Erotic Stories Index > SEAT OF
Uniforms, daily prayer, chapel, and
strict discipline, those where the building blocks
that molded the character of the young women that
attended Lady of Mercy School for Girls!!! The theory
being that by the time a girl graduated from Mercy
she was ready to face the world!!! Of course in every
organization there was always those few bad apples
that bucked the system, whether it be in the army,
the Boy Scouts, or as in this case a high school for
girls, for some it is impossible to go along with the
group and rules are made to be broken!!! In this case
our story opens up in Sister Nora's twelfth grade
math class where she is in the middle of a lecture on
class this is important and I'm sure it will be on
the next test, so if there are there any questions
speak up now!!!" "Well that's just
wonderful, no questions," she said a little
sarcastically, "with the marks some of you are
earning you'd think you'd have a question or
two!!!" The room was dead quiet, when from the
back row Zoey raised her hand, and in a sweet voice
asked, "I have a question Sister Nora!!!"
Sister Nora eyed the eighteen year old with a little
suspicion and replied slowly, "Yes, Zoey, what
is your question?!?" After giggling softly Zoey
asked, "My question is, when in my life time am
I ever gonna hafta use the inverse proportion of a
reciprocal!?!" Several of the girls gasped that
Zoey would so openly ridicule one of the nuns, but
they were quickly brought back to order when Sister
Nora's ruler came down hard on her desk sounding for
all the world like a rifle shot!!! She eyed the
incorrigible girl for several seconds, and in a calm
but stern voice Sister Nora replied, "I'm sure
that after spending some time in the Mother
Superior's office you can think of many ways to use
the inverse proportion of a reciprocal!!!"
"I'm getting
pretty tired of your insolence, young lady,"
Sister Nora snapped as they walked to the Mother
Superior's office, "how many detentions is that,
ten or eleven?!?" It sounded like a rhetorical
question so Zoey just kept her mouth shut and kept
walking, while Sister Nora, who was just plain tired
of Zoey's insults and general bad behavior, shook her
head in disgust at Zoey's continued inability to
conform to Mercy High's code of conduct!!!
"Well, now it's out of my hands," Sister
Nora offered as they entered Mother Superior Judith's
outer office, "hello, Sister Grace, is the
Mother Superior busy!?!" "She's on the
phone, but it shouldn't be too long," the
receptionist secretary replied, "is there
something I can help you with!?!" "It's
Zoey, again," Sister Nora replied while nodding
at still smug teenager, "I've warned her so many
times, and now I've just had it!!!" After giving
Zoey a cool long look, Sister Grace replied,
"She can wait over in the corner, I'll buzz the
Mother Superior when she's off the phone, in the mean
time you can return to your class!!!" With a
grateful sigh Sister Nora thanked Sister Grace, and
with a backward glance at Zoey, headed back to her
class!!! "So," Sister Grace said, "you
just can't seem to stay out of trouble can
you!?!" "Uh, I guess trouble must be my
middle name," Zoey shot back flippantly!!!
"We'll see about that," the Sister replied,
"we'll see about that!!!"
Ten minutes later
Zoey found herself standing in front of the immense
oak desk of Mother Superior Judith, and even she was
a little intimidated by the regal aura surrounding
the head of the school!!! After glancing at Zoey's
record, MS Judith observed, "Since your freshman
year it's been one scrape after another, don't you
ever learn, you're a senior for god sakes, you're
supposed to be setting an example for the younger
girls!!!" Know she was treading on thin ice,
Zoey still couldn't help herself when she shot back,
"I am setting an example, it just happens to be
a bad one, that's all!!!" While shaking her head
from side to side, MS Judith opined, "Just as I
thought, no remorse what so ever, well young lady,
this time you're going to have to pay the
price!!!" As Zoey looked on with a slight smirk
on her face, MS Judith buzzed Sister Grace and said,
"Bring it in, we have no other choice!!!"
