're incredible, and your nipples
are already hard!!!" "T-they're always that
way," Bev mumbled while Megan took one of her
erect nubs into her warm mouth, "I don't know
why, they just are!!" Bev didn't want it to feel
good, but Megan had the softest touch she had ever
felt, and no matter how hard she tried to keep her
mind off of it, her womanly instinct took over and
roiled her vagina into a near frenzy!!!
does it feel," Megan whispered between
suckles!?! "It feels very nice," Bev
sighed!!! "How would you like me to do your
pussy," Megan whispered hoarsely!?! "I-I
don't think so," a red faced Bev replied,
"I think we've done quite enough, don't
you!?!" "No I don't," Megan replied
while jumping up while stripping of her clothes,
"I haven't had a good orgasm in weeks, just look
at my pussy, my clit is sticking out and absolutely
on fucking fire!!!" Bev had never heard Megan
use such coarse language, and even though she was
trying to resist it, hearing her swearing like a
sailor and overtly exposing her vagina in front of
her was having a profound effect on her own pussy!!!
Now when Megan put her right foot up on the top of
the desk, and spread her vagina wide apart, she
offered no resistance what so ever when Megan took
her by the hair and pulled her mouth to the smoothly
shaved lips that were literally dripping with
juice!!! "Oh my, Bev," she sighed,
"you have such a talented tongue, are you sure
that this is the first pussy you've ever
sucked!?!" It was so intoxicating!!! Now for the
first time Bev could understand why Tommy was always
in such a lather to touch and feel her up, because
for the first time she was becoming addicted to the
sweet taste of hot wet pussy!!!
the sexual tension in the small office so thick you
could cut it with a knife, Megan pulled her friend to
her feet and crushed her mouth with kiss while
pulling the rest of Bev's things off and dropping
them to the floor in a pile next to them!!! "Are
you excited," Megan whispered while grinding her
34B's into Bev's incredible cleavage!?!
"Y-yes," Bev gasped, "that feels
wonderful, nipple to nipple, it's just
unbelievable!!!" "Do you know what I think
we should do," Megan asked softly!?!
"W-what," Bev moaned, "tell me, what
should we do!!!" "Well," Megan replied
while nibbling on Bev's ear, "I think we should
get down on the carpet and slide our pussies together
until our clits touch, how does that sound!?!"
"Sweet jesus, I'm hot," Bev moaned as Megan
helped her to the floor and immediately joined her
while sliding their vaginas together!!! As they both
shifted their positions slightly to help their clits
make direct contact with each other, soft moans and
groans filled the office while both women climbed
aboard the orgasm express, a non stop trip if there
ever was one!!! While grinding their sloppy wet cuts
together, Megan gasped, "I just love your tits,
just look at them, jiggling so gently, oh god, I'm
gonna cum soon!!!" Each time their clits
touched, electric shocks jolted their crotches, and
while Megan had her eyes fixed on Beverly's massive
chest, Bev on the other hand was concentrating on how
her hairy wet cunt was pressed hard against Megan's
smoothly shaved pubis!!! "We're clit to
clit," Beverly groaned, "I-I'm cumming, I
can't hold back another second, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm
cummingggggggggg so fucking hard!!!" While Bev's
cunt lurched out of control in an orgasmic explosion,
Megan's own pussy was in the middle of a climax that
could only be described as monumental!!! Both women,
with sweat breaking out all over their hot bodies,
ground their vaginas together harder and harder until
both of them collapsed in a state of total and
complete exhaustion!!!
after many minutes had passed, Megan raised her head
and smiled weakly before saying, "Thank you,
baby, I really need that!!!" Beverly smile back
at her friend while her cunt reveled in a post coital
glow and replied, "Me too, baby, me too!!!
The End
Erotic bedtime stories from
Stephanie Sarg
Copyrighted, April 1999
Practice Safe Sex