Erotic Stories
$100.00 Winner
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The Apartment

I was invited by the company to spend a
few months in Sydney and as a part of the deal, they
provided a serviced apartment. It was in one building
identical to ten buildings in the street . All the
rooms faced to the outside of the building with a
small balcony and a central corridor separating all
the apartments. My apartment was at the street end
and was four apartments deep.
The view was over
the street and the corner of a park and to the side
was an identical building with what looked to be the
same living arrangements.
I had arrived on
Saturday and Ross, one of the reps met me and gave me
a tour of the town and introduced me to the building
manager and then left after making arrangements to
meet the following day for lunch, He was to pick me
up mid to late morning. I quickly unpacked, took a
shower and went out for a meal. I wandered down to
the cross and had a straight forward fuck with one of
the local street girls and went home and had a
reasonably easy night.
Next morning I
slept till nine and was in the kitchen fixing some
breakfast after taking a shower, when there was some
scratching at the door. I opened it and there on her
hands and knees was a slim young woman dressed in a
tube dress and made up with some face paint as a cat.
She smiled up at
me and making some purring noises, and rubbed her
face against my leg. I only had a small towel around
me, but said, "hello kitty", She brushed
past me and went into the living area. I watched as I
closed the door, her skirt had ridden up and I could
see her arse and cunt as she crawled away.
I followed her and
sat on the couch and patted her head drawing her
toward me. She responds and places her hands on my
thighs and starts kissing and nibbling. I had an
erection almost immediately and in moments she was
sucking me off with real talent. I simply let it
happen and came quickly. She sucks up and swallows
the lot. I felt satisfied and relaxed. Just then Ross
calls and said that he would pick me up in five
I said, "I have to go, we can do breakfast
another time". She followed me to the door on
hands and knees, gave me a wistful look and left.
I quickly dressed
and quickly ate some of the breakfast that I had
prepared. As I was going out to meet Ross, I met a
woman who must have been the house keeper, South
American, 30ish, long dark hair and a cheeky smile.
she said, "you must be the new tenant, I see you
met Kitty" with a broad knowing smile.
"Yes, on both
counts, Kitty was a breakfast surprise" I
replied "Im surprised that no one told me
about her.
"Well us
crazy Aussi's are full of surprises" she replied
with a wink. "There are more than Kitty to look
out for here.
A I left the
building Ross was just getting out of his car, he saw
me coming out of the building and waited leaning on
the door, his attention on a couple of young women
walking by, the blond I noticed, had very bouncy
I walked up to him
and said "Hi, I thought you might have had your
family with you".
"No, there
has been a change of plans my wife Nancy is dropping
the kids off with some friends and we will meet up at
the yacht club. That's where Roger has a boat moored.
We thought that you may enjoy the harbour and we may
have time to chat about the parameters of the
project" he said.
I replied,
"Sounds fine to me, it looks like we are in for
a warm day and the harbour will be great" I
continued quizzing him about his family and about how
long he had been with the company. It turns out that
Ross is fairly shy and came into the company after
school and had not really lived. He married the
daughter of one of the partners before the company
went multinational. Nancys father was no loner
involved in the company other than as a substantial
share holder and I suspected that Ross may be after
those shares.
We parked on the
waterfront near Doyals and walked along to the yacht
club. It was not a flash looking place, but there was
a good array of expensive cars in the car park. I
guessed Ross was not this privileged to park here.
Ross pointed out
the boat that we were to go on, it looked impressive.
It was an ocean going yacht with two masts. From the
distance it shone in the sun.
Entering the club
Ross led me to the bar and introduced me to Alister.
I was to be working along side him over the next
couple of days and with him was a charming young
woman who could have been his daughter. As we were
being introduced another two attractive young women
joined us and informed us that if I was here then we
should go to the boat.
Alisters young
friend was Kate, a graduate arts student who was
trying to get funding to make a documentary on inner
city life. She seemed to be sucking up to Alister and
I figured that he may be a bit of a sugar daddy. The
other two were Lise and Shelley, both studying
performance arts and working as part time models.