A minute or so
later, the door to MS Judith's office swung open and
Sister Grace slid a metal chair into the middle of
the office!!! "Thank you, Sister," MS
Judith offered, "please close the door and
remain here!!!" After the door was closed, Zoey
casually looked over at the heavy chair, and what she
saw made her tummy do a flip flop!!! "W-what's
that," she stammered, unable to take her eyes
off it!?! "What's what, dear," the MS asked
sweetly?!? "On the seat," Zoey replied
quickly, "what's that thing in the middle of the
seat!?!" "Oh, that," MS Judith replied
in a surprised voice, "it looks to me like an
erect penis, isn't that what it looks like to you,
Sister Grace!?!" With a dumb look on her face,
Sister Grace replied, Well I've never actually seen
one, but from what I hear that's what they look
like!!!" Now real fear shot through Zoey's body
while she stared at the menacing looking contraption,
and in small voice she whined, "Y-you're not
gonna make me sit on that are you?!?" Both women
looked at each other for a second, before the MS
replied evenly, "Why yes, my dear, I'm afraid
that we are!!!"
Now a feeling of
real terror swept through her when she realized that
this was no joke, they really intended for her to sit
down it, and no matter what Sister Grace thought,
most erect penises weren't near the size of this
monster, and she should no, because last summer she
got to see one up close and personal!!! "You
can't do this to me," she pleaded, "I'll be
good, I promise, not more trouble from me, you've got
my word on it!!!" Now slowly shaking her head
from side to side, the MS said softly, "We've
hear this all before, and I must say that your word
means nothing!!!" Now getting a grim look on her
face, Zoey gamely replied, "I'll fight you,
you'll never get me to sit on it, you never
will!!!" Now MS Judith's face turned rock hard,
and with her eyes down to slits, she replied evenly,
"We won't have to force you to do anything,
you're going to do it on your of your own free
will!!!" After looking back and forth between
the chair and the MS, Zoey replied, "Y-you're
nuts if you think I'm gonna put that inside my cunt
by my own free will, do you think I'm crazy or
something!?!" "No," the MS replied
softly, while pulling a brutal looking paddle out of
her drawer, "I think you'll look at this paddle
and decide that you'd just as soon fuck yourself on
the chair rather than get beaten to within an inch of
your life and then get fucked anyway!!!
All the fight
quickly drained out of Zoey's body as she slumped in
her chair, and offered no resistance when Sister
Grace pulled her roughly to her feet and began taking
off her plaid skirt and white blouse!!!
"P-please," Zoey begged barely above a
whisper, "don't do this to me, I'll be good, I
promise I will!!!" Both women ignored her
incantations, and in another minute Zoey was
shivering, scared, and naked in the middle of the
room with the nipples on her pretty firm breasts
standing at attention!!! "My, my," Sister
Grace whispered, "she has a lovely body, don't
you think?!?" "Yes, she does," the MS
replied while staring at Zoey's plump vagina,
"she will do quite nicely!!!" "I-I'm
so afraid," Zoey mumbled while Sister Grace led
her by the arm over to the chair, "I beg of you,
please don't make me do this!!!" "Stop your
begging and whining," the MS snapped, "it's
undignified, and besides, from what I've heard young
girls like you enjoy this sort of thing, isn't that
right, Sister Grace!?!" After making a smirking
noise in her throat, Sister Grace replied evenly,
"From what I hear they all love getting fucked
by big hard cocks, and I think we can assume that
Zoey here is no virgin!!!" "Is that true,
Zoey," the MS asked softly, "are you a
virgin, or have you let young men put their large
peckers inside of your fat little pussy!?!"
"I-it's none of your business what I've
done," Zoey shot back in a fairly harsh voice,
"that stuff should remain private!!!"
"Of course is should," the MS replied
smoothly, "it really makes no difference to me
whether you're virgin or not, the reality of the
situation is that in about two minutes you're going
to be riding a nine inch long steel pecker that wiill
split your cherry wide open if you still have one
that is!!!
"Okay, enough
chatter," the MS ordered, "now help our
little trouble maker onto her throne!!!" After
taking Zoey by the wrist, Sister Grace guided her
bottom slowly down towards the dreaded spike until it
was pressing insistently at the very opening of her
vagina!!! "She's ready, Mother Superior,"
Sister Grace said thickly obviously in the early
stages of sexual arousal, "s-should I press her
down now!?!" With a slight nod of her head, the
MS gave Sister Grace permission to force the huge
cock into Zoey's now dripping vagina!!! "She's
really wet," Sister Grace panted, "I think
she's gonna love this," while gently pushing
down on the young girl's shoulders!!!" "Oh
my god," Zoey moaned as each inch of smooth
metal invaded her most intimate are, "i-it's
splitting me in fucking half, oh god does it feel
huge!!!" "Is larger than your boyfriend's
cock," the Mother Superior asked softly?!?
