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Index > Daddies Darling
A fictitious story about incest, how and why it began.
It does not seek to defend incest but acknowledges that it happens
and that today incest between mothers and sons in becoming more
Tom, Marie, June and Sally had a good life. Toms job paid well
and the hours were reasonable so that Marie his wife of 10 years did
not have to work. She had an active life, she was on the PTA, played
golf and enjoyed sex with Tom 2-3 times a week. She was perhaps
a stereotypical modern mother who took the kids to school, collected
them after and always had the evening meal ready at 6.00pm sharp.
Unknown to Tom, she had several lovers but this was very discrete.
Tom was happy in his work and a devoted father to his now 5 year old
daughter June. June she was bright for her
age and could read and write to a level of children twice her age.
Sally at 14 was Marie's 1st child, she was bright and doing well at
school. Although Tom was not her father, they had an amicable
relationship but she was at an age where she often went for sleep overs, or had several girl friends who regularly stayed nights at
her house.
June is daddies darling, she would follow him, snuggle in his arms
and finally sleep at night after he had read her a story whereas
Junes relationship with her mother was not so close. If June was
upset, Marie could seldom console her, but if Tom was home, 30
seconds in his arms would melt away any tears and restore her
cheerful spirit.
Life began to change for the family when Marie announced that she
would like to get a job. To accommodate this Tom was able to set up
a home office and aside from a meeting in the city office every
week, he could work his own schedule and Marie began her work which
she said was as a corporate secretary and after her 1st day arrived
home and showed her new business card with a well known corporation
logo on it with her name and personal phone number.
They quickly settled into a new routine, in the mornings, Tom would
get June ready for school while Sally became more independent and
biked to school. Marie woke to take June to school, then return home
to dress and go to work and later, Tom would collect June from
school, prepare most meals and frequently June would be asleep
before her mother returned home.
The normalcy concealed Marie's secrets, although she had an
executive business card, she was working as an escort, and a very
expensive one. Tom called her once on her work number and was
impressed by her professional manner in answering, though that night
she told him that she preferred that he only call on her personal
cell phone and to leave a message if she does not answer, and then
to affirm their relationship, she seduced him into some mildly
exciting sex and satisfied, he slept.
June loved to snuggle in bed with her parents in the mornings, but
with her mothers new routine, she cuddled into her father who
wanting his wife to sleep, rose early and he and June would read,
play games and enjoyed not just the early mornings, but the evenings
together and after June's 6th birthday, she began to change, perhaps
responding to her dad's loneliness as Marie was now supposedly going
away on business trips and had renewed her passport. She began to
spend more time away from home but in the space of a year her
contribution had substantially reduced their mortgage and Tom had an
elderly lady from down the street come in regularly to help with the
housework so Tom accepted this graciously.
June began assimilating more adult ideas and she loved playing dress up and often had friends over
after school and on weekends. The love between father and daughter
was very strong, Tom was kind, patient and an excellent teacher.
June had witnessed her making love many times, mostly waking in the
night and watching from the door, impressed as her fathers big penis
did it's work and in some corner of her mind, she dreamed on being
in her mothers place. But she would wait till they had finished
before making her presence known, or just quietly go back to her
bed. Her favourite time was bath time, she loved her fathers
soft strong hands holding and washing her and although she was well
able to wash herself, she was adept at getting her fathers help and
Tom aware that she was turning into a young woman tried in vain to
distance himself from her growing sexuality.
Marie was sometimes away for weeks at a time and Sally now had a
boyfriend and went out in the evenings. Tom would sometimes have
friends visit and June played hostess till her bed time. Some
evenings, June played dress up often with her mothers lingerie. It
was fun and she could see that her games were arousing her father
and she sometimes touched the bulge in his pants, or more often
climbed on him so that his hardness pressed against her. And
so she learned to flirt and tease and it was not long before she
persuaded him to let her share his bath as she did before she was 5.
Tom was unable to resist her though once he started getting aroused,
he ended the game and dressed all to aware of the dangers of incest,
he was doing his best to be a good father.
After he took her to school, he did the shopping and sometimes
called an escort to relieve his frustration, but he missed his wife
who was often away for a month or more and the only contact was a
phone call every 2-3 days for an exchange of news. Sally was
seldom home, but her grades at school were consistently good and her
mother seemed to approve so Tom let her run her own life though he
sometimes worried as he watched her drive off with older boys and
she was planning to reside at university in the near future.
