Erotic Stories

"Oh, do I need a break,"
Constance Walker sighed while pushing away from her
desk and stretching her aching muscles, "it's
almost two o'clock, where does the time go!?!"
As CEO of a large importing business, the crush of
paper work and the constant pressure to keep things
moving ahead would sap the strength of even the most
experienced business man!!! Constance made a quick
note on her note pad before donning her coat and
heading out of the office for a two hour break but
first, she stopped momentarily at her secretary's
desk and offered, "I'm going to be out of the
office for a couple of hours, Jenny, so if they're
are any calls just take a message and I'll get back
to them later this afternoon, and by the way make
sure that the Asian invoices are on my desk for
tomorrow morning's meeting!!!"
Down on the street
in front of her office building, Constance hailed a
cab and gave the driver and address on the near north
side, and while it was only a ten minute ride, for
once they weren't caught in Chicago's brutal
afternoon traffic!!! Even though she had visited the
majestic brownstone many times, she still had her
usual shiver as she climbed the stairs leading to the
front door, where upon she rang the chimes and waited
for and answer!!! A voice coming from a small
intercom on the door jam asked evenly, "Who is
it, please!?!" "It's Constance
Walker," she replied into the tiny speaker,
"I have a two thirty appointment!!!" The
intercom went dead, but within a matter of seconds
the lock buzzer in the door hand went off, which just
gave Constance enough time to open the door and step
inside!!! Almost immediately a young woman in a tiny
French maid's outfit appeared out of nowhere and
escorted her to the front desk!!!
"Ahhhhh, Miss
Walker," the regal looking woman behind the desk
fairly gushed, "it's so nice to have you back
with us, it's been how long, three months since your
last, ahem, session!?!" "That sounds about
right," Constance replied, "it's been so
busy back at the office, you know how it is," as
her voice trailed off!!! "But of course,"
the woman replied, "but now that you are here,
how may we serve you today!?!" Feeling a little
embarrassed, Constance looked down at her shoes and
in a soft voice replied, "Well, uh, I think I'd
like the medical room, you know, and exam with a
doctor and nurse!!!" "Mmmmm, a very good
choice," the woman replied softly, "let me
check to see if the room is available or not!!!"
Nervously Constance shifted her weight from one foot
to the other while the woman spoke softly into the
telephone!!! "I have good news," she
replied after replacing the receiver,
"everything is ready to go, so if you'll follow
Mimi she'll lead the way, and please, enjoy
While following
the same woman who had met her at the front door,
Constance couldn't help but marvel at all of the
detail that was put into every fantasy room in the
old brownstone, so when entered the "doctor's
waiting room", she wasn't in the least bit
disappointed at the degree they went to make it feel
like a normal medical waiting room!!! The little
French maid then ordered her to sit down and wait, as
the nurse would be with her shortly!!! With her
nervousness growing by the second, she paged through
two year old news magazines while waiting for the
nurse to appear!!! Her impatience was becoming
palpable, when the door burst open and a pretty
blonde nurse appeared and offered, "Please come
in, the doctor will be with you in a few
minutes!!!"Constance followed the nurse into and
examining room replete with a table with stirrups and
all of the necessary instruments for a gynecological
examination!!! "I'll be your nurse during the
exam," the woman said a matter of factly,
"and my name is Helen Jones, but I like to be
addressed as Nurse Jones, now if you'll please step
behind the screen and remove all of your clothing,
the doctor will be right with you!!!" After she
had removed her all of her clothing, Nurse Jones
handed her a paper gown and said, "Put this on
and then get up on the table!!!"
After Constance
was safely up on the examination table, Nurse Jones
said, "Before the doctor checks you over we have
to complete this medical form, I'll ask the questions
and you answer them, okay!?!" "Uh
sure," Constance replied while thinking how
incredibly realistic everything was!!! "First
off," the nurse asked, "How old are
you!?!" "I'm forty eight," Constance
replied quickly, and anticipating her next question
threw in, "and I'm five feet seven inches tall
and weigh 141 pounds!!!" "Mmmmmm," the
nurse hummed, "those are pretty good numbers for
someone your age, do you work out!?!" "I
ride a stationary bike thirty minutes each morning
before work and I do watch what I eat,"
Constance replied with a pride!!! "That's
good," the nurse replied, "now do you have
any problems with urination or bowel
movements!?!" "Nope, everything seems just
fine," Constance replied!!! "What about
your nipples, any kind of discharge," the nurse
continued on!?!" "No, they're just
fine," she replied!!!" "I couldn't
help but notice that
you have very large breasts, do you perform monthly
self exams," the nurse asked softly!?! "Uh,
usually," Constance replied, "but I must
admit that sometimes I do forget!!!"
"Now you know
better than to skip your monthly exams," the
nurse admonished her, "so while we're waiting
for the doctor we'll do a quick check, okay!?!"
"Uh, you're the nurse," Constance replied
softly as they were finally getting down to brass
tacks, "sure, go ahead!!!" After putting
down her clip board, Nurse Jones casually pulled up
the thin paper dressing gown and began gently
kneading her full ripe breasts!!! "Hmmmmmm, they
seem to be just fine," the nurse said
absentmindedly, "and by the way, what size bra
do you wear, it would seem that you need a lot of
support!?!" It was plainly evident that Nurse
Jones was doing more than a normal breast exam, which
naturally caused Constance to shudder slightly when
her nipples were being tweaked, but she gamely
answered, "I-I wear a size 38D, and I always
wear an under wire model!!!" "That's
good," the nurse replied softly, "we'd
certainly hate to see them get saggy do to lack of
support, and by the way, the chart requires that we
check your nipples for sexual response, is that all
right with you!?!" Small beads of sweat had
broken out on her forehead, but in a thick voice she
asked, "How do you do that!?!" "You
mean what method do I use to check your
response," the nurse fired back quickly!?!