Lise was tall and looked a paler copy of Elle
McPherson, not so much the skin colour, rather the
absence of personality. She seemed to an empty headed
bimbo and her clothing matched. Shelly had darker
hair and radiated a quiet charm which caught my
notice. As we walked out the jetty I followed
watching as Ross beside me prattled on, I never
really heard what he was saying. Alister and Kate
chatted and giggled behind us as we reached the boat.
Roger met us as we
climbed over the side, an easy step down from the
We shook hands and
a plain woman appeared and Ross stepped forward to
introduce her to me and the three girls. So this was
Nancy, she was a quiet and submissive woman modestly
dressed in a simple shift. Probably a good home
I hardly spoke
other than as necessary, taking in the dynamics of
all present.
Ross and Nancy had
disappeared below. Alister and Kate could hardly keep
their hands off each other. Lise was down to a tintsy
little bikini and Shelley was still wearing a longish
tee shirt.
Roger broke my
musing with an invitation to help get under way. We
cast off and the motor took us out into the harbour
and with Lise posing as she held the wheel.. Both
Alister and I helped Roger set the sails as we went
toward the heads. It only took a few minutes and we
were under sail. Roger turned the motor off and the
balance of wind and sea was relaxing.
Nancy and Ross
appeared with drinks and nibbles, passing them around
and setting up a small bar on deck. It was warm and
we men soon were down to our shorts and Nancy went
below and returned wearing a modest one piece bathing
suit. She was slim with small breasts and after a
glass of what she was drinking soon relaxed and
joined the conversation. With us men as we sat
talking with Roger as he steered.
The three girls
had taken their drinks and gone to the forward deck
and out of my sight.
Conversation went
from work and what we hoped to achieve in the coming
weeks to the global picture and where we hoped to be
able to position our company and to politics. Roger
had to tack a couple of times and we all had to duck
as the boom crossed and as we went through the heads,
the swell picked up and our conversation turned to
The atmosphere
between us all was easy, we all had a common goal
within the company, and now a few beers combined with
the magic of the sea helped everyone to relax.
After an hour we
were well outside the heads and Roger announced that
we would stop soon and have lunch. I went forward
with Alister to and found the girls all naked
sunbathing. I felt a bit indifferent about being
naked, but joined Alister in slipping my shorts off
and sitting against bulkhead, while Alister lay
between Kate and Lise, the space was small that he
was touching them both. Kate turned toward him and
they were soon kissing and touching each other. I was
looking at Shelley, she was well proportioned, as she
lay on her back with an arm over her eyes against the
sun. Well tanned with a stud in her navel and her
pubes nicely shaped into a small heart. Her legs had
a nice shape as though she exercised.
Alister and Kate
were getting a little passionate and he kept rolling
back onto Lise, her tit squashing into his shoulder.
She gets up and puts on her thong and goes back to
join the others. Shelley rolled face down and with
the extra room I was able to stretch out myself. I
offered to rub some sunscreen on her back, and she
accepts my offer. There was a bottle of coconut oil
that I reached and started massaging gently ,
shoulders, down her back and bum, down her legs. She
soaked up my touch and wriggled her arse just a
little as I reached between her thighs and said that
it tickled, but it was nice. I teased her a little by
letting a finger slip into her crack and she parted
her legs a little to give me more space to play, but
I left it. When I stopped she invited more, but I
said later maybe. and lay back and relaxed. Minutes
later Lise appeared and announced that lunch was
We sat around and
ate, talked and although I abstained, the others had
quite a few beers or gin and tonics for the women. We
were drifting north up the coast and within the hour
we had the sails up and were tacking back to the
harbour entrance. Nancy invited to show me around
below, I went with her. She was a bit tipsy and
stumbled against me, her breast pressing into my
chest and I let my hand slide down to her arse and
her hand lingered on my chest as she regained her
balance. I thought that perhaps she does have a wild
side to what appears to be a very straight laced
personality. The Yacht was well set up, master
bedroom and another two double bed rooms and a bunk
room, a good galley kitchen and dining room. Equipped
to accommodate ten or more in modest luxury.
