Erotic Stories

"So you really think that our
daughter will fit in here at Coldridge Academy,"
Mary Nash asked!?! Smiling gently at the Mr.
and Mrs. Nash, Head Mistress Madlyn Towers
replied, "Yes, I really do, we've had great
success here at Coldridge handling the type of
problem that Peggy has, and I'm sure after just a few
short days she'll be writing you a thank you letter
for making this decision!!!" Mary and Tom
Nash exchanged glances, before turning to Peggy and
asking, "Tell us the truth now, honey, do you
really want to stay here," while all three
adults turned and waited anxiously for the eighteen
year old to respond!?! "She faint smile
crossed her lips and then she replied, "Mom,
dad, the past three years have been just awful for
me, what with the catcalls from the boys and the
dirty looks from the girls, I just want to get away
where no one will bother me, and I can be just like
anyone else, is that so wrong!?!" Mary
Nash took her daughter's hand and kissed it several
times before responding softly, "No, honey, no
it's not wrong, and if this place will make you
happy, then that's where you should be!!!"
"Then it's settled," Madlyn Towers said
happily, "Peggy is now one of us!!!"
and Miss Towers stood on the curb outside the walled
academy and waved as her parents drove away on their
way back home, a home that was no longer
hers!!!" "Well, child," Miss
Towers offered, "let's go back inside and start
getting to know each other, all right!?!"
"Yes, ma'am," Peggy replied while watching
her folks disappear in the distance, "I'm
ready!!!" On their way back to her
office, Miss Towers put her arm around Peggy's
shoulder and began explaining the mission of
Coldridge Academy, and by the time they had returned
to the administration building, Peggy was more sure
than ever that she had made the right
decision!!! Seated in a large chair in front of
Miss Tower 's desk, Peggy listened intently while the
Head Mistress explained, "Now all of the girls
in the academy are in the same boat as you, that is,
that they each have been blessed with breasts that
are much larger than normal!!!" Peggy
nodded silently in assent as Miss Towers went on,
"We feel that if everyone has the same problem
it ceases being a problem, that is, everyone already
knows how it feels having enormous breasts, so being
large busted is just another fact of life, and not
better or worse!!!" Miss Towers paused
for a moment to let that sink in and then continued,
"And in order to achieve our goal of conformity,
all girls are required to go topless when inside of
the buildings, that means in the classroom, in the
library, in the dorms, and of course in the
administration building, do I make myself
clear!?!" "Uh, yes," Peggy
stammered, "perfectly clear!!!"
Miss Towers replied softly, "then we might as
well get down to it right away, so if you will, take
off your tee shirt and remove your bra, and of course
I will do the same, the only reason I had a top on
was to meet your parents, we maintain strict privacy
for our girls, you'll never have to worry about
outsiders seeing you naked!!!" As Peggy
was unhooking her bra, Miss Towers asked softly,
"What size are you dear, you certainly have a
very pretty chest!?!" "Thank you,
ma'am," she replied softly, "I'm a
38DDD!!!" "You too," the Head
Mistress replied, "that's the same as me, but
you'll find many of the girls are even larger than we
are, but after awhile you don't even pay any
attention to breast size!!!" "Now
doesn't that feel nice not having that awful
contraption holding you so tightly in place,"
Miss Towers asked, "after not wearing a one for
so long, I can't stand the constriction!!!"
"It does feel kinda nice," Peggy
replied softly, "sorta free, if you know what I
mean!?! "Of course I do, dear," she
replied quickly, "and just look at your nipples,
they're very hard and erect, are they very sensitive
to the touch!?!" Now lowering her eyes
and turning a bright shade of red, Peggy mumbled,
"Uh, yes, very sensitive!!!"
coming around to the front of her desk, Miss Towers
took Peggy in her arms and hugged her before saying,
"I didn't want to bring this up in front of your
parents, but here at Coldridge Academy we also
realize that our seniors girls are just about ready
to become sexually active, so naturally we don't want
them getting into any trouble with boys, so we allow
a certain amount of intimacy between the girls and of
course the faculty!!!" Peggy's breathing
was becoming increasingly labored as her breasts were
being pressed firmly against those to the Head
Mistress, and she gasped moaned when out of the blue
the older woman dropped her head to her breasts and
began softly nibbling on her large nipples!!!
does that feel, dear," Madlyn Towers asked
softly, "you certainly have very responsive
nipples!?!" "I-it feels wonderful,"
Peggy moaned, "you do that so well!!!"