The life of Tom and June took a major turn when June now 9 years
old and her monthly cycle had started. One day after been exploring her sisters room at the risk of a beating
asked, "daddy, what are these?" holding out a small bag. Tom opened
the bag and asked, "have you looked inside?" June said "yes,
there is one like your penis and others, what are they?" Tom
emptied the bag and described the function of each toy, and June
explained how she sometimes rubbed her clitoris and how good it felt
and that it helped her to sleep. As she explained herself she
exposed her vagina and demonstrated. Tom was at once turned on,
shocked and unable to find any way to stop her other than by force.
That day was intimate, exciting and a wake up call to Tom and June
and in the days that followed their conversations flowed from school
work to sex and sexuality and Tom explained about incest at which
June was relieved that she knew why her father resisted her efforts
to seduce him, but she could not see the wrong as incest was a
common practice of the rich and royal and nothing happened to them
any more than to any other family except it was big news.
The elderly housekeeper left that spring and June decided that if
her dad was not going to have sex with her, he needed someone as
they had not seen her mum for a whole month. She persuaded Tom
to let her to select a new housekeeper and in due course she chose a
pretty dark haired girl called Sharon who wore short skirts and had
an ample bust to who June hinted that her dad was lonely as her
mother was often away. Sharon got the hint and asked June, "you want
me to sleep with your dad? June was very direct in explaining yes
and why and Sharon agreed. It took only two days before Tom's desire
for her became apparent and they became lovers.
Sharon came 3 days a week and for 2/3rds of that time, June was home
while Sharon was working. The arrangement was good for
everyone. June was now 10 and going on 25, Sally moved into the
halls of residence with her bag of tricks and Marie returned home
about one of eight weeks and then she had a very busy schedule. June
and Sharon enjoyed each other and Sharon was like an elder sister.
They talked about sex a lot and they arranged signals so that June
could watch Sharon and Tom, and Sharon was so willing that she would
do things to Tom as June asked.
Tom was relieved to have very affordable and regular sex as even
when at home, Marie was not very enthusiastic in bed. But they had
paid off their mortgage and had considerable savings and that
christmas, they had a family holiday in the Caribbean. Tom and Marie
were at ease though the sex did not have the same spark. Sally lost
no time in disappearing with her age group and ended up with many
hangovers and found after getting home that she also had gonorrhea.
Marie seemed a bit listless, but Tom could not help but notice the
effect his young daughter had on men of all ages, she was growing
into a real beauty and anyone looking into her clear blue eyes could
never refuse her.
Life went on, and they were a happy family, June
found every excuse to cuddle in bed in the mornings and touch is
erection. Usually they had never got beyond a kiss and cuddle, but
now June pushed harder saying, "daddy, I'll be a woman soon and
there are things I need to know, and be confident at, like blow
jobs" and without waiting for a reply took her fathers cock into her
mouth.. he was finally unable to resist and as she gave him one of
his most enjoyable blow jobs ever and his hand gently stroked her
The love between them flowered and oral sex became mutual, Tom
enjoyed her immensely and Sharon often stayed overnight having
broken up with her latest boyfriend. Before long, the three
slept together, June and Tom would have oral sex and then he would
have intercourse with Sharon. But one night in the dark, Tom not
realizing, had intercourse with June and she and Sharon began trading
places under Tom. It took him a week to work out what was happening,
he became furious, raised his voice to his daughter, sacked
Sharon and rehired her and the love triangle continued. There was the occasional
interruption when Marie came home and they were a happy family and
Tom was very proud of his young lovers and the idea that it was
incest slowly evaporated from his mind and for June, she felt
fulfilled and satisfied.
June was 14 when Marie came in one night to find father and
daughter having sex in the living room, she took one look at them
and walked out. They had just dressed when the police arrived and
Tom was taken away. After the police June was taken to a
medical examiner, forced to an examination and later beaten by her
Although June and Sharon defended Tom, he was eventually sent away
for four years. June was devastated, her mother sacked Sharon
hired a stern looking woman who's main job seemed to be making
June's life hell, often confining her to her room. Marie began
taking clients at home and despite madam hitlers security managed a
sneek peek to see her mothers ass getting a good fucking. At first
school was a relief, but she lost interest and a poor test result
caused Marie to leave bruises on her daughter.
At almost 15 at the pretence of going to school, she spent the day
in a city park, no way was she going to live with that monster of a
mother. She phoned and eventually spoke to Sharon who promised to
keep her running away a secret, but could not do much to help
fearing that her house is the first place the police would look.