"Fuck yes," Zoey gasped as the big dick
bottomed out inside of her, "Tommy is nowhere as
big as this, ohhhhhhhhhhh god it feels so nice, I
feel so full!!!" Sister Grace moved to a
position so that she could get the best view of the
massive cock shoved up into Zoey's cunt, and without
even thinking, she stuck a hand up her skirt and
began masturbating furiously as orgasm after orgasm
cascaded from Zoey's hot cunt!!!
"Are you
masturbating," the MS asked softly, "she
seems to have a very responsive vagina?!?"
"She's incredible," Sister Grace panted,
"just look at her, she can't help herself, she's
cumming al over the place!!!" "Is that
true, dear, Sister Grace seems to think you have a
very hot vagina," is that true!?!" "My
god," Zoey gasped, "I-I've lost count of
how many I've had, h-here comes another one,
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, I'm cumming again!!!"
"Of course you are," the MS replied,
"would you like to see Sister Grace riding the
chair!?!" "A-are you serious," Zoey
gasped, "I'd love it, make her do it, make her
fuck herself with it!!!" "What do you
think, Sister Grace, are you ready to take a ride on
the steel satisfier," the MS whispered?!?
"Oh yes," she moaned, "let me sit on
it, my cunt is absolutely on fire!!!"
On extremely shaky
legs Zoey pulled herself off the steel spike cock
until finally slipping to the floor and collapsing in
a heap along side the brutal cock-chair!!! With
Zoey's juices still glistening on its knob, Sister
Grace took her place and slowly lowered her big
lipped cunt into place!!! With her head rolling from
side to side, she carefully lowered her cunt until
the steel orgasm maker was buried deep inside of her
quivering pussy!!! "How does it feel, Sister
Grace," the MS asked quietly, "is your
pussy nice an full, does it feel violated!?!"
Sister Grace would have answered if she was able, but
the orgasms flooding her cunt required all of her
concentration!!! My, my," the MS sighed, "I
do believe that Sister Grace is having a big one,
don't you, Zoey!?!" "She's getting the
fucking of her life," Zoey said quietly,
"just look at her face, she cumming like a
fucking rocket!!!" "That she is, my
dear," the MS chuckled, "now, I have one
more punishment for you, so if you'll just come
Zoey was so
enthralled watching Sister Grace riding the steel
pony that she never even noticed the Mother Superior
position herself on the edge of her desk with her
gown hiked up above her waist and her panties pulled
to one side!!! "Come here, child," she
ordered firmly, "your mother's clitoris is in
need of some oral servitude!!!" She was through
arguing and fighting, so without a word of protest,
Zoey slid her little ass over between the MS's legs,
and with no hesitation what so ever, pushed her mouth
directly into her bushy snatch!!! "Oh, my,"
the MS sighed, "you have a very talented mouth,
young lady, are you sure you haven't done this
before?!?" With her face now smeared with pussy
juice, Zoey looked up to the MS and replied,
"I've never sucked a pussy, but I've sucked
Tommy's cock!!!" "Well my dear, you have a
definite affinity for cunt lapping," the MS
sighed softly, "now do your mother's clit and
make her have a hard one, okay!?!" Zoey's
talented tongue moved into overdrive as it flicked
roughly over the over sized nub at the apex of the
Mother Superior's pussy!!! "Oh, god fucking
dammit," she moaned, "the little fucking
bitch is sucking me off, and she's doing a fucking
wonderful job of it, too, oh my, I'm fucking cumming
so fucking hard!!!" The two women of the cloth
were now both in the throes of brutally vicious
orgasms that threatened to make each of them pass
out, and as the MS's cunt exploded in a cascade of
cums, she bucked her hips forward, trying desperately
to keep maximum pressure on her exploding cunt!!!
The only sounds
left to be heard were three women panting as their
bodies recovered from quite possibly the hardest
orgasms they had ever experienced!!! Finally in a
small voice the Mother Superior said to Zoey,
"Now young lady, let this be a lesson to you, if
there is anymore trouble in class you're going to end
up right back here in the chair, do I make myself
clear!?!" As a small smile crept over her face,
Zoey replied softly, "Perfectly, Mother
Superior, perfectly!!!
The End
Erotic bedtime stories
from Stephanie Sarg
Copyrighted, April 1999
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