"I hope so," Miss Towers said with a
chuckle, "I've sucked the breasts of every
senior girl in the school and never had any
complaints!!!" Peggy's head was spinning
at the sudden turn of events, but even though she was
pretty nervous she still had the gumption to ask,
"May please suck yours, I've never sucked
another woman's breasts before!?!" Miss
Towers kissed Peggy softly on the cheek and
whispered, "Of course you may, dear, just look
at how hard they are already!?!" A soft
groan escaped Peggy's lips while Miss Tower fed a
distended nipple into her mouth and gently caressed
the young woman's cheek and sighed contentedly!!!
Peggy nursed eagerly for another ten minutes
or so, before the older woman whispered hoarsely,
"Are you aroused child, I certainly am!?!"
Towers sat down and immediately removed Peggy's jeans
and panties, leaving her standing totally naked
except for her knee high socks, which looked even
more arousing than complete nakedness!!!
"You have a beautiful body, dear," Miss
Towers croaked, "d-do you always keep you vagina
shaved smooth!?!" "M-my mother
always shaved hers and I guess I just followed her
lead," Peggy stammered, "do you like it
that way!?!" Madlyn Towers was now on the
verge of an orgasm just from having had her nipples
sucked, and the mere sight of such an incredible
labia was enough to drive her crazy with lust, so her
answer wasn't in words, it was in deeds, as she
dropped her mouth to Peggy's drooling sex and let her
tongue snake out and lap at the young woman's slit
like it was full of honey!!! From her
experiences at masturbation, Peggy naturally pulled
her own nipple to her lips and sucked furiously while
Madlyn Towers drove her closer and closer to her
first orally induced orgasm!!! Never in her
whole life had her vaginal lips seemed so plump and
full, and her clit, the smooth natural slickness of a
warm tongue was ten million times better than her
finger ever had been, and that tongue was being
maneuvered around her pussy by someone who was an
expert at bringing young women to hard satisfying
legs began to wobble unsteadily as Miss Towers drove
her tongue in and out of her now gushing vagina,
bringing the shaking girl to the brink of a
devastating orgasm!!! Just when Peggy's pussy
began to contract in a precursor of her climax, Miss
Towers pulled her mouth away and asked softly,
"If I suck you off will you do me a
favor!?!" Now puffing like a locomotive,
Peggy gasped, "A-anything, just name, but
please, don't stop, I'm almost there!!!"
"Of course you are, dear," the big titted
woman replied softly, "all I want you to do is
masturbate my clitoris with one of your big nipples,
that's it, just do me with your nipple!!!"
"Okay," Peggy moaned, "I'll do
anything, just finish me off, please!!!"
Taking one look at the poor girl's clit was all
Madlyn needed to see, she knew that it would only
take a couple of more hard licks to get the little
cunt off, and so with brutal efficiency she raked her
tongue over the hard little organ, sending Peggy over
the edge as a shuddering climax ripped through her
pussy leaving her shaking and gasping for breath!!!
Towers quickly stood up and pushed Peggy back down
onto the chair, and then in an overt display of
lewdness, she shoved her hips out towards the young
girl, offering her puffy lipped organ to its fullest
advantage!!! "Okay, lover," Madlyn
Towers said evenly, "now it's your turn, use
your nipple on it, do it now!!!" With
still unsteady hands, Peggy hefted one of her
monsters until its hard nipple was just inches from
Miss Towers incredibly hard clitoris causing
the older woman to move slightly forward until the
hard nipple met the harder clit!!! "Oh
my," Madlyn cooed, "that is very, very
nice, mmmmmmm, yes, do mama's clitty for her!!!"
As her own strength and senses returned, Peggy
became more aggressive as she rubbed her hard nip
over and over the little organ until the older lady
stiffened and a vicious orgasm convulsed through her
heaving pussy, leaving her shaken and panting for
both women had recovered and had dressed, sans bras
of course, MissTowers offered, "I think that
you'll find Coldridge a very friendly place, and I
hope you have pleasant senior year!!!"
With a small smile breaking over her face, Peggy
replied, "If they're all as friendly as you, you
can bet on it!!!"
The End -
Part 2
Erotic bedtime stories
from Stephanie Sarg
Copyrighted, April 1999
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