June met up with some street kids who helped her to find new clothes
and to stay hidden through the first few nights and then they began
watching her home, detailing the clients coming and going. When they
saw the house empty they went in and took some money and some of
June's things. Three weeks after June ran off, the school finally
contacted Marie who then told the police that June had runaway and
she was added to the long list but there was no urgency attached.
Life on the street was hard, sleeping in newspapers, finding
money to eat was initially a problem. June soon found that by waiting at a bus
stop, she would look up and ask men for her bus fare. Most gave it
and she would get on the bus and get off a few stops later to repeat
the move. Other kids were pick pocketing and a couple of girls
she met were doing sex. She soon found that bus stops in the
evenings were more profitable, "excuse me sir, could you possibly
give me a bus fare, I lost my purse". Often they would say, "show me
your tits and I'll give you a cab fare", fortunately, she had nice
tits and soon she was doing hand and blow jobs and making a $100.00
a day. Amongst the kids, she was everyone's friend and
generous with her money. Within a week she had a new mobile phone
and a new set of clothes from a second hand store. The nest week
trouble appeared in the form of two new boys, who armed with knives
stole her money. Pissed, she went back to work, but that night they
came back, one tried to hold her and take her money while the other
ripped her panties off. She relaxed for a moment then struck
breaking one's nose and grabbing his knife, slashing the other
across the face and then she ran.
June after she calmed down
did two blow jobs and took a bus to another precinct. After a couple
of uncomfortable nights she had some money, bought new clothes and
looked for somewhere to live and the next day met a young man
looking for a room mate who did not ask to many questions. The flat
had a bed and she paid her rent up front and slept well for the
first time in weeks. Over the next few days, she changed her
appearance and set out to do better than blowjobs in alley ways.
So began here career as an escort, she looked older than 15, perhaps
22 and she soon had a handful of regular customers. Actually, this
work only took a few hours a day and she spent a lot of time in
libraries, reading as much as she could. She feared being like her
mother and resolved to make her own life and to reunite with her
father when he was freed. Life was good and she accidentally bumped
into an elderly gentleman on her way out of a building having just
finished with a client. After helping him pick up his parcels and
being ever so nice, volunteered to help him to his apartment.
Seduced by her charm, he accepted her offer and within weeks he
became her sugar daddy. She visited him, helped out with a few chores while
wearing the lingerie he provided. He did not ask for sex often,
rather he liked to look and touch. This suited June as he was very
intelligent and they had excellent conversations, played games
and he paid sufficient that June soon found a better apartment.
Within months June had several regular clients and had no need to
advertise and saved her money. She returned home occasionally to
discretely check on her mother who was becoming a drunken and worn
out whore. With the help of Sharon and a boy she met on the street,
she was able to discover that her mum had been a very high class
hooker working in the Middle East and Europe, but she succumbed to
booze and instead of servicing high flyers, she was back to office
workers and just covering her expenses. She also learned where her
father was and wrote. For Tom, his spirit but he was perplexed that
his daughter had run off, but by the tone of her letters, she
sounded well and having just turned 18, June met her father at the
bus station.
They were overjoyed to see each other and Tom stayed a few days in
her flat. He was impressed at how she had developed into a beautiful
young woman but having been incarcerated and partly brainwashed,
there was no way he would share her bed despite June's
encouragement. He accepted her life and took the news of his wife
calmly, though she had not spoken to him since the trial. His
company was keen to have him back, and he forced the sale of his
house and took an apartment in walking distance to his daughter.
Now of legal age, June passed the senior school exams, enjoyed the
company of her gentleman friends and spent time with her father who
now had Sharon move in with him. Although she was 20 years younger,
they got on well but it took over a year before June was able to
once more seduce her father. It rekindled her love and lust for him
but he was still hurt by his wife's betrayal and the time in prison
and he was a reluctant lover. Her love outside the bedroom was
literature and she began writing of her adventures and found a
publisher who also became her lover.
Three years after her fathers release from prison, June, Tom and
Sharon were waling through town when a scar faced man appeared, June
recognised him as the youth she had slashed and she saw the gun
rising as he approached oblivious to the two policemen who had
watched him run across the street. June screamed and leapt aside
pushing her father and Sharon aside. The bullet tore through her
sleeve and buried itself in the shoulder of a passing businessman
and as the young man aimed toward June, his life ended as a police
bullet took him down. The police were curious to know if there was a
connection between them, but when they discovered a large quantity
of drugs on him, they dropped the matter and took him as a drug
crazed maniac.
That night in bed, June told Tom and Sharon the story of cutting the
youth which deepened the intimacy between them, and Tom, Sharon and daddies darling lived happily for many

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