Nancy fell against
me again and I supported her into a bed room and laid
her on the bed. She looked up at me with big fuck me
please eyes and I figured that either her and Ross
were not getting along. She would have to wait, I was
more interested in Shelley.
I left her on the
bed and there was Shelley as I stepped out of the
room, "I liked the way you touched me " she
said. I replied "I liked it to". She had on
her tee shirt and I reached to her arse, that was all
she had on. Her crack was still wet with oil and I
ran my fingers up and down, doing a little circle
around her anus and her cunt was dripping wet.
She made quick
work of removing my shorts and I fucked her against
the wall, quick and hard. I enjoyed the power with
her. She came and relaxed to her knees and sucked me
clean. as I leaned back Nancy was watching us in the
mirror as she lay on the bed. I pulled her to her
feet and we kissed and went back on deck, my erection
subsiding under my shorts.
Alister was at the
wheel and Roger and Ross were taking down the sails.
The wind was getting stronger and soon the motor was
pushing us up the harbour. We docked and all helped
pack up and tidy the yacht. Nancy looked a bit unwell
and Ross became the supportive husband and brought
his car closer for her. Shelley offered me a ride
back to town which I accepted and I thought of ways I
would like to fuck her.
Lise and Shelley
shared a house in Double Bay and Shelley drove there.
We went inside, it was well appointed, comfortable
with a view up the harbour. The sun was still pouring
in and it was very warm. Lise stripped off and went
and sat in the sun and Shelley grabbed me from behind
and with one hand started massaging my cock and with
the other removed my shorts. I took off my shirt.
Lise" Shelly called, "dont you think
this is a really nice looking cock".
She looks and
comes over looking at my dick and kneels and begins
sucking and licking, competing with Shelley's hands.
My hands reaching back exploring Shelleys cunt
and arse as much as I could reach. It wasn't enough
and I pulled Shelley around in front of me and we
kissed as I reached into her pussy with two fingers
and with my thumb massaged her clit. She was hot and
almost cumming and we sunk to our knees and Lise had
to abandon my cock as I pushed Shelley on to her back
on the floor and entered her, fucking her long and
Lise sat watching
until I reached out and grabbed her pussy, it was
totally shaved and my fingers explored her wetness
and she moved her hips to guide me, soft pleasuring.
Shelley was in
another world of bliss and contentment and I was also
connected there. Lise left and started rubbing oil
over my arse and next thing she had a vibrator
sliding up and down and over my balls. She paused at
my anus and pushed it in a little, it was ok but
nothing compared to the feeling of my cock inside
Shelley. The vibrator came and went I was having to
much fun to notice.
I reached back and
drew Lise down and indicated for her to let me lick
her pussy, She obliged and I went from kisses on
sweet lips to bald pussy, and she used the vibrator
on her tits and belly dripping oil over herself with
her other hand.
I came fully back
to Shelley as she started to come back, watching as
Lise changed to a largish dildo and started fucking
herself with it and inserting the smaller vibrator
into her arse, pushing it right in.....
Shelley opened her
eyes and said, "wow, where was I"?
I smiled and
kissed her as I still fucked her quietly, stroking,
sinking into my full length to where I was just
touching her cervix.
She just closed
her eyes saying "this is heaven".
I reached over to
Lise drawing her close, kissing her nipples and lips,
tasting her energy, how would I fuck her?
It must have been
twenty minutes later the Shelley announced that she
had to stop and go pee. I slipped out and straight
into Lise after removing the dildo, but I could feel
the vibrator working inside her and wondered how long
the batteries would last.
I started slowly
exploring, not really connecting with her I started
massaging her tits and getting a little rough.
"What do you want"? I asked.
stronger" she said. I started slamming into her
and spread her legs wide and really drove into her.
She had more depth so that I could go to my full
length without hurting. Shelley came back in and
started working on her tits, massaging them and
squeezing her nipples. then she took the dildo and
removing the vibrator and shoved the dildo up her
arse, Lise let out a strange groan but it seemed to
break the tension holding her and she started
cumming, she really gushed, her juices spilling over
my balls and I could feel the wetness spreading.
Getting her to cum
was hard work and a few minutes later we sat around
in the puddle fondling each other and talking about
sex. The sun had set and it was almost totally dark.
Lise told me how she was sort of Rodgers girl and
worked for him sometimes but as much as she liked
sex, orgasms were hard to achieve. Today was the
first orgasm she had had for a month. I suggested
that there were some remedies and that I could help
if she was willing. I told her that she would have to
abstain from sex for the whole week, but to dress
sexy and turn down all offers, even from Roger.
We took a shower
together, it was large with two shower heads. Shelley
dressed in a singlet and a mini, no nickers, said
that like me she seldom wore them and drove me back
to my apartment stopping to buy a takeaway meal and
shared it when we arrived.
I was still horney
and had not cum since breakfast with Kitty. So when
Shelley was not looking I dropped my shorts and laid
her face down on the kitchen table sinking my cock
into her. She wanted more and soon rolled to face me
and wrapped her legs around my back. I picked her up
and carried her to the bed room and settled into some
serious fucking. I played about the entrance, around
the walls and using my full length set up a rhythm.
She came in moments and I just kept on. I wanted to
empty myself into her. She was starting to cum again
as I felt myself building into an orgasm. Her energy
responded to mine and built into a beautiful
crescendo that left us rolling with laughter. As
settled into kisses and cuddles for a while and then
she had to leave.
As she left, she
said, "see you at work tomorrow, I am you
I said "good
choice" and kissed her good by.
For the rest of
the evening I watched some TV and in the morning
walked the three blocks to the office. Shelley met me
at reception. She looked almost formal in a light
skirt and matching jacket over a low cut blouse that
was transparent enough to see the solid white of her
lace of her bra underneath. and as we went up in the
lift I slipped my hand up her skirt as we went up
even though there were another three people in the
lift with us. I dont think they noticed. No knickers
and my fingers came away wet and I sucked them as we
went and she showed me my office, it was well
appointed with her desk in a partitioned off room,
but within speaking distance. I had a great view of
the city, Sydney Tower looming above us but not much
else. There was also a lounge suite as a part of a
comfortable lounge area.
My first
appointment was with a client from my home office who
was here to make a purchase. The man had the idea
that he needed a later model device than the one that
we were selling him. We knew that what he needed was
the Mark five system that was designed specifically
for his situation and yet he wanted to spend an extra
45.000 for the later system which was not the best
for him and my concern was that I wanted to unload
the last of the unsold stock in this line and that if
he brought the newer system then it would not last as
long for his application.
I discussed this
with Shelley as I settled in, arranging a few papers
and setting up my lap top. She said that she would
see that he tool the right one. Well; This guy
arrives and after a few pleasantries sit in the comfy
couches and Shelley brings coffee and sits opposite
him. I watched her from the corner of my eye as I
discussed his needs with him. Shelley had changed her
bra, it was one of those lift up ones and her
cleavage was magnified, and what intrigued me that as
she sat back with her note book, her legs were
slightly apart. I was sure that he could see her
The guy was good
natured and seemed to be perspiring a little. I
concluded my argument that he buy the older model and
Shelley picked up where I left off with some facts
and information the I had not heard about it. His
attention as she spoke flitted between her tits and
her cunt. Shelley leaned forward to pass the contract
to him and as she did managed to pull her skirt even
higher and even I had a glimpse of pussy. As she sat
back she pulled it down but the guy had a hard on.
The paperwork
signed and delivery details arranged we all stood and
I shook hands with him with Shelley showing him out.
The bulge in his trousers very obvious. Shelley
opened the door for him and as he walked through into
her office she glanced at me and I pointed at my
crutch and at him, she winked and closed the door. I
listened to them talk and turned to my computer. It
was a good five minutes before Shelley returned
licking her lips.
Ross arrived at
lunchtime and we went across the street to a cafe for
lunch, Nancy was waiting and had a table waiting for
us. We ate and had a pleasant chat and Nancy invited
me to dinner the following night. That was Ok and
Ross and I went back and joined Alister and some
other members of the team for the sessions that I was
here for.
The day passed
quickly and I went back to my office. Shelley was
still there and had some messages for me which I
quickly dealt with.
She asked how I
liked her act, lifting up her skirt. I asked for a
closer look and she came over and sat on my lap. well
I had her there on the floor. Her energy really set
me off into a great space, I was orgasaming without
ejaculation. It was great until the door in the outer
office opened. A voice called out, it was Lise. She
came in as we were straightening our clothes. Talk
about a bombshell... she wore a mini with a
transparent loose top and no bra, well I could see
her tits very clearly. She must have stopped some
traffic today, she looked ravishing.
Shelley and I
closed the office and the three of us walked out onto
the street together. All heads turned to look at
Lise. She and Shelley gave me a kiss goodbye and I
walked to my apartment, changed and went to the pool
and swam for an hour. Some of the gay men looked
twice at me but I ignored them, finished my swim and
went home. As I got out of the lift, there was pussy,
dressed in a simple multi coloured shift, bare feet,
but still the face paint, just a couple of whiskers
on each cheek. She tuned and lifted her skirt, she
had them on the cheecks of her arse as well. She
opened her door, I followed her in to her apartment
leaving the door open. She took off her dress and
stood naked, "do you like my body"? she
asked. I approached and started smelling her, some
perfume around the neck, her hair was clean, breasts
and belly, pussy slightly musky, I reached in with my
tongue, a little salty to. She said that I smelled of
chlorine. I stood and took off my clothes and played
around her, smelling, biting and pulled her on to the
floor and gave her a good licking, and than in with
my cock, she was totally passive but became more
animated as she orgasmed. After she lay back with a
quiet smile. I left her there and closed the door as
I left. Showered and changed and went out to eat. I
enjoyed having my own company.
After I went for a
stroll down to China town and back and had a fairly
early night.
Next morning I was
in the shower when the door opened and the house
keeper was there. "I clean you place Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday" she said. "Call me
She slapped my
bare arse as I walked past her to dress in my room
and followed me. "I could call you mum or
wife" I teased. "Where is your sexy maids
This woman was
comfortable to be around. She was attractive with a
good figure and probably in her mid thirties. Her
smile was so warm, she radiated a joyous energy.
She said that she
didn't need it, she was sexy enough with out it. I
pressed against her when I finished drying and
squeezed her tits, she giggled and pushed me off,
saying that I wouldn't want her especially after all
the other woman in town chasing this, she took my
cock and shook it and it came to life in her hand.
We talked and
joked as I dressed and ate some cereal and I left her
to Finnish and went to the office.
The day passed,
sex with Shelley a couple of times, a couple of
meetings. A taxi out to Ross and Nancy's as Ross had
an appointment and would be late home. Nancy met me
at the door, the kids were next door for dinner and
would be home in an hour. She invited me in and
offered a drink, I took a beer and we sat in the
living room and I asked her to tell me her story.
She told me the
outline of her family and her childhood and tat she
had been raped by some family members. Her sister had
suffered a similar fate. Her father approved of Ross,
thought that he would be a good company man. She
stood in front of me and lifted her dress. Her pussy
was hairy and as she turned, showed a cute arse and
bent forward looking at me from between her legs.
"What do you think, would you like to fuck
I reached my hand
out exploring her wet pussy. I figured that I may as
well, she was obviously out to get me although the
could be trouble if I did and there was certainly
going to be trouble if didnt. I undid my pants
and fucked her on the couch.
Ross came in soon
after with Roger and Lise. Lise had toned down her
dress for this occasion and we sat to an enjoyable
meal with light conversation. The children arrived
before we finished and Nancy disappeared with them
putting them to bed. The rest of the evening passed
easily and Roger and Lise dropped me back to my
The next couple of
days passed quickly, I had sex daily with Shelley at
the office and had an early morning romp with kitty.
Rosa continued to flirt with me but remained evasive.
She was beginning to excite me, perhaps it was
because she wasnt easy.
I made some time
for Lise on Saturday and we met late morning in the
park, went for a swim at Bondi and returned to her
house. Shelley was out. I asked her to undress and
took my own clothes off. I had her lay in the sun and
gave her a massage and after we sat and I lead her in
some meditations to bring her more into her sexuality
and then I simply held her softly. The afternoon was
turning to dusk and we took a shower together and I
put a blind fold on her and had her sit on the deck
to listen and feel. I observed as I made some food in
the kitchen.
I made an array of
tasty nibbles and fed them to her. Inviting her
senses to come alive and continued this with some
soft touching with different textures, food, cloth
etc. After, I led her in a meditative visualisation
and sat with her on my lap with my cock inside her
but without moving, simply focussing on the energy
and gazing into each others eyes She was wanting but
I refused and left her with the instruction to
continue abstaining. This programme I assured her
would help her to deepen her sexual experience and
Shelley came in
soon after we finished and it was near to midnight
that we dressed. Lise in a see through silk top,
leather hot pants and heels to match. Shelley wore a
Chinese styled dress that closed around her neck but
had a window that showed her cleavage and was cut to
her figure coming down to cover the tops of her
thighs but with slits that came almost to the top of
her hips and no underwear. Showing off, she did some
dance turns giving us a view of what others may see
this night. We stopped by my place for me to change
into some night clothes.
I chose a lose
fitting white shirt and a matching pair of designer
trousers that were cut in a way similar to cowboy
leggings but in a lovely soft cloth and instead of a
fly, had a flap of material that simply hung down but
was done in such a way that my genitals hung in the
fresh air. As I was dressing the girls kept feeling
me up, this was novel to them.
We took a cab to a
local night club, the driver could hardly keep his
eyes on the road with Lise sitting in the front
beside him.
We paid and went
in, there was a good crowd and the music was fun. We
went to the dance floor and danced together. Lise and
Shelley seemed to know lots of people, stopping to
chat briefly and introduced me to a few people,
mostly women. I felt that I was being displayed. It
was only a matter of minutes that the taller woman
who I was introduced to as Mia had her hand feeling
my arse. Shelley and Lise were in conversation with
another two women. I pressed me arse back into her
hand, giving her permission and turned to face her,
returning the compliment. She had a thong under her
leather mini and her large tits were trying to spill
out of a leather bra. I danced my chest into hers and
she held my cock, rubbing it, getting me hard.
Shelley had been watching and joined us, and came
behind me rubbing up against my back to the beat. I
reached under Mias shirt, lifting it and found
that as I explored found a catch on her thong, with a
simple movement it came away in my hand and slipped
it into my pocket. Her height was perfect and in
moments I was inside her, fucking to the beat and the
heat of the dance floor. She began to get noisy, and
soon everyone around was watching and I noticed the
energy on the dance floor get more erotic. Couples
began to take more licence and I was sure several
others were fucking as well. Shelleys hips
thumped into me couple of times (she told me later
that it some guy trying to fuck her up the arse and
that she had reached back and squeezed his balls
really hard that he immediately lost interest and had
to go sit down). We kept going, I enjoyed the high
and Mia came a couple of times.
The thrill was
great, I had had sex in public before but never this
public where I was amid lots of people. Shelley, Mia
and Lise, another guy, Brett and I went off to a
table and had a couple of drinks and talked about our
experience. Sex for a thrill. It was exciting but the
consensus was that we didnt really need it, ha!
I was still fairly hard. Things quietened and Lise,
Shelley and I went back to their place and slept
together until late Sunday Morning.
We lay about
talking and generally enjoying each others company as
well as the touch of our bodies. The sun was around
to the living room by the time we had showered and
had some brunch. I led some gentle yoga exercises and
some meditation. Lise again sat on my thighs and it
was not long before I was hard and with a slight
manoeuvre entered her with Shelley playing, one
moment blessing us with water and incense and
touching , rubbing her breasts and body against us.
We were getting very high with touch and meditations.
Darkness was
setting in when I pushed Lise on to her back and
slowly began fucking her. The atmosphere was ethereal
and Shelley went off into a deep meditation. Many
things happened, like out of body experiences and a
total sense of connectedness.
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