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Index > Blondie

Joe & I walked toward toward his car and as we approached from behind we saw two heads and I said to Joe, you've got someone in your car.... We paused then walked behind the neighbouring cars to see who was in his car. I peered through the window for the next car in the row, there were to girls, a blond headed one leaning forward doing something on the dash and the other red haired girl sitting back giving instructions. Joe & I looked at each other across the roof, "thieves, lets give em hell" he said. We walked each side of the car and  together pulled the doors open. Joe pointed his gun at the blonde girls head and produced his fake police badge.. she burst into tears and sat still.  The red head in the drivers seat tried to push me aside and bolt between my legs, but I caught her arm and forced her face down on the concrete. She lay still panting as I held her down with my knee across her back.

Joe had a set of cuffs in his glove box and cuffed Blondie to the wheel then came around to inspect the girl I held. As I pulled her still struggling to her feet, he commented that she had nice legs and we discussed booking them and taking them to jail or perhaps just teaching them a lesson. The idea of jail put fear into the girls, they both fell silent. Joe & I held the girl who's look would go from scared shitless to furious. Then Charlie came by, we had been drinking together, and asked what was going on. He knew about Joe's pretence and said "why don't you just fuck them, that should teach them a lesson".

He lifted her skirt and she tried to kick him away, but Joe and I held her firm, "no knickers Charlie reported and knelt burying his face between her legs. She squirmed and then surrendered, then said angrily, "hey, I don't do this for free". We advised her that this was her get out of jail for free card, and she had to blow the three of us which she did and not very well but.. while she was blowing Charlie, Joe lifted her skirt and started rubbing her clit, well she got turned on. Charlie came and said goodnight leaving her to me and Joe. Then I sat on the hood and she blew me and Joe started fucking her from behind, she spread her legs and I squeezed her tits as her mouth did some nice work on my cock and I was half way to cumming when Joe finished and stepped back and she bolted, snatching up her clothes and dressing from a safe distance cussing us and Joe for not making her cum and that her friends was not her friend but an idiot who was to slow ripping out a stereo..

She had dropped her bag, a little make up and a learner driving permit she was only sixteen so I threw it to her and she ran off. "So Joe, what about Blondie here I asked. Joe suggested dropping her at the precinct on the way home and I suggested dropping her at home so she could explain to her parents. Both suggestions seem to terrify her and she said she would do anything but that and she would even let us fuck her if we would let her go.  Anyhow we drive around bit and park in sight of the police station with her sitting between us and sitting there watching the squad cars drive by, she told us she was a runaway and had been living rough for a month and her friend was teaching her how to survive. She went to to say she was seventeen, but I suggested thirteen to which she protested saying she was much older and had a double D cup lifting her top & Joe & I had a fondle and agreed they were very nice tits. I leaned forward and pushed up her skirt, she opened her legs a little and I felt her pussy through the thin layer of her knickers.

The odds looked good so we decided to take her back to my place and she obediently gave me head as we drove.. We made to to my apartment without encountering anyone.  Inside she requested to use the bathroom, the lock was bust and the window had a sixty foot sheer drop so I had no fear of her getting away or making trouble. While we talked about what to do with her, Joe checked his messages and there were several form his wife who expected him home so decided he had better go.

bathroom doorShe was taking her time so filled with anticipation I turned up the heating, put on some music, candles in the bedroom then knocked on the bathroom door and went in, she was sitting on the john and had been crying. "No use crying, you've chosen your life" I said, "now all you need to do is obey me, if you do as I ask, you'll have a nice time and I won't get hurt you. Now finish there and run a bath". I left her and as I sat in the living room, I could hear the bath running and rolled a smoke. "The baths ready, but I'm not sure how full or hot you like it" I looked up, she stood naked and fresh with her arms folded under her boobs.  I snapped this one photo and said "Get in the bath and I'll join you". I watched her back disappear, stripped and went in, she was sitting quietly with her head hung down.  I stroked her leg and felt a little stubble, it had been a day or so since she had shaved, I said, you need a shave, here's a razor". I watched as she shaved her legs and I smiled in approval when I felt how smooth they were, then felt her pussy, "it needs a shave to" I said. She blushed and I came fully erect as she sat on the edge of the bath, applied a little conditioner and shaved her pussy. I questioned her about her situation, she was from a well to do family and had runaway six weeks ago.

The shaving done, I climbed in and motioned for her to sit between my legs and lay against me, then lit the smoke. I took a couple of tokes and passed it to her and felt how she inhaled with ease & passing it back a few times till it was done and I felt really relaxed, "roll over" I said. She did, this was easy.. enjoying her breasts on my thighs, "now wash me".  She has a nice touch, her hands gliding over my legs, then my chest and down to my balls, she new what guys like.. this is heaven I thought letting my hands play with her tits, then pulling her up kissing her face & mouth.. she kisses back her tongue playing with mine, my fingers inn her pussy then positioning her pussy and sliding it down my shaft.. softly up & down, kissing.. her body arching.. my fingers on her clit.. its the size of an m&m and hard, she moans each time she pushes down and her eyes blaze at me... the bath is to confining and we get onto the floor with me on top and I rhythmically ram into her and grind down on her clit that I can feel under my pubic bone.. She comes just before me and I get up saying to her to clean up. I take a quick shower as she wipes the floor, her ass toward me.. mmm I step toward her and slip my finger in pussy and my thumb in her ass. She rests on her elbows and parts her knees.. "very nice, finish her join me in the kitchen" I say and go to make a sandwich.

She told me a little more about herself as we sat naked at the counter and ate. I gave her my stash and asked her to roll a number, watching as she did a reasonable job of it. We shared the smoke, then I said 'lay over the table". She obeyed and I knelt plunging my face into her pussy that still tasted of my cum. As if offended I slapped her ass and said "go wash." I watched her walk away, a red mark growing where I slapped her. Returning, I ordered her to resume the position and kissed the redness, saying "always obey and I'll never hurt you." Sucking her pussy and rubbing her clit is sooo nice, then rimming and slipping a finger into her ass, she is moaning softly and I am hard again. I stand and slide my cock into per pussy... mm this is heaven.. then I pull out and press into her ass, it's very tight, making short thrusts.. more lube is needed.. I can reach the honey jar and apply some to her ass, then in and inch.. 2 inches.. 3 inches maintaining te stroke, her body is shaking, she is laughing which is a bit disconcerting, I slide in and out then push hard all the way in, and cries "Aaaaah fuck" and repeats Fuck, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" in a softer tone. I've found my stroke, pulling out till almost breaking contact, thrusting in hard and fast, then slowing on the withdrawal to almost break contact again.

From some part of my consciousness came reminder that I had to sleep and go to work in the morning which caused me to loose my rhythm, so I stop & get her to suck me off which does nicely. I lead her to the bedroom and she finishes me with a handjob & the next thing I know is the buzzing of my alarm and the warm body curled next to mine..

Joe & Charlie enjoyed my stories and all day we joked about her yesterdays events, but my biggest surprise on getting home from work was the apartment was spotlessly clean & tidy, there was a joint rolled on the kitchen table and as I walked through to the bedroom I captured this view...

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