Without answering, Constance managed to nod her head
while using the back of her hand to wipe the moisture
from her brow!!! "Oh that's easy," Nurse
Jones answered almost gaily, "we do it just like
this," as she let her mouth engulf one of
Constance's already hard nipples and greedily sucked
on it!!!" It was like and electric shock had run
through her, and almost involuntarily she gasped and
moaned, "Ohhhh my, that feels wonderful, you
don't know how longs it's been since they've been
sucked on, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Constance softly
caressed the cheek of the young woman, and was just
about to compliment her on her incredible oral
technique when the door to the examining room burst
open and Dr. Vixon strode in and asked, "So,
how's our patient doing!?!"
Nurse Jones
reluctantly released the hard nipple and sighed,
"She's doing just great, doctor, and from what I
can tell her sexual response is outstanding!!!"
"That's wonderful," the doctor said with a
broad smile, "so, shall we get on with
it!?!" Nurse Jones placed each of Constance's
feet in the stirrups and gently spread her legs wide
apart while the doctor slid between them on a rolling
stool!!! "My, my, you certainly have a hairy
vagina don't you," Doctor Vixon intoned while
gently probing her opening, "I think for the
sake of hygiene it would be a good idea if we shaved
you smooth, don't you!?!" "Anything you
say, doctor," Constance replied weakly,
"I-I've never had it shaved before!!!"
"Well don't worry about a thing, dear,"' he
replied heartily, "Miss Jones and I have shaved
literally hundreds of vaginas and we haven't lost one
yet!!!" Nurse Jones laughed out loud at the
doctor's little joke, but seconds later she appeared
at the doctor's side with a razor, a pan of hot
water, and a bottle of warm oil!!! "Now
Connie," the doctor said smoothly, "Nurse
Jones will prepare you with the oil, so just relax
while she massage it in, okay!?!" Sweat drops
again formed on her forehead as the soft hands of
Nurse Jones worked the warm oil into the thick
blanket of pubic hair that ran all the way from her
navel down to her tight little ass hole causing her
to stammer, "W-what ever you say, doctor,
ohhhhhhhhhhh that feels so nice!!!" While the
nurse continued massaging her now dripping vagina,
the doctor took a soft cloth and dabbed the sweat
from Constance's forehead while casually cupping her
large breasts with his other hand!!! With her
breathing was becoming increasingly labored, the
doctor nodded to his nurse who slid out of the way
allowing him to retake his position between her legs
with razor in hand!!! "Now try and relax,
dear," he intoned softly, "the only way you
can get nicked is if you make any sudden movements,
understand!?!" "Y-yes," she gasped as
he gave her a quick five second fingering, "I-I
understand, oh fuck does that feel good!!!"
"How does
that feel," Doctor Vixon asked softly while
shaving away the last vestiges of her pubic fur,
"you're clean as a whistle!?!" "It
feels cold," Constance replied while trying to
get used to her new feeling of nakedness!!!
"You'll get used to it," the doctor
replied, "now, lets get on with the rest of the
exam, are you ready!?!" "Yes," she
whispered, "anytime you're ready!!!" A
shudder of anticipation ran through her as she waited
nervously for the exam to begin, and her feelings of
anxiety were well founded when the doctor said
softly, "Look in my hand dear, I'm afraid we're
going to have to probe your vagina with this,"
while holding up the biggest black dildo she had ever
seen in her life!!! "No, please," she
pleaded weakly, "it'll tear me apart, please
don't hurt me!!!" "Now you know it's for
your own good," he replied gently while running
the head along the length of her dripping crack,
"so relax your muscles and don't
struggle!!!" "Oh, god," she moaned as
the gigantic head forced its way inside of her,
"i-it's too big, ohhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy, I'm
fucking cummmmmmmming!!!" "Please be
careful, doctor," Nurse Jones said softly,
"not too much at one time!!!" "Don't
worry," he said with a chuckle, "just look
at her, she cumming like a cheap whore with a crack
habit, she can take it, now please, take care of her
breasts, I'm sure they need some more oral
attention!!!" The faithful nurse nodded her head
in agreement before dropping her mouth onto the huge
nipple and greedily sucking in!!! The invading
monster that had impaled her was so thick that all
Constance could do was lay quietly and let it ravage
her defenseless pussy while the doctor slowly
inserted it all the way up to its full ten inch
length!!! "There now," he said softly,
"all in, how does that feel, dear, are your
orgasms good!?!" "Her head was rolling from
side to side on her shoulders as orgasm after orgasm
careened out of control through her incredibly packed
pussy and is was all she could do to gasp, "I-it
hurts so gooooooooooood, I'm fucking cumming all over
the place, oh god, I'm cumming again and
Thirty minutes
later back in her office.......... "So how was
your walk," asked Jenny, "feel
refreshed!?!" With a glow on her face that was
absolutely radiant, Constance replied,
"Rejuvenated, Jenny, absolutely
The End
Erotic bedtime stories
from Stephanie Sarg
Copyrighted, April 